The Elder Scrolls Online


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Only 6 skills sounds terrible. I understand devs are trying to go in the other direction from having 5 skill bars and half your keyboard bound in WoW, but even the 10/15 skills in GW2 felt a bit restricted.

Also hate youtube videos where you have neckbeard types try to sound happy and outgoing and you end up with this really awkward over the top mannerism like they're shouting at themselves with all that wild gesticulation on top. Seriously distracting from whatever they're trying to actually say.


Only 6 skills sounds terrible. I understand devs are trying to go in the other direction from having 5 skill bars and half your keyboard bound in WoW, but even the 10/15 skills in GW2 felt a bit restricted.

Also hate youtube videos where you have neckbeard types try to sound happy and outgoing and you end up with this really awkward over the top mannerism like they're shouting at themselves with all that wild gesticulation on top. Seriously distracting from whatever they're trying to actually say.
I think you'll have to swing / block with mouse also. If that's the case I don't see 6 skills being bad.


All depends.

If we finally dump outdated stuff like longterm buffs or weak "I use this once every 5 fights or less" attacks or crap "no brainer" reactives, how many skills do we really need?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So it sounds like a Guild Wars 2 clone?

Damn, now I want to sign up for the beta, is it still open?
Probably, I didn't bother to sign up until yesterday.

The beta signup forum has you choose what you like to do in game, it's rather telling some of the choices are "PvE (questing)", "PvE (Raiding)" and "PvP (battlegrounds)". Sounds like it's run by developers that know nothing beyond (or before) WoW


Probably, I didn't bother to sign up until yesterday.

The beta signup forum has you choose what you like to do in game, it's rather telling some of the choices are "PvE (questing)", "PvE (Raiding)" and "PvP (battlegrounds)". Sounds like it's run by developers that know nothing beyond (or before) WoW
I don't know, it seems like they took a lot of lessons from Guild Wars 2 to me. If they didn't they really should stop and do so, as I said this is more of a GW2 clone than a WoW clone as far as I can see.


I signed up for beta in that it's free and I have nothing else to play currently. If it's better than Horizons, I will be mildly content. Had this game released before Guild Wars 2, their WvW might be fresh and interesting. Hopefully their profiting from seeing the critiques from GW 2's implementation and somehow differentiating themselves. Recapitulating GW 2's mistakes would be expected, but unfortunate. I'd be satisfied if more than 75-100 people rendered on my screen, there were rewards I wanted to work for, and variable playmodes/maps. The latter wish might keep this game's WvW fresh, but it seems unlikely as their WvW map appears focused on one land mass.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I signed up for beta in that it's free and I have nothing else to play currently. If it's better than Horizons, I will be mildly content. Had this game released before Guild Wars 2, their WvW might be fresh and interesting. Hopefully their profiting from seeing the critiques from GW 2's implementation and somehow differentiating themselves. Recapitulating GW 2's mistakes would be expected, but unfortunate. I'd be satisfied if more than 75-100 people rendered on my screen, there were rewards I wanted to work for, and variable playmodes/maps. The latter wish might keep this game's WvW fresh, but it seems unlikely as their WvW map appears focused on one land mass.
So you were the other guy I saw in Horizons. Small fucking world I tell ya!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I vaguely remember running around beta going "rawr, I'm a dragon", getting repeatedly desync'd/disconnected, and never logging in again.
Yup the d/c were out of control with that game. It's why I gave it up, and I'm sure why most did. I loved the fact that you could multi class in that game though. I cant recall seeing that in another MMO, but it would be a nightmare to balance if the game had raiding. /derail.
Wonder how far off they are till beta then , hope i make it the 1st round. But my guess is they will have a large beta group , since im sure they want to test the "mega-server" and how it will function with different types of play styles. Using the survey , that will determine how small or large pool you are in and your chances of getting in. Rather excited honestly to check it out. Still dislike the models though even the armor , thats kinda killing it for me and cant imagine it changing that much. Although its not like TES was known for its many different looking pieces of gear , besides your normal sets of armor. There was no cool looking random put together armor that didnt belong to the normal steel , ebony and the like.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ninjas everywhere?!

BW: Yep, to an ally you?ll appear shaded, the same way you appear to yourself. To an enemy you?ll be invisible as long as you are outside detection range. Once you become detected you become visible, but still shaded. If you take damage you get fully uncovered and you become fully visible. It?s interesting, because everyone can stealth, just some people can stealth crappily.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Oh yeah this is going to be awesome, if there's one thing PvP MMO's need more of, it's invisible people running around in large groups :|


More of the same old shit, been there done that.
If they only had something like Mythic seconds or a 4th pillar which sets the game appart from other MMOs.

This game doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Pretty CGI, shit animations, shit engine and shit quest design along with end-game starting at max level.
As we all know, History repeats itself.

Funny how so many people on FoH were like "this will be crap" went to "I'll give this a shot, the CGI was cool afterall".
Just make sure you have the right therapist after getting burned hard twice in a row.
We MMO people are so easy to buy.