The Elder Scrolls Online


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty sure any answer I would give would violate Draegens NDA policies so I'll just keep quiet.

EDIT: Public information.
This article here in game informer says 2013.

I have no reason to disagree with that.
Q1-2 2014 at the earliest.

And yeah there should be a reason to disagree with that because they still have jack shit done from a content perspective.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This came in from one of the testers today.

Was laggy, the gameplay itself was boring and inferior to TERA. Engine wasn't smooth and felt outdated. I played GW2 right after to compare the feel of animations and smoothness of the game and it's seriously lacking. Worse feel then TOR at launch. Don't know about lack of content because I wasn't interested enough to even find out. They can add all the content they want I just didn't find anything that made me want to keep playing at all.All this animation pass stuff is pretty much bullshit

TLDR: Same old shit, nothing new, inferior to older products. Feels like shit.

This is the system I was playing on for reference and yes I know it's time to upgrade. The machine does play GW2 and every other mmo with high settings at 60fps btw.

Cooler Master HAF 932
Intel Core i7 960 3.2GHz (Quad Core)
EVGA X58 LE Edition SLI (Intel X58 Chipset)
6GB DDR3 1600MHz D
1000W (Dual/Triple/Quad SLI Compatible)
128GB Solid State (By: Corsair) (Model: CMFSSD-128GBG2D)
256GB Solid State (By: Corsair) (Model: CMFSSD-256D1)
DVD?R/RW/CD-R/RW (DVD Writer 20x / CD-Writer 48x)
2x CrossFire Dual (ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB)
The game is in fairly shitty shape. This would have been a complete mess if it had launched in 2013 still. It will most likely still be a complete mess in 2014 anyway. Especially now with tandem console development.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This came in from one of the testers today.

The game is in fairly shitty shape. This would have been a complete mess if it had launched in 2013 still. It will most likely still be a complete mess in 2014 anyway. Especially now with tandem console development.
It supports your view so you believe it. Yet you don't believe anyone who claimed otherwise when they played it. Still the same old song and dance from you. You are not convincing anyone who doesn't already hold your beliefs.

Not following this thread because until something FACTUAL comes out that I can judge for myself, it's a waste of time.

Welcome back btw. You should pop into other threads though, this one is dead until something tangible is released.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It supports your view so you believe it. Yet you don't believe anyone who claimed otherwise when they played it. Still the same old song and dance from you. You are not convincing anyone who doesn't already hold your beliefs.

Not following this thread because until something FACTUAL comes out that I can judge for myself, it's a waste of time.

Welcome back btw. You should pop into other threads though, this one is dead until something tangible is released.
I trust the person who sent the information. It is also collaborated by others that there is very limited content to be played. The timeline has been pushed, so it's safe to say reserving judgment on the game until you play it is obviously fine. However, the game mechanics and bullshit press out there leading folks to believe otherwise is a nail in the side of any effort to come out with decent information. If the poster would have said the opposite, I would have still posted it.

I just don't like seeing how someone could think a game is ready for launch in 4 months (2013) when they have already pushed it back and link an article back to early 2013 before any other announcements of cross platform development. People were able to play ... 3-4 races? Held to one starting area. The game ran like shit (Subjective but none the less compared with another game on the market) and showed deficiencies in the engine and complete immature development after 6 years of said game being * In * development.

Considering this is first hand information from a trusted person in this community, I would beg to differ with your opinion. Of course I will wait until you play it to see if you agree. Until then, since there is a lack of information and a huge blanket over any PR what-so-ever because the people behind it know they are in trouble and need to protect box sales, we shouldn't expect anything else until the final days before launch.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
UT would be good in the EQN thread. Still waiting for you to tell me what Titan is/was since it wasn't along the lines of PS2..
I actually have you blocked so I didn't even bother looking at your responses until someone else quoted you. I posted that article because it was the first one I clicked on when I googled TESO release date. I actually haven't followed TESO closely at all, didn't know about the push back nor do I care. Based on what I saw this weekend though, if you told me this was being released in 5 months I would not be too shocked by that. I won't speak to the other things you posted because I respect draegans wishes around NDAs; all I'll say is that I agree with some of the points that were quoted disagree with others.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I actually have you blocked so I didn't even bother looking at your responses until someone else quoted you. I posted that article because it was the first one I clicked on when I googled TESO release date. I actually haven't followed TESO closely at all, didn't know about the push back nor do I care. Based on what I saw this weekend though, if you told me this was being released in 5 months I would not be too shocked by that. I won't speak to the other things you posted because I respect draegans wishes around NDAs; all I'll say is that I agree with some of the points that were quoted disagree with others.
Well, I never signed one. So if anyone wants to PM me more information I would be willing to post it. Positive or not. And would also keep it safely anonymous.

Edit: Cross post of information from SA.

There's not much new information to give. The beta only lasted for this weekend, and most of the content was blocked off.

The only available races were Dunmer, Nords, and Argonians, and the only land that could be accessed was a small part of Skyrim. A lot of scenery and objects may have been using repurposed assets from TESV, so who knows if it's indicative of graphic quality as a whole, but it doesn't look too bad for an MMO. Character creation so far is pretty meager on top of the limited race selection, but there ARE separate sliders for your boobs, waist, and butt.

