The Elder Scrolls Online


I've got to poke my head in here and mention that you did NOT have to play 4 hours a night every night to enjoy EQ , and LDON was anything but the best of EQ expansions.

Carry on.
Doesn't that depend upon the level and era? dat Kunark hell levels...

That's why it's hard to talk about EQ today. LDON wasn't the same game as Kunark. Hell, Velius wasn't the same game as vanilla.


Here are some more links Utnayan can share his input on.

Link #1

Link #2

I'll be fine with just the topic of the threads.


<Gold Donor>
It's cool bro. He doesn't want to break the NDA and lose his beta access..... cause he values it so much.
Deep down inside he loves the game that's why. Same shit happened wit him and SWTOR. He railed against that game something fierce, like this one, but he ended up playing it longer than me.


FYI the latest version of the combat log addon now tracks everyone involved in the combat, regardless of whether they are using the combat log addon or not. For every fight, you can see how much % of damage each player contributes to the kill.
I was so hoping for this in GW2 after getting totally wrecked in SWTOR world pvp as a melee based class. I couldn't do anything but sit back and watch for a straggler or two and even then I would just get pulled back in and promptly defeated. In GW2, the same thing happened and someone told me just to use my bow. I mean I had to resort to using a bow just to be some semblance of effective. As a melee class.
This is just flat out wrong. Heavy classes are great in GW2 PvP. If anything Guards and Wars need nerfs.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
All the shit flinging in this thread is probably more amusing then the game will be but you're starting to piss me off with this shit right here.
Signing your posts like this is Usenet and all of your posts are today in this thread?

It's killing me to remember which game(s) had you put stats in categories that were counter intuitive because the "main" stats for the class would be easier to get later but I think DDO had you do that and one of the Simutronics games did it as well. In any event, it's no big deal.

Also, I am curious about Zeb Cook's role is making the game. He was the guy that was instrumental in designing 2nd edition AD&D (wrote the GM's guide), (Not to be confused with Monte Cook who is the god among men who wrote Ptolus the coolest game world ever). I looked at Zeb Cook's linked in and he had a short stint making City of Villans but got booted/left after only seven months on that team. It says he worked two years at a Wolfpack spinoff (Shadowbane MMO) called Stray Bullet but that their game (whatever is was) never came out. He has a long and pretty successful history in pen and paper game design but not much successful experience in MMO work.


What are death penalties like in eso?


Contested content?

What do I get from Pvp?

What is the risk vs. Reward philosophy in this game?

Honest question. Playing Skyrim and would love for that world to come alive.
I was a guide and when you fell under the world in EQ, the only other thing with you under the world were the same mobs that fell thru the same Z-Axis holes. The biggest offender of this in EQ was dreadlands. I would go around using the /kill command on about 18 spiders every night I would guide simply because sooner or later some unsuspecting player would get killed by one somehow.

It didn't spawn an entirely different overland data set without population/itemization - however.
LOL that brought back such great memories. I remember being under there and seeing clusters of those running lizard things stuck on a point under the zone. Like a big weird pack of them all aggro on something but stuck so they were running in place. It happened to me in Velkator's Labyrinth too. You could run under the Karnor's Castle model too and look around.
What are death penalties like in eso?


Contested content?

What do I get from Pvp?

What is the risk vs. Reward philosophy in this game?

Honest question. Playing Skyrim and would love for that world to come alive.
Death penalty is light. Use a filled shardthing to res there or respawn and run back. Run back can be a pain. I think equipment takes damage too but my memory is not perfect on that since I have been playing DDO and GW2 and they both have repairing damage systems.

Trade has no auction house (surprisingly). Trade shouts in channel during the beta and supposedly player run shops in the PvP zone (I have not seen these yet).

Contested content is DAOC/GW2 3 team realm content in one zone (really big zone).

PvP is PvP levels and someone gets to be king for a time... not sure what else....

Risk v. Reward is very standard post WoW philosophy. Not much risk, not much reward. Supposedly some raidish stuff coming.

Skyrim...not so much. It's more MMO than Skyrim single player to me. That feeling of... I will head west and see what I can see and have an adventure with a good story that you get from Skyrim is really not there IMO.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just a lurker but I hear this stuff belongs here;

All of this footage is from the same day. I?m playing a vr10 Nightblade in heavy armor. This is a typical day in ESO pvp and will only become more epic with the horde of targets, i mean people, to come on release. Want to thank The Noore and PRX for all the fun.

