The Elder Scrolls Online


Golden Squire
It make it difficult to read, dumbass. On a forum, where the main objective is reading, yes, it matters.

Also, nice job at virgin jokes on a site dedicated to huge super nerds.

Lord Blanco_sl

Maybe The Website Will Fix Swype Texting If You Cry Enough.

Also, The Word Virgin Was Never Used In My Statement. I Was Simply Using The Act Of Getting Laid, To Induce Relaxation.

Lastly, A "Super Nerd" Probably Has Much Cooler And More Productive Things To Do On The InterWebz, Than Creep Around A Forum. I Also Take Offense At Your Attempt To Stereotype Nerds As Virgins


New TESO templates up on

PM me if you have extensive DAoC experience and are interested in a guild and we can talk.

We gonna be stabbin' ni**as in the throat. RESPECT.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This game looks like its going to fail harder than SWTOR... The tears of the viral marketers in this thread will be epic... Anyways, just wanted to throw in my two cents since the obvious shills in thread seem to outnumber anyone rational 3 to 1...When I see the difference in developer interaction between FFXIV and this abortion of a game, it makes me sad to think of all the xbros that will help this outsell that 3 to 1 or more.

Don't get me wrong, I love skyrim and oblivion and dumped a few hundred hours into them, this dogshit looks like rushed ass that cares nothing about making an actual decent online game worth paying a sub for. If they were selling it as TES6 with multiplayer, I might be able to get behind it, but instead it just seems that they are taking bland, uninspired, and downright bad MMO design qualities and trying to shoehorn in the TES universe.

P.S. typed this on my iPhone, quit being a jackass and stop with the punctuation, take 2 seconds and turn swype off. Assuming you're not just intentionally trolling... Which I'm not positive at this point.


Trump's Staff
Just curious, what specifically do you find wrong with this game? I keep hearing how its a steaming pile of doodoo but nobody is providing any actual facts.

I mean, I watched the gameplay leaks and the official releases... It looks a little boring (so does every MMO) and some of the animations are wonky... But that's pretty true to the series. Aside from that, I like the art, and the systems in place sound not half bad...

Looking for education here to save me a box purchase. Thanks.

Lord Blanco_sl

Trolling Is For The Birds. Swype Is Just Ten Times Faster.. For Example, I'm At A Funeral And Just Whipped This Message Out In 8 - 15 Secs. Quit AttackingMe, It's Just A Capital Letter.
P.s Iphones Suck


Golden Squire
Just curious, what specifically do you find wrong with this game? I keep hearing how its a steaming pile of doodoo but nobody is providing any actual facts.

I mean, I watched the gameplay leaks and the official releases... It looks a little boring (so does every MMO) and some of the animations are wonky... But that's pretty true to the series. Aside from that, I like the art, and the systems in place sound not half bad...

Looking for education here to save me a box purchase. Thanks.
Eh, it's just internet people being internet people. I haven't seen anything that's necessarily horrible about the game, just that it's a very cookie-cutter MMO that has tried to, after backlash, hamfist in some TES style gameplay while trying to downplay the fact that it's a generic themepark linear quest hub to quest hub MMO.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Basically my problem with the game is just as Bruman said it, everything about this game screams triple A, big budget flop, with attempts at big box sales (paid forum shills and ign adverts) and no reason to continue playing after release...(lack of developer interaction)... Whichever producer is working on this has given off the impression that this is just a quick cash grab that will be abandoned shortly after release instead of true long-term MMO enthusiasts working on the title. Basically SWTOR 2.0. Except replace bioware with Bethesda. Every little bit of marketing on the game and developer interaction screams out to me, release with high budget visuals to score box sales then skeleton crew the game while bleeding subs. It doesn't have to be that way, but my guess is that "they" (industry executives) have figured out you can actually turn a profit doing that. Because x amount of people will keep their subs active even if nothing is being developed in the game with their sub dollars... (WoW, SWTOR)

In other words, it's the complete opposite production as say, EVE, FFXIV or even EQ Next (note: not development, I actually think the individual devs on this title probably like the genre) Basically, the only thing that would give me any faith at all in the game at this point would be some kind of "miracle hire" like Scott Hartsman or even someone like Ghostcrawler or Scott Jennings... Or someone within the company's development stepping up into a spokesman/ community relations role. But I have zero hope that will happen.

So I'll steer my friends away from purchasing this title.


There's nothing that's been released officially, or unofficially that make this game a "steaming pile of dogshit" - just some people on internet forums trying to sound edgy and tough. Trust me, they'll all probably be playing this on release day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And then cancelling their subscriptions 5 months later when the entire dev team is canned. But I guess it doesn't matter to the shills at that point, they earned their money... I want to be playing a community social MMO for years, not a couple months, check out the DLC... Errr I mean patch... That I paid 70 dollars in subscription fees for... And then hop onto the next game... Again.


