The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

In case he deletes this post too.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This guy's kinda cute.
Console versions are scrapped unless they turn the ship around. With Captain Sage running into every iceberg possible, that isn't physically possible. So it is my opinion they are playing crowd control to avoid any negative press.

Otherwise, the box sales/digital sales number seems fairly accurate based on want we knew about preorders and historical PC sales for Skyrim within the same time period from launch until now.

Highly doubt they gave 38% refunds.

128k subs would seem too high. But they are probably counting the 3 month folks who haven't deactivated.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
I see they broke achievements last night with the patch and the vendor locking bug is back. Feel like I am back-to-beta again! Plus now they changed my armor colors. I am purple! What was the reason to change that? Oh how I wish they had tinting in the game with inks and dyes! Then again, how I wish they had someone on staff that knew what they were doing with crafting in general!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I played the game for 3 hours a week after launch .. thought it was shit.. Complained and they gave me a refund.
I wonder how many refunds they gave out before someone had to put the halt to it or they would never make any money back even on the box revenue.


Lot of whines on the forums from people complaining they are forced to group up to do Craglorn content, whose difficulty is designed for a full group of 4.

Just goes to show no matter what kind of content a MMO implements, someone is going to whine and complain about it. On the flip side, saw a few posts from EQ1 vets who gave it a thumbs up.

On a semi-related note, the difficulty of the VR1-10 zones got significantly increased. Mobs are doing double damage and have roughly twice the amount of health. Players trying to solo were getting ripped to shreds. I haven't seen anything official from ZOS on whether this is a bug or an undocumented working as designed change.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The grouping up part is great, IMO. The biggest problem is how painful it is to group in this game with no nameplates and phasing. When you have a bad system (grouping) that isn't required people can get along with it, but once you require it it becomes a problem. It's kind of like how certain games with flawed combat systems only show their failures when the gameplay is hard (ESO, GW2, diablo3), but other games start to really shine (WoW, Dark souls)


I'm glad I've gotten good at not just caving in and buying these flops as time fillers. The last mistake for me was SWTOR. I trust these forums and the people here only after a game has been live for a few months. That's the best time to come back and check here and get a pretty good representation of how fucked up a game really is. The only thing about that is I miss out on opening day excitement and hype, but that's not worth $60 to me anyway if the game is shit.

This one is unique in that most people have been yelling "garbage" as of long ago.


Lot of whines on the forums from people complaining they are forced to group up to do Craglorn content, whose difficulty is designed for a full group of 4.

Just goes to show no matter what kind of content a MMO implements, someone is going to whine and complain about it.
This just goes back to what was wrong for making an ES mmo in the first place imo. Those lots of whines you say are there are coming from the ES purists who Zenimax wanted in the game as the base pop from the start. You know, the same people who wanted a fantastic single player experience with no immersion-busting things like nametags, centralized auction houses, floating numbers and enemy HP stats, just like Skyrim and everything else. Those people only wanted to group up once in awhile to get a SP from a dungeon one time.

These are the main people who were backing the game in the first place when everyone was bailing/ragging on it because they could single-player everything in the game without having to group while happily searching barrels. Now that it's forced with Craglorn and Zeni is considering all kinds of other 'immersion killers' overall, that din is only going to get louder as the game goes forward, not less. They have to decide whether they want to please the purists or the tourists/casuals right now once and for all before they move forward because it's sure as shit they are going to alienate one of them.

Poor Zeni. If they had just made a mock ES mmo, it would have been a different story where not only the IP isn't tarnished but people would give it more leeway regarding typical mmo staples.


This just goes back to what was wrong for making an ES mmo in the first place imo. Those lots of whines you say are there are coming from the ES purists who Zenimax wanted in the game as the base pop from the start. You know, the same people who wanted a fantastic single player experience with no immersion-busting things like nametags, centralized auction houses, floating numbers and enemy HP stats, just like Skyrim and everything else. Those people only wanted to group up once in awhile to get a SP from a dungeon one time.

These are the main people who were backing the game in the first place when everyone was bailing/ragging on it because they could single-player everything in the game without having to group while happily searching barrels. Now that it's forced with Craglorn and Zeni is considering all kinds of other 'immersion killers' overall, that din is only going to get louder as the game goes forward, not less. They have to decide whether they want to please the purists or the tourists/casuals right now once and for all before they move forward because it's sure as shit they are going to alienate one of them.

Poor Zeni. If they had just made a mock ES mmo, it would have been a different story where not only the IP isn't tarnished but people would give it more leeway regarding typical mmo staples.
Let's stipulate you are 100% correct and the game is primarily designed for the TES purists. If so, then all the dire predictions about this game's financial future are pretty much all full of crap right? The opinions of the people on this forum, especially those who are PVP-focused, don't really matter in the grand scheme of things if you are correct. The level 1-50 PVE content, designed specifically to satisfy the solo-oriented TES purists, is actually pretty good. It's the group-oriented MMO aspects of the game that need to be improved on.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lot of whines on the forums from people complaining they are forced to group up to do Craglorn content, whose difficulty is designed for a full group of 4.
When over 80% of the game is played Solo, just what would anyone expect when their entire base has been programmed to play a solo game. It goes to show that if you set certain expectations, people will continue to expect it. Blame the developers for making a solo based MMORPG and isolating the player base within phasing sometimes.


The level 1-50 PVE content, designed specifically to satisfy the solo-oriented TES purists, is actually pretty good. It's the group-oriented MMO aspects of the game that need to be improved on.
I'm not arguing the subjective nature of 'good content', 'fun content', 'boring content'. I didn't even mention that as a hang-up. There's no one size-fits all for that.

I'm talking about HOW the content was designed; purely (other than dungeons and those haphazard rifts) for single-player fare in a worse way than SWTOR was. This game basically was to be mirrored so that purists can do what they usually do in the previous ES games, pick loads of barrels and wander around aimlessly by yourself if you want to. I love doing that in Skyrim, I did not like doing that in ESO. If you group up with just one person in this game it's overkill for the mobs you face, which makes it instantly unfun. That leads to people wanting/having to solo everything. There isn't any reason to run the 1-50 dungeons more than once because after that SP is gotten, it's pretty much a done deal for most of the people who quit.

My point is that Zeni is going to have to choose purists or tourists to get out of this hole they are in. Implementing things that are making the tourists leave will just piss the purists off. You make it sound so simple that 'all they need to do is improve the group aspect'. If you have a mmo which by nature is a group game and you have to fixthat, you're in trouble. That should be the first thing you get right, not the last thing. Trying to please everyone at this late date is impossible.

The purists all say "Oh, they just have to fix one or two things to keep me subbed. The game is fine." while the tourist view is "Oh, they have to fix too much stuff for me to sub. The game is a mess".


When over 80% of the game is played Solo, just what would anyone expect when their entire base has been programmed to play a solo game. It goes to show that if you set certain expectations, people will continue to expect it. Blame the developers for making a solo based MMORPG and isolating the player base within phasing sometimes.
Bingo. Hence this, which I don't remember any game ever having to make AFTER it launched:

I'm sure there were but I just don't remember it happening.