The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)


Golden Squire
As long as you bought it and it's for your personal use, you can have as many copies, on as many devices, and in as many formats as you desire. Sorry it took me awhile to respond, I've been fighting some flu/virus crap.

Um, still working on FM5...107k words with 16 chapters now. Still got 6 chapters to finish. Long book, longer than I expected. Problem really is that the mainline is now a complete novel instead of like 2/3rds of a novel, so when you add on all the school stuff it's getting pretty long. Plus I've been fighting a couple plot vs character conflicts that arose. And I've been bringing in a ton of school characters into the main story so lots of intros that when you actually write them prove bigger than "Welf Intro" in the outline, heh.

As an example...


Or it could be a tease...

Also decided to write a quick novelette/short that came out of a mention while writing FM5, that's already half done. So there should be a small hit coming out next month...ish.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Just finished FM1 last night and really enjoyed it! Picked up the others and will continue after the new Sanderson book. Great job Neb, only disappointed it took me this long to get around to them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
FM1 was a great intro to the world. Looking forward to the rest. Still hate kindle so thanks for being cool with me moving it to play books.


Golden Squire
So I finished the novelette (13k words) called Meet the Bonnies that takes place after FM4. Mostly I wrote it to take a break from the still expanding FM5, and yeah, it's pretty fluffy and unnecessary, but it also has a lot of good King Henry torturing T-Bone moments in it. Anyone here that's interested in beta reading it can hit me up in PM or at the email if you've already beta read for me. Help is always appreciated.

FM5? Yeah, still working on that one. 124k, 5ish chapters left, gonna be a big one.


<Gold Donor>
Who was in the van? Don't leave us hanging like that!


Golden Squire
There's a small mention about the van in FM5. It's funny but nothing threatening or supernatural...outside of King Henry's paranoid mind.

Sold over 100 copies of the short so far, which is a huge improvement over the ones I put out in 2013. So there's been a pretty significant growth in my hardcore fan-base. Considering I gave no pre-release date beforehand and just threw it out into the world with links here and on my blog...very happy with it.

Also...still writing FM5...5 chapters to go...for the last 3 chapters.


Golden Squire
Editing is going great on FM5. Looking for a May release, maybe the 22nd. Beta reading copies will probably be ready by the 4th (Avengers comes before writing), so if you're interesting in being on the list, do the usual and email me, pm me, or say something here (don't freak out if I don't respond right away, I'm still focused on editing and not emails).

Because you've all been so supportive, here's a sneak peek just for this board, "King Henry on Gamers":
The next day T-Bone dragged me away from the Ouroboros, made a drive down the Strip in a rental car, and made me attend something called MLG with him. I only survived due to my forethought of buying a flask and putting some vodka mixed with orange juice in it.

I felt like an alien.

A slightly inebriated alien.

That convention hall was filled with nerds and geeks and dweebs and also something T-Bone called booth babes.

It was a hive of scum and villainy and misogynistic, shitlord, pissbaby neckbeards.
I read it on Tumblr once upon a time.

It must be true.
Want to see pictures of my hermaphrodite dragonkin midget cat?

Geeks are cool . . . I guess.

Talked about that earlier.

More women in there than I thought there would be. More color in there than I thought there would be too. Skin color, not just hair color. Vagina, penis, brown, white, whatever . . . it stunk like ass.

Like stale ass.

Should?ve brought a second flask, I thought more than once as I nursed the precious not-so-free booze I had.

It?s always nice to see people into something as much as these gamers were. Excitement over games . . . childish I suppose, but the world could use some more excitement, especially with cynical fuckers like me cackling at our species and our looming Armageddon.

Also . . .

You know how entertaining it is to see a six-foot-four, three-hundred pound black guy in a sweater-vest run around making high pitch squeaks, like a school girl hopped up on sugar and stolen amphetamine pills?

It?s pretty fucking entertaining.

I mean, it?s not stripper or gambling entertaining, but in any other city in the country it would be up there. Especially Fresno. Where watching a movie at the theater is about as exciting as life gets if some gang ain?t trying to murder you with machine guns.

But at least it?s not Bakersfield.

Cuz fuck Bakersfield.

T-Bone got excited about things and people that grown men frankly shouldn?t get excited over.

T-Bone got excited over a pudgy, balding British man wearing a top hat. ?He?s a YouTube personality and an esports caster,? was whispered to me.

I shrugged, taking a swig of emergency screwdriver. ?Why?s he mumbling about sliders? Got something against tiny sandwiches??

T-Bone got excited over a really tall Slavic guy who could barely walk in a straight line and looked like he had repeatedly been punched in the face. ?He?s a pro DOTA 2 player,? was the explanation I got.

More booze down my throat. DOTA . . . the ass leakage pills again. ?He?s drunker than I am and he just called you a cyka blyat.?

T-Bone got excited over a tiny Asian guy with too much hair product in his perfectly tip-frosted hair for his own good. ?He?s a Starcraft legend.?

?I bet he has a really small dick.?

T-Bone got annoyed over chicks in bikinis with fake foam swords, smacking each other over and over and giggling. ?Why do they have to pander to us like that??

I put my flask away. ?I think I?ll stand here for a while . . .?


Golden Squire
Thanks to everyone who helped with the beta read. FM5 is DONE and locked and will be up for sale on Friday. Have the links for everyone then. Beta readers all liked it, so I still don't suck!


Murder Apologist
Is this your day job now? Genuinely curious if it's viable for YA/contemporary fic stuff. I've read about the chicks sending their kids through college with romance stuff.


Golden Squire
You can either accept living as a poor, starving artist who survives on ramen, medicaid, and the generosity of your family and friends (Hi, my name is Richard!), sell your soul and pump out pure Twlight-inspired schlock every two to three months with a large advertising bankroll, or hope you win the Amazon algorithm lottery that for some magical reason no one can explain makes your book popular.

Specific to me, I'm a male author with a male main character in a more female friendly (Urban Fantasy/Paranomal) genre, who writes very adult stuff, so I don't think I'm a good barometer on what's possible. But on the other end, even with all those negatives against me I have managed to create a decently sized fanbase and managed five figures in sales last year.

And yeah, romance is queen. YA Teenage Girl Focused Fantasy is princess. Mysteries and thrillers do well. Traditional Fantasy and military/space opera oriented Sci-Fi aren't actually too bad, more straight-up simple Hero's Journey the better.

Just don't write a semi-original vulgar character that curses a lot and you're golden.