Trakanon Raider
No one wants to play a shittier version of WoW, hell fewer and fewer people even want to play the original.

Game is gonna fail hard, and excitement about it in the circles I talk to is pretty much 0, everyone thinks its gonna be swtor 2.0.


No one wants to play a shittier version of WoW, hell fewer and fewer people even want to play the original.

Game is gonna fail hard, and excitement about it in the circles I talk to is pretty much 0, everyone thinks its gonna be swtor 2.0.
So, would you mind outlining how this game is a "shittier version of WoW" - everything I've read about their systems is a pretty large departure from standard MMO (wow) fare. Look, I don't have a problem with people pointing out problems with this game, but so far the only one I've seen that is at all based in reality is that the animations are a bit awkward looking. I'm not going to list all the ways that this game is different from WOW, because I've done that before, and it just lead to 5 pages of people calling me a shill. Instead, let's have you guys list some actual, fact-based reasons why it is a "shittier version of WoW."

Lord Blanco_sl

You Can't Make A List Of Negative "Facts" When So Little Has Been Released. Right Now You Have A Bunch Of Tube Sock Crumpling Turds That Are Trying To Play SideLine Referee And Make Up Shit To Sound Cool


EQOA Refugee
You Can't Make A List Of Negative "Facts" When So Little Has Been Released. Right Now You Have A Bunch Of Tube Sock Crumpling Turds That Are Trying To Play SideLine Referee And Make Up Shit To Sound Cool
Jesus fucking Christ dude...stop fucking posting from your phone if it keeps looking like that shit. Mods rickshaw this clown until he changes it for fucks sake...

Lord Blanco_sl

Whoa Whoa Whoa, Spud. Let's Keep It Game RelateD. No Need To Attack Me Or My Phone. I Work In The Woods, Only Have A Phone. Just Enjoy My Wealth Of Knowledge And Pristine Wisdom. Go Cardinals


EQOA Refugee
No shit. I've had many smartphones over the years and none of them ever did that. He's doing that shit on purpose and its annoying.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Here... I'll just rip quotes from the paid IGN endorsement.

If not for the other players lining up to unlock chests (an unfortunate consequence of online play, but not one I understand), I could have been convinced this was a Skyrim sequel.
So you get all of the downsides of an MMO, and none of the upsides (socialization / group oriented play)

Throw a spiritual spear into a mercenary captain and she'll fall to the ground. Fighting in The Elder Scrolls Online doesn't feel like an MMO in the way Elder Scrolls used to.
Action combat is great in a single player game, I absolutely love Dark Souls... except it makes for a shitty MMO... See: TERA

Everything in ESO has a story woven through it, comparable to, and arguably done better than, Star Wars: The Old Republic.
read: It will take forever to implement new content.... "Expect a new planet every month... ring a bell?" Nothing wrong with that in a single player game, but not with a subscription model.

Basically... it sounds like SWTOR 2.0 or maybe... AT best I expect this to be Skyrim with multiplayer, but that's not what draws me to play an MMO and pay a subscription fee for 6+ years (EQ for 7, WoW for 8... I'm looking for wow's replacement.. not SWTOR 2.0).

Redesigning the game from the ground up to be a social experience first and foremost and you might change my mind. We already played a primarily single player quest driven game (with raiding and grouping at max level) for years starting with warcraft and extending to all of it's clones, we (I know I'm speaking for several people that have sent me private messages or reputation comments from my comments today) don't want to repeat that experience anytime soon. We're looking for anything different... Force the social interaction to a lower level... let us create our own storylines and memories, I still talk about the good times I had on Sullon Zek in EQ, I barely recall SWTOR's storyline(s)... even if at the time I thought it was pretty decent.

edit.. p.s. "Every week, we make sure one of our dungeon test days is Random Build Day," Konkle said. "We'll just try something and see if that works. My favorite one we did recently was all sorcerers, all conjuration. Everyone had two pets and used heal staffs, and so it was just a group pet healing, and you're trying to let the pets do all the action. It was stupidly effective, and I had to nerf the pets as a result, I had to reduce their health. We do that every week. There was the, 'Let's all try stealth, DPS, Nightblade build.' It did not work. It was not effective. I think that's part of the fun.
Quote from the developer.... What is so wrong with an all pet group... It doesn't conform to whatever holy trinity they are going to implement so they nerf it so that everything is "balanced" and boring? Reminds me of taking away warlock's ability to tank in WoW because it didn't conform to "the vision"