They didn't have the new character tutorial that one of the other videos showed, probably because it wasn't applicable to this area. There were a few quests available, I only had a brief time to play through them, but one was a short and standard quest about finding three people who'd been enchanted into thinking they're skeevers. Another had you find three runestones in the worldspace to open a barrow and purify someone's corpse. The third was about rescuing an NPC from the "Frozen Man" by searching in a cave for journals and items that served as clues to the Frozen Man's identity, and it actually felt like the kind of quest you would see in a typical Elder Scrolls game.

None of the quests had a long or complicated dungeon involved, and there was no instancing in any of them, though this could be because it's still in beta.

The game does look and feel a lot like Skyrim, right down to the shape of the quest compass and icons, so they're definitely trying to sell this as "Skyrim Online." The combat recreates Skyrim's a lot more faithfully than I would have expected for an MMO; there doesn't seem to be any dice-rolling and you have to keep your reticule fairly close to your target, though there's some room for error. First-person POV plays pretty nicely, though among the three of us who were playing I was the only one who even thought to check it out, so it's not as emphasized (yet) as it was in other TES games.

Also, there's this weird-ass lockpicking minigame that none of us could figure out. It's like Oblivion's, but upside down. You push the tumblers down, and if you hold them too long then the lockpick breaks.

Skyrim's combat system isn't too intricate in the first place, so it was probably easy enough to approximate it for an MMO. It looks like there's going to be a lot of timed dodging and blocking. The biggest difference from Skyrim that I noticed was that spells may have been curving towards moving targets, but none of the mobs were willing to run perpendicular to my character so that I could confirm it.

Forgot to mention the level-up system. Attribute bonuses seem to go directly to health, magicka, and stamina, just like Skyrim. Skills (e.x. Storm Calling) rank up through repeated use. With each character level-up you get what amounts to a perk point to purchase one new ability under that category (e.x. a basic lightning spell), and with each skill level-up the skill becomes stronger and more abilities are unlocked for purchase. Both the skill and the abilities seem to rank up individually.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
^^ I know. I cannot even get the supposedly positive shit to sound good.


The dozens of pages of you shitting on this title really make it hard to trust you, added by the fact you solely focus on this game.

The kicker is when you aren't on a crusade, your posts are generally fun and amusing. It comes across like your purpose here is to attack TESO. I doubt it's the next coming of WOW, but I also doubt it's akin to Vanguard's release like you keep shilling.

How's about some insider info on... anything else?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The dozens of pages of you shitting on this title really make it hard to trust you, added by the fact you solely focus on this game.

The kicker is when you aren't on a crusade, your posts are generally fun and amusing. It comes across like your purpose here is to attack TESO. I doubt it's the next coming of WOW, but I also doubt it's akin to Vanguard's release like you keep shilling.

How's about some insider info on... anything else?
Well, Firefall and their president is already called out on the floor (As well as how shitty and unfinished their game is from a content perspective), EQ Next isn't releasing any information yet (Which isn't a problem yet for me because they also aren't feeding the masses full of shit like Matt Firor and company is) and Zenimax Online is continuing to throw up bullshit smoke screens to cover their ass while having viral grassrooters go nuts on various forums to mislead the general public.

Point me in the direction of any other game doing what Zenimax Online is doing currently from an ethical point of view, and I will hop right into that thread.

Until then, there isn't much going on in this genre aside from the normal bullshit.

FF-14 was a decent enough game (Which is looks like you failed to see me post in) but it's just more of the same with a slower combat system and quite honestly, isn't doing anything to warrant a subscription. Not much else out there man.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Do people really buy what this idiot is saying?

Most areas will be accessible to all players, no matter if you play alone or with others, but more "dangerous" zones will only be accessbile to groups of players or individual players at high levels.
No shit... That's fucking amazing right there. We haven't had that much of a revolutionary shift since 1981 MUD BBS's!

Dungeons will also focus more on allowing players to revisit them and enticing players to want to revisit them. For example, some dungeons will feature multiple forks with various entrances and exits. There also will not be any lockout timers.
Multiple forks and various entrances and exits... They figured it out. Why I never revisit a dungeonAFTER I LEVEL PASSED IT'S LEVEL RANGE

I must resist TESO as my first MMO. I must resist TESO as my first MMO.
No. This writer should resist breathing.

Edit: Nevermind. This chick is nuts.

Gecko, this is the type of shit that gets so old on ZO's payroll. I mean Christ on a cracker, how about paying someone to get excited over features that haven't existed for the last 30 years first before unleashing the viral Kracken.
Yeah I quite like the setting. The main thing that pisses me off about the ES games is that the combat is just so incredibly bad. If that was good, I'd love them. I wish they stuck to single player games though. Modern MMO's are boring. I want Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls 6, but with improvements to gameplay. And they should let people play them co-op over the internet with friends. People would love that I reckon.
I wouldn't mind if there was some super actiony games, the problem is that it's all we get these days. I can't wait until the industry/genre matures to the point where there are popular games that are all peew pew action, and yet also popular games with slower tactical combat, maybe even some turn based MMO's too.