The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)


<Gold Donor>
I didn't think I'd like it much just due to the setting, but I really enjoyed it.

Don't forget to leave reviews people, the man has a family to feed! I think. Or at least himself and an internet gaming addiction, whatever!


Golden Squire
Well, it's paid for my Steam summer sale spree at least. If you want to make money then don't write standalone books, kiddies. Anyway, slight update: focusing on the first draft of FM5 now. 3 school chapters and 11 mainline chapters left to "finish".


Molten Core Raider
Well, it's paid for my Steam summer sale spree at least. If you want to make money then don't write standalone books, kiddies. Anyway, slight update: focusing on the first draft of FM5 now. 3 school chapters and 11 mainline chapters left to "finish".
That sucks, but don't forget it's got until forever to make some money! And I'm sure as you build more onto the grander world, people will come back to sky island.


Golden Squire
It's an investment. Now every time I release a KH novel, fans will hopefully find Sky-Island and buy it, making my pop on the bestseller lists not just for paranormal and urban fantasy but also in steampunk and historical fantasy (when Gush is done it will do the same for YA and Epic Fantasy). Plus I learned a lot writing it and got all the worldbuilding for the One Path Trilogy out of the way so I can just dive into that whenever I decide to dive into it, instead of spending weeks and months trying to think up naming schemes, heh.


Golden Squire
Still alive. Finished the school story line for FM5, 2.5 chapters into the mainline. Also a chapter and a half into Gush. Not wasting too much time watching football, but did get addicted to TI4 for 2 weeks.


Still alive. Finished the school story line for FM5, 2.5 chapters into the mainline. Also a chapter and a half into Gush. Not wasting too much time watching football, but did get addicted to TI4 for 2 weeks.
You should probably go ahead and start each post with "Good news everyone!".


Golden Squire
Good news everyone!

Blog post about some of the non-King Henry Tapes stuff I'm working on:
THE PRISONERS CYCLE is perhaps best described as a series that isn't a series until it is very much a series at the very end of the series. It's also not so much a world as an overworld where the worlds themselves reside in.

Don't think about it! It's just turtles all the way down!

It began back before I'd accepted my life as an Indie Author instead of a Major League Publisher-Patting-You-on-the-Head Author (though given my sales this year I dare say Indie or not I've finally broken into at least the minor leagues!) when THE BETROTHAL was finished and languishing, THE FOUL MOUTH AND THE FANGED LADY was in my last edits, I was dicking around practicing with some fan fiction you lot will never see, and I didn't know what to do next.

It was the standing wisdom at the time that writing the second book of series before the series itself was published was a bad idea (again proving that the people who provide the standing wisdom for aspiring writers don't know what the hell they're really talking about) so starting right into THE FOUL MOUTH AND THE CAT KILLING COYOTES as a sequel seemed like a bad idea. I also had the problem that all my other books and worlds I'd come up with were also series that wouldn't work, right?

So I majorly brainstormed and came up with about 10 standalone book ideas that I could work on. As is the nature of brainstorming, some of these ideas were much better than others or seemed more interesting than others, so I started in on writing what would one day become SKY-ISLAND 1827-E (alternate titles: ROCKETS IN THE SKY; WOE, WOE, WOE, YOUR SKYBOAT; and HERE COME THE CLOCKERS). I also piddled about with a book where the main character was a walking and talking tree, but like a walking, talking tree character would ever be usable or popular, right?!?!

Skip forward three years of Indiehood, four FOUL MOUTH books, an actual thing that might be a career and not a huge mistake, and looking at all those standalone books I realized...hey, these are all kind of about similar themes, aren't they? Wouldn't it be cool if they were kind of connected like the worlds of Stephen King's Dark Tower or what Sanderson is doing with his Cosmere know...Sliders or something? And, hey...there's some weird spots where they really do connect...that's cool!

Thus began the idea of making standalone books that are still standalone books but books that will also allow interested readers to pick up on the wider mystery of what is going on and the connections between them. I did this because the books themselves are different genres, have different characters and styles and POVS, and I didn't want to force people that for example like the Sky-Island world but don't like the Gush world (or vice versa) to HAVE to read them all, but if you wanted to you could get something extra out of it.

THE PRISONERS CYCLE is also an idea, not a UNIVERSAL TRUTH of my future like the FOUL MOUTH books are, where I have everything mapped out and plotted and obsessively planned. They are instead books were I am trying something new, attempting to be creative, and especially to expand as an author just beyond doing what I'm already good at (first-person, character focused, urban fantasy with a lot of dick jokes). It's all pay-to-play and experimental and I'm sure I'll succeed with some and fail with others and it could all implode before the end if not enough people are interested in them, but...I'm going to give it a shot and step out of my comfort zone, hopefully enough of you will step out of it with me.

Not everything beside the FOUL MOUTH books will be in THE PRISONERS CYCLE and even those book that are in THE PRISONERS CYCLE will be listed in their own specific world, not in the overworld itself when it comes to my list of published novels at the start of my books. So you'd have to be a superfan and come to this blog and check this page to even see or know it exists.
As far as FM5, I'm 76k into it. 8 chapters left. So far, so good? I guess? This middle part of working on a novel is usually when I hate everything and I'm just ambivalent so far, so let's take that as a good sign. Added two school characters into the mainline story so far, that was fun.


<Gold Donor>
Glad to see the sales have picked up! When you start making hookers and blow type money, I expect an invite to the party. Please don't have it in Fresno though!

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Usually a reasonable measuring stick: If it would be King Henry's scene, it probably isn't anyone else's.


<Gold Donor>
Just further reinforcing my request not to have any sort of party in Fresno! Never know what you might wake up next to.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just finally got around to reading FM4. I'm about halfway through now, was really glad to see a return to the vamps, I wasn't nearly as much a fan of the other bad guys in the series (badass supernatural alien parasites > white trash drug dealers) Hell I'd rate the three chicks from school days as "worse" than the curator in the 3rd book. But I do like how each book in the series has slowly peeled back a new layer on the onion that is the magic system of the world even though I hated the deus ex finish of the 3rd book. The scene with the Divines was pretty awesome even though I had to go back and reread it a second time to figure out which goddess was talking/based on their physical description/roles given earlier, their names kinda blended together and were hard to remember.


Put up Session 49 as a holidays sneak peak at FM5 on the blog:

Antarius, no doubt that the Divines are the major Big Bads of the series, but I'd say that Paine is more dangerous to King Henry personally and like everything else he (and his followers) will get more interesting as the series goes on.
ARRRGGGG SUCH A TEASE. I hate this and love it at the same time. Mostly because I can't binge read the whole thing right now.


<Gold Donor>
Put up Session 49 as a holidays sneak peak at FM5 on the blog:
Every time I read more King Henry I remember how badly I wish there were thousands and thousands of pages of it that I haven't read yet

I also remember why I think my own efforts suck so much in comparison. Your stuff is just plain fun to read.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hey Neb. Cool if I buy your stuff for kindle then convert it to epub? I prefer the google my books app now over the kindle app, enough to go through the effort to do this.

I've done this for hundreds of books, but I'd actually like to hear an author's reply, and permission before I do it.

Keep up the good work man. Really impressed thus far...even on the kindle.