The Elder Scrolls Online


I doubt this game has any end game, so If you destroy content quickly a month is all you need.

FF14 , Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, and the list goes on never made it more then a month.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Same shit you said about SWTOR, and its raking in the cash, bro. This game is way far from fail of that epic proportion. There is tons of excited peeps about this. Fuck, even my 12 and 9 yr old heard about this in school, hehe.
Oh I know. And you are right. People see Elder Scrolls. That's exactly what they are banking on. (Zenimax Media) And it's exactly what they will bank on for Fallout Online as well.

There are some people that don't think this will hurt the IP. I am on the other side of the fence. I see Bethesda losing control of their beloved series to people they cannot fathom working on it and passing if off as TES6. When it hits the market for console and also some for PC, that is what it will be viewed as. I look at examples of what happened when 2015 left EA and moved to Infinity Ward to create Call of Duty, and EA shit out Medal of Honor games to the point where it quite definitely destroyed the IP. Starting at MoH Allied Assault Breakthrough, and capsulating with Rising Sun. It never recovered. I believe that sales will decline on the next Single player RPG in the casual market as a result of this. (Obviously not nearly to the point of Medal of Honor, as it won't be repeated over and over. But those casuals aren't seeing an MMORPG. They are thinking Skyrim sequel. That's just the way it works. It most definitely won't tank the ES series, but it sure will make a dent in sales with people who will get burned with this in the casual market/console vertical when the next single player RPG hits the market and those people think twice before buying another one. They don't know any better, and they will just attribute this game to a global change in the series similar to Splinter Cell.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cinge and Mko and you other launch whores like me who just can't seem to pass up trying an mmo for a month or two at launch even with not high hopes, which way are you leaning on this one ?

Preorder and give it a go for a month ? Or still holding out closer to early access to see if they lift the NDA ?
I'll probably wait till next month some time to see and probably keep a look out for some coupon to take a price off, though I won't touch that imperial race crap. Will probably go templar healer just so I don't have to watch myself swing a weapon and cringe every time and mainly play for the decent storyline and the faction pvp stuff(hopefully its not too bad). It will at least give me something to do before I jump into Wildstar on release(which is probably may/june/july) w/ landmark on the side and spattering of FPS play.


Even if UT has a point and this game is mediocre at best, I can't see this one failing anytime soon.
It's way more console friendly then its competitor FF14, and there is a huge amount of TES fans out there.

You can see just by the initial pre orders that's its already doing well. What will probly happen is it will go pay to play about 5 months or less after release.
That is really the only problem they have is its ability to keep subs going.

If I was a Dev tho I would launch with a sub to get rid of the bad stigma of pay to win games, and then later I would go to pay to play.
You make more on pay to play anyway. Star Wars is more successful then it ever was on the Sub.

UT you were wrong about the consoles failing , and you are wrong about this.


<Gold Donor>
Oh I know. And you are right. People see Elder Scrolls. That's exactly what they are banking on. (Zenimax Media) And it's exactly what they will bank on for Fallout Online as well.

There are some people that don't think this will hurt the IP. I am on the other side of the fence. I see Bethesda losing control of their beloved series to people they cannot fathom working on it and passing if off as TES6. When it hits the market for console and also some for PC, that is what it will be viewed as. I look at examples of what happened when 2015 left EA and moved to Infinity Ward to create Call of Duty, and EA shit out Medal of Honor games to the point where it quite definitely destroyed the IP. Starting at MoH Allied Assault Breakthrough, and capsulating with Rising Sun. It never recovered. I believe that sales will decline on the next Single player RPG in the casual market as a result of this. (Obviously not nearly to the point of Medal of Honor, as it won't be repeated over and over. But those casuals aren't seeing an MMORPG. They are thinking Skyrim sequel. That's just the way it works. It most definitely won't tank the ES series, but it sure will make a dent in sales with people who will get burned with this in the casual market/console vertical when the next single player RPG hits the market and those people think twice before buying another one. They don't know any better, and they will just attribute this game to a global change in the series similar to Splinter Cell.
Or on the flipside it could introduce hardcore TES fans to mmorpgs which they never tried before. Either way they don't lose bro. TES will live on.
Cinge and Mko and you other launch whores like me who just can't seem to pass up trying an mmo for a month or two at launch even with not high hopes, which way are you leaning on this one ?

Preorder and give it a go for a month ? Or still holding out closer to early access to see if they lift the NDA ?
I'm going to pre-order when another valid GMG 25%Off Voucher comes available. All of the current codes published no longer work. If one doesn't oh well I'll still order closer to launch. Barring some massive game-breaking flaw I know I'll get at least a month out of it, likely more depending on endgame. BTW I plan to play it casually as this is IMO a casual game.


Never did the GMG for pre-orders - they pretty good about sending out early access keys immediately ? If so might wait on another coupon myself and go that route.

On side note ,sorta curious how many very basic mmo questions will be asked at launch from folks who have played single player only and are jumping in only because of the ES name.
Never did the GMG for pre-orders - they pretty good about sending out early access keys immediately ? If so might wait on another coupon myself and go that route.

