The future, what will it hold for us?


Unelected Mod
"I'm a cubicle dwelling STEM grad/other white collar professional who spent 8 years of my life camping raid bosses in Plane of XYZ and I think I know how the world works!"
Says the shut-in that avoids human contact as much as possible while refusing to break away from her controlling and smothering mother.


Registered Hutt
So they'll play hard to get. It's not like they'll stop at sexual skills. Bots will do the girlfriend experience. They'll be interesting to talk to. People will form emotional attachments to them. The autonomous fleshlight will only be the first step.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So? That doesn't fix the issue. The issue being, it's not a human with free will.

I have no problem with bots with AI that can choose to sleep with you, if you're attractive/work for it. But if you can go buy a bot that sucks your dick on command, it's like LFR loot. It's completely unsatisfying. You didn't work for it, the bot doesn't care, it's just meh.
If prostitution were safe and legal, at the high end you'd probably have situations like in Firefly where in-demand companions had their pick of clients vying for their attention rather than the other way around, which would address some of your compulsion concerns, Cad.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So they'll play hard to get. It's not like they'll stop at sexual skills. Bots will do the girlfriend experience. They'll be interesting to talk to. People will form emotional attachments to them. The autonomous fleshlight will only be the first step.
Yeah but girls will also do the girlfriend experience. Who will do it better and at a lower cost?


Mr. Poopybutthole
If prostitution were safe and legal, at the high end you'd probably have situations like in Firefly where in-demand companions had their pick of clients vying for their attention rather than the other way around, which would address some of your compulsion concerns, Cad.
That situation already exists.


Registered Hutt
Who will do it better and at a lower cost?

Don't get me wrong, I want a real girl. I think the sexbots will actually help people realize the value of their relationship because you can be rather effortlessly replaced with a machine. Sexual blackmail will hopefully be a little less significant as a domestic issue, and you'll be able to cheat with less baggage too. For that matter, spicing up your relationship with a sextoy girl/dude will also be a thing. It's not like couples don't use toys.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If prostitution were safe and legal, at the high end you'd probably have situations like in Firefly where in-demand companions had their pick of clients vying for their attention rather than the other way around, which would address some of your compulsion concerns, Cad.
It's compulsion on one side and bought company on the other. For the bots, they are basically compelled. For prostitutes, they're bought company. Even if it's a hard-to-acquire prostitute, they're still only there because you're paying them. Same reason I don't dig strippers. Besides the fact that they're sweaty smelly glitter-makeup wearing tramps, when they are doing their thing all I can think is that I had to pay this bitch to do this, and I wouldn't have approached her in a bar for free. Pass.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
So they'll play hard to get. It's not like they'll stop at sexual skills. Bots will do the girlfriend experience. They'll be interesting to talk to. People will form emotional attachments to them. The autonomous fleshlight will only be the first step.
People form emotional attachments to their dog too and act like thats a two-way transaction. The dog will love any human that feeds it and gives it attention. The sexbot would be nothing more than a pet that pathetic neckbeards fuck.


Ssraeszha Raider
"I'm a cubicle dwelling STEM grad/other white collar professional who spent 8 years of my life camping raid bosses in Plane of XYZ and I think I know how the world works!"
I wish I was a STEM grad. I have a bullshit degree like you. I don't know where you're going with the rest of the post though. Is the insinuation here that I'm too ignorant to be as miserable as you are?


Tranny Chaser
You guys are thinking small potatoes with your human female sex bots. The money is in providing things that do not exist. Aliens, dragons, anthropomorphic animals of all species and colors. The cat girl sales to Japanalonewill make you a king.


Musty Nester
I would use the hell out of a good sexbot. I WOULD TEAR THAT PUSSY UP.

Or maybe I wouldn't, I dunno. Real Dolls legit creep me out. Like fucking legit creeper. If I fucked a real doll i'm pretty sure my next purchase would be a shiny new gun to shoot myself in the face with.

They're hilarious, don't get me wrong. But if I'm stickin my dick in it it's check-out time. That is officially the point where there is nothing left to live for.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
VR and sexbots? Pfhhh ... you need to watch:


That shit was virtual reality on steroids. The premise of the movie was brainwave recording tech. When you played back a recording, the person didn't just experience the sensory input of the original experience that had been recorded but also things like emotions and personal memories triggered by that experience in the person who had made the recording. You wanna feel the thrill of a virgin getting to nail a supermodel, it's in there. It was even able to record the death experience of one of the scientists who was working on the project.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We are already tapping into the ability to control things by thought. The matrix showed just how far that technology could go.

There are a lot of changes coming in the future. The questions will be who gets access to these changes.

I figure we are about 50 years out from having the ability to stop aging at our current rate in Humans. If that goes public, a new age of man begins. Our entire society changes at that point.

Before this happens, I imagine tech implants will come out that improve vision and hearing while keeping us connected to the world. Having night vision or satellite vision on command would be nice. Genetic manipulation of embryo's will go through its own process. We do it with pets so it is just a matter of science that really prevents us from doing it with Humans.

Science Fiction tends to make for a descent guide to what is coming. Time and order of discovery are the two elements that effect the outcome.


Musty Nester
Oh my god no it doesn't.

The Matrix was a Superman/Christ inspired Savior Story. And then 2 and 3 were inspired by Eastern Mysticism. I liked Matrix 1 a whole lot... it was a great mix of action and Jack Handy philosophy. That movie was dressed up as science fiction, but there was really precious little science in their fiction. And that's fine it was a thoroughly enjoyable movie. But it was only pretending to be science fiction. Which is why, really, I like Dark City more. Dark City is a bit less slick but a bit more forthright in the retelling of that particular story.

And we're not going to stop aging. There is shit in the world that doesn't "age", that's true and somewhat incredible. But the more incredible thing is what a collection of various piles of interlocking shit the physical human actually is.

We'll learn how to transfer our conciousnesses into silicon wafers before we learn how to make our bodies static (and still work). Which is what aging is, and that's all aging is. It is a function of generational, sedimentary change. The myth of physical immortality is a myth. We're not gonna go "OH! Carbon Filament Telomeres! Well, DUH!"


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
VR and sexbots? Pfhhh ... you need to watch:


That shit was virtual reality on steroids. The premise of the movie was brainwave recording tech. When you played back a recording, the person didn't just experience the sensory input of the original experience that had been recorded but also things like emotions and personal memories triggered by that experience in the person who had made the recording. You wanna feel the thrill of a virgin getting to nail a supermodel, it's in there. It was even able to record the death experience of one of the scientists who was working on the project.
Yeah same shit from Strange Days, or a number of other stories. This will probably happen, but likely a few decades after really good sex robots are possible. I still think basic economics works against sex robots though.