Never made a vid before so any feedback is appreciated.
I hate you for speeding the video up. I hated it in daoc, and I really hate it here.


Golden Squire
Deep down inside he loves the game that's why. Same shit happened wit him and SWTOR. He railed against that game something fierce, like this one, but he ended up playing it longer than me.
Yeah but he was right about that game too.

Look, Ut gonna Ut but in the end you play a game because you find it fun and engaging. Ut's ramblings about SWTOR, as accurate as they ended up being, certainly didn't dissuade me then and I'm still subscribed to the game because I find it fun and engaging. I suggest people take the same approach with TESO.


<Silver Donator>
I suggest people take the same approach with TESO.
Please don't. Because that way you pay them for their inferior approach and if the whole industry is getting away with the "let's go for mediocre but overhyped product so we can break even or better with the initial box sales" model the situation will never change or improve.


Good advice, Moontayle. It'd be nice if we could discuss the game, and not agendas or whatever. Regardless of all SWTORs issue, the game was a lot of fun and I've definitely gotten my moneys worth.

I personally think if any game sounds like fun, I'll buy it. I'm the biggest open world, sandbox, and free market economy MMO supporter here. That doesn't mean I'm not going to purchase a good game because it isn't revolutionary or genre changing enough for me.

I think the situation will change when someone makes a really good game that breaks the mold. EQN is a step in the right direction. I'm hopeful Star Citizen will be an even bigger one.


Trakanon Raider
It's possible these companies are massively fucked up internally but no decent or sane company thinks that way. Bioware didn't want to spend 200m on an mmo that they could have spent 60m on and turned the same profit, I am sure they realize they fucked up quite a bit and missed the mark. Same with ESO, it will turn a profit for sure, but its doubtful that profit will be as high as it would have been if the project was better run.

The MMO industry is alot like the motion picture industry, its really hard for the blockbusters AAA movies to actually lose money when its all said and done, worst case scenario is they scrap by and break even after DVDs or whatever, kinda like what SWTOR did by going F2P. That sure as fuck doesn't mean that a studio is really happy when their movie turns out to be one of the break even projects rather than Titanic (or wow in mmo terms).

If they were really trying to skate by on mediocrity you would see MMOs developed like COD is, low cost, and just good enough to sell boxes before its dropped for the next project.


What are death penalties like in eso?
If we're not resurrected by somebody nearby then a happy pixie floats down from the sky, winks, crinkles her nose, wiggles her rear end, and we're whisked away to a magical well. Oh, but that mischievous pixie scuffed our armor!


Yeah, no, that's about it but without an actual pixie. /stuck kills you and people use death to travel.

vazdeline_sl said:

vazdeline_sl said:
Contested content?
The what? Public dungeons may have some, but there are two kinds of those. In Cyrodiil, you'll just kill the people you want to take the content from or if they're on your side or not in Cyrodiil, get your hits in and you get loot too. Adventure zones are instanced and there are instanced dungeons, so not everything is leech bait.

vazdeline_sl said:
What do I get from Pvp?
Everything. Almost. I've never seen anything in the last two tiers of crafting improvement (epic and legendary, I think) come from PvP. The emperor's armor is probably legendary though.

vazdeline_sl said:
What is the risk vs. Reward philosophy in this game?
More powerful enemy, better treasure. It may or may not be useful, but will probably be marginally better than what you have. Pretty standard. Chances are the epic or legendary stuff that drops will be broken down into components for crafting improvements at the same tier, with a chance of failure.

We haven't seen the big risks yet, so it's hard to be sure of this. Hopefully adventure zone itemization isn't so meh. Those purple-text items are fairly rare. I've seen two, and one was in a screenshot. So, there's a lot of room for upward growth in rewards from trash mobs and general content. The same goes for difficulty. I've seen three challenging bosses, and I've had a hand in killing ... let's see ... nine that are memorable enough to count -- probably more.

The gems in the world, to me, are the hard-to-find open dungeons that don't get pointed out on the map until you're practically on top of them and aren't pointed out with quests. Those seem to have the best environmental flavor -- or I'm just biased due to that one tomb I found in Morrowind that actually felt like a tomb in Morrowind.

vazdeline_sl said:
Honest question. Playing Skyrim and would love for that world to come alive.
Hard to say. Skyrim is an adventure zone. Aside from that, ESO is not TES V. It is and isn't that world. That's subjective enough that people will disagree. A lot. If you explore well, then there are definitely Elder Scrolls moments to it and there are other times when it is its own thing. It's not Skyrim Online.