The Elder Scrolls Online


Thanks for posting the link to that vid. That was ... interesting. On one hand, it was interesting to see this dude just run around and experience some gameplay without any real themeparky handholding. On the other hand, it was really hard to watch, because he was terrible. I actually thought it was cool when he stumbled upon those stealthed wolves and they almost kicked his ass, but that other character came in and beat them down.I also laughed when he was fighting the bandits and switched targets from the one that was almost dead to the fresh add. Smart.
I didn't laugh at this, because it seemed like less of a conscious player choice and more of an unpleasant UI design side effect.


FoH nuclear response team
He was a horrible player for sure but the fact that he navigated game menu's for over half the video was annoying as shit as well as when he kept trying to kill rats and unkillable npcs.
So that was... disappointing to say the least. Gameplay looked clunky and uninspired, graphics were very mediocre, and the UI looked downright awful. On the upside, um, well... maybe the dead man giving the quest didn't have a gigantic glowing neon exclamation point over its head.. that's something I guess.


I can't believe people are even saying it looks 'ok'... It's god damn 2013 it has worse graphics then games 2-3 years older, has ZERO new features and does nothing better then its predecessors'. It's insulting to the loyal Elder Scrolls fan base. If this wasn't an Elder Scrolls MMO we honestly wouldn't even be talking about it. The hardest position to be in is if this doesn't go well the ES brand takes a hit. As a fan of ES I've been forced into a corner where my decision to vote with my wallet impacts the single player games in the future. The decision has been taken out of my hands. I have to purchase it even if I never plan to play.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Even if there were areas where it was technically better, the art and design of skyrim is done by world-class talent. TESO... not so much.


This game is going to bomb so hard. Who knows, I still may buy it because Elder Scrolls but I'll likely quit in a month like 95 percent of the population. I know they've been pushing their mega server as a feature to the game but it's also a strategic marketing move. Technically they'll never have to announce server shut downs, but their mega server is just going to rapidly transition into a mini server.


I'll give into some hope as it is still rather early beta, there is always room for improvement on everything. Certainly not pre-ordering it anytime soon, that's for damn sure.

Another video without downloading for the lazy: (it's currently been up 20h)


Useless lazy bastard.
Hmm that video looked like a Age of Conan flashback ><. I swear its the same bloody desert!

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I can't believe people are even saying it looks 'ok'... It's god damn 2013 it has worse graphics then games 2-3 years older, has ZERO new features and does nothing better then its predecessors'. It's insulting to the loyal Elder Scrolls fan base. If this wasn't an Elder Scrolls MMO we honestly wouldn't even be talking about it. The hardest position to be in is if this doesn't go well the ES brand takes a hit. As a fan of ES I've been forced into a corner where my decision to vote with my wallet impacts the single player games in the future. The decision has been taken out of my hands. I have to purchase it even if I never plan to play.
I agree that this doesnt look like it will do the Elder Scrolls IP justice, both in design and execution. But buying it to prevent a potential negative impact on TES6? Thats a stupid line of thinking and if everyone followed it and this becomes a sales hit, you will only get a TES6 that is like the MMO instead of like Skyrim or its predecessors. The right way to vote with your wallet is to buy it if you think you like it, and dont buy it if you dont like it.


I agree that this doesnt look like it will do the Elder Scrolls IP justice, both in design and execution. But buying it to prevent a potential negative impact on TES6? Thats a stupid line of thinking and if everyone followed it and this becomes a sales hit, you will only get a TES6 that is like the MMO instead of like Skyrim or its predecessors. The right way to vote with your wallet is to buy it if you think you like it, and dont buy it if you dont like it.
Seriously, that is some batshit insane line of thinking, DMK. TES isn't going away even if this MMO completely flops and sells 0 copies. Skyrim was so absurdly successful for an RPG that Bethseda will make TES6 regardless of how badly Zenimax's shitty new studio fucks up this terribad MMO. If you think this is going to be awful then don't give them a damned penny.
In the broad "RPG" category, Skyrim is just below WOW & Pokemon in terms of sales. The single player Elder Scrolls series is in no long term danger.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
No hero engine here folks

With this video out, I think now is the time for the fanboys and grassrooters to scream how it is only beta.

Even though this is what they have after 6 years.

I would love to see the faces of Matt Firor and Paul Sage everytime they see a new video link of this pop up and they cannot contain it. Wonder what they will do when they will no longer be able to lie about anything any longer.


I agree that this doesnt look like it will do the Elder Scrolls IP justice, both in design and execution. But buying it to prevent a potential negative impact on TES6? Thats a stupid line of thinking and if everyone followed it and this becomes a sales hit, you will only get a TES6 that is like the MMO instead of like Skyrim or its predecessors. The right way to vote with your wallet is to buy it if you think you like it, and dont buy it if you dont like it.
I'm not saying that the impact will be huge. I am saying that it will still have an impact on the scope of the next ES game. Also as I've enjoyed the ES games so much growing up I feel a certain obligation to support the franchise no matter what. And I think they are partly targeting exactly that, loyal fans. Of course not everyone is going to have that line of thinking. If I was sure the game was going to be an OK success I wouldn't bother supporting it. I know exactly what you are saying but I get this nagging feeling that I should be supporting a brand that has given me so much in a day an age where theres so much shit spewed out. Same thing with Blizzard although diablo rocked me a bit. I'll always buy there products to support the quality they produce. It's probably my own twisted sense of loyalty and pretty irrational but it is what it is.

an accordion_sl

I'm not saying that the impact will be huge. I am saying that it will still have an impact on the scope of the next ES game. Also as I've enjoyed the ES games so much growing up I feel a certain obligation to support the franchise no matter what. And I think they are partly targeting exactly that, loyal fans. Of course not everyone is going to have that line of thinking. If I was sure the game was going to be an OK success I wouldn't bother supporting it. I know exactly what you are saying but I get this nagging feeling that I should be supporting a brand that has given me so much in a day an age where theres so much shit spewed out. Same thing with Blizzard although diablo rocked me a bit. I'll always buy there products to support the quality they produce. It's probably my own twisted sense of loyalty and pretty irrational but it is what it is.
You're supporting their games getting lazier and shittier.


I'm not saying that the impact will be huge. I am saying that it will still have an impact on the scope of the next ES game. Also as I've enjoyed the ES games so much growing up I feel a certain obligation to support the franchise no matter what. And I think they are partly targeting exactly that, loyal fans. Of course not everyone is going to have that line of thinking. If I was sure the game was going to be an OK success I wouldn't bother supporting it. I know exactly what you are saying but I get this nagging feeling that I should be supporting a brand that has given me so much in a day an age where theres so much shit spewed out. Same thing with Blizzard although diablo rocked me a bit. I'll always buy there products to support the quality they produce. It's probably my own twisted sense of loyalty and pretty irrational but it is what it is.
Just, no dude. That's so utterly backwards and wrong. If you truly think this is shit then do not support it no matter what. Your line of thought is completely fucking illogical and has absolutely no rationale behind it.