On side note ,sorta curious how many very basic mmo questions will be asked at launch from folks who have played single player only and are jumping in only because of the ES name.
I plan to immediately seek out and establish a new Pornshire and introduce them to hot Kajhiit ERP.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Never did the GMG for pre-orders - they pretty good about sending out early access keys immediately ? If so might wait on another coupon myself and go that route.

On side note ,sorta curious how many very basic mmo questions will be asked at launch from folks who have played single player only and are jumping in only because of the ES name.
I got my head start key with the receipt. I also pre-ordered from Amazon but cancelled that one; all I want from the physical edition is the art book and I will just buy that on Ebay. The last thing I need is another random statue taking up space in my office.


Just proving a point, son.

Especially when he posts this little gem.

Just admit next time when defending your game from a pseudo-handle then saying I don't know the inner workings of the company when I exactly know what has been going on.

Rich Lambert should have been promoted after Zeb Cook was canned. Pretty sure he can agree with me on that one. The game would be far better off.
LOL the only point you are proving is that you are batshit crazy. So not only am I an employee for Zenimax, I am also Grave posting under a different account and I used to work at 38Studios too? Dude you need to take a Zanax.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to pre-order when another valid GMG 25%Off Voucher comes available. All of the current codes published no longer work. If one doesn't oh well I'll still order closer to launch. Barring some massive game-breaking flaw I know I'll get at least a month out of it, likely more depending on endgame. BTW I plan to play it casually as this is IMO a casual game.
Edit: Here is another code reportedly for 25% off that runs through Friday as well.


Here is a 20% code supposed to run through 4PM in UTC/GMT on Friday 14 Feb:



I'm just going to wait for the 30% one again from GMG.

They already did one earlier, which usually means they will do it again right before launch.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Can anyone give a good non-biased recap on what this game has to offer?
Basically, it's yet another BC-era type on-rail quest-based MMO peppered with people with a silver symbol offering you quests to let you level, gear up, with a relatively good looking style, the apparent addition of Rift-Style events (called Dark Anchors, but that's exactly the same: the sky opens up, anchor lines drop from the opening, baddies come out, kill them, opening closes up, grab your reward), and a GW2-type RVR map that appears to have better dynamics than GW2, if they don't mess up with their "Campaign" type of placing you in a random pool of RVR play at each reset.

A pot-pourri of classic and not particularly original or innovative features, done slightly differently. Which, I presume, is enough to convince investors that's a safe bet to put down a hundred million $ or so. Play if you have money to spare, are not frightened by the potential implications of tight-ass NDA/no open beta marketing this close to launch, and are somewhat excited by any Elder Scrolls' world, wait for EQN if not.

*** Disclaimer: I'm not in beta, I haven't been in stress tests, and I've got about zero interest in a WoW clone with RVR pvp. I also haven't played ANY Elder Scrolls game. Ever. After being shown Daggerfall and seeing it crash on my friend's PC about twice in 10mn, I went away and never came back. ***


I'm Amod too!
I also haven't played ANY Elder Scrolls game. Ever. After being shown Daggerfall and seeing it crash on my friend's PC about twice in 10mn, I went away and never came back. ***
Philistine! TES is one of the seminal RPG experiences. It's an IP that never deserved to get dragged through the mud of MMO mediocrity and Zenimax should have left well enough alone and kept it a single player experience.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Fitting this Series into an MMO RPG is like EA turning an old school Strategy Game into a FPS and stamping GOLD on it! When I say MMO for RPG, many instantly think it should fit the play style of WOW, EQ, DAOC...and etc. I think they should have at the least added their own Foundry style of thing for those wanting to add-on to the game in some way. I have not seen anything on this. Reason to get any TES is for the play style and MODS!
Basically, it's yet another BC-era type on-rail quest-based MMO peppered with people with a silver symbol offering you quests to let you level, gear up, with a relatively good looking style, the apparent addition of Rift-Style events (called Dark Anchors, but that's exactly the same: the sky opens up, anchor lines drop from the opening, baddies come out, kill them, opening closes up, grab your reward), and a GW2-type RVR map that appears to have better dynamics than GW2, if they don't mess up with their "Campaign" type of placing you in a random pool of RVR play at each reset.
It has a phasing mechanic in questing that is new. The world seems to change just for you.
The crafting is a nice streamlined version of crafting that's pretty good.
The skill system is a interesting take on the gather lots of skills but use only a handful thing.
Many of the quests are much more little stories than the one off quests in other games.
The RvR is an improved version of GW2 from a year and a half ago... GW2 itself has a new RvR map that is way better that incorporates a lot of the lessons of GW2's experience in a much better way.
If you like realistic graphics and have a good system, it's got nice graphics.
Lockpicking is fun.


Oh I know. And you are right. People see Elder Scrolls. That's exactly what they are banking on. (Zenimax Media) And it's exactly what they will bank on for Fallout Online as well.
I am quite curios where are you getting you,re info regarding Fallout Online,since there,s absolutely no indication that Battlecry Studios is working on that(the job postings for one thing say otherwise,among other things).Unlike ESO which was known to be in development since 2007 considering trademarks regarding that were registered the same year.
(Also yay first post,and yes sligtly off topic)