The Last of Us


Trakanon Raider
How would it have been much more amazing? Given the implied bitching about the game structure, that wouldn't have changed by switching to PC so all you'd gain would be 1080p, high-res textures and m+kb controls....I see nothing in that list that would change the game in any way from something you consider ove-hyped to "much more amazing"
It probably won't but it would be nice to have a consistent framerate and all those other perks the pc brings.


NeoGaf Donator
Holy shit. the room in the mall(?) with the 4 clickers and 2 runners is terrifying. Had to go to 4 locations before I found a place with a copy. Finally resorted to driving to wally world and they had a full rack.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's interesting to read that IGN review and the contrasts I've heard from someone who's already played it. I've been told it's a good game that will last "less experienced players" 15ish hours of play and well worth playing but the Multiplayer is mostly tacked on shit and the AI is a bit weak.
as in all stealth games, enemies are blind as bats and completely deaf to anything quieter than a gun shot. You can perform stealth kills that make a lot of sound right behind someone but it's considered a stealth kill therefore he won't turn around to see what's causing all those hnnnrrkkks and shuffling. But if they notice you, no questions asked, just lighting up instantly.

This game felt a bit like Manhunt on those parts. The story is amazing and so are the graphics and voice acting, but something in me can never truly enjoy the state that "stealth gameplay" is currently in.


Avatar of War Slayer
How would it have been much more amazing? Given the implied bitching about the game structure, that wouldn't have changed by switching to PC so all you'd gain would be 1080p, high-res textures and m+kb controls....I see nothing in that list that would change the game in any way from something you consider ove-hyped to "much more amazing"
shot in the dark without playing it.
Every review makes many of the same points. This is primary an interactive movie.

So probably the same question that you ask yourself after playing Bioshock. Did this really need to be a fps? Did that add to the experience or take away?
Bioshock should have been a Metroid, imho. Less enemies. A huge focus on the environment, and exploration. Its almost bizarre bioshocks aren't metroids, when you think about it. Think how much Metroid Prime is touted for its environment, and immersion. then think of Rapture and Columbia. Everyone agrees Rapture is the primary character in Bioshock. why in the world then, doesn't the gameplay revolved around that? The FPS nature of the bioshocks totally takes away from the immersion into those cities.

This game, I would guess(again not having played it) should have been more of an adventure game(not monkey island, but something like Amnesia), or perhaps stealth. ala Amnesia, or Thief, or MSG, or even Resident Evil. no one would have called RE a fps.
I've seen the prologue. And its totally on rails. But a good experience. I can't imagine how adding fps activities adding anything to that.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Holy shit. the room in the mall(?) with the 4 clickers and 2 runners is terrifying. Had to go to 4 locations before I found a place with a copy. Finally resorted to driving to wally world and they had a full rack.
When I entered that room I had 1 molotov cocktail and 3 un-upgraded shivs, and like 5 bullets for one pistol. When I finally beat it, I shanked the first clicker that's closest to the entranceway, strangled the two runners, then popped off a pistol round, ran into cover, and when the other clickers all converged on the spot I shot from, I nailed them with the molotov. The clicker at the end of the area that doesn't come running if you make noise near the entrance, I then blasted in the face twice with the pistol. There's also one other runner by a safe in a backroom there. Headshot her as well.

1 bullet left, 2 shanks, no molotovs!

Caliane, you haven't played the game. Its not an interactive movie, and it is mostly stealth based.

So yeah. Just stop talking, because the things you're saying right now are really dumb. The vast majority of the game is gameplay. Searching, hiding, looting, finding ways to kill enemies without drawing an entire crowd down on you. The shooting only opens up through the second half of the game, and you'll still end up stealthing through large portions of it. And there are zero first person shooter sections. Its a third person stealth shooter it plays almost exactly like Uncharted if you blew up the stealth sections and melee combat and made them a major focus of the game.

And I think the sales and popularity of Bioshock 1 and Infinite pretty well refute the idea that these games should have been fucking adventure titles. You want an adventure title there's plenty for 10 bucks on Steam to buy up and play. They're mostly shit though. Enjoy that.

Also: Bioshock 1 was basically Metroid in level structure. You had to find items/upgrades to access new areas and the maps were fairly complex. Infinite is more linear, but the story was far more developed. Neither were interactive movies though. An interactive movie is a game like Heavy Rain or LA Noire. Not remotely comparable to The Last of Us, and the prologue to the game isn't remotely close to a fair representation of the overall game. You're fleeing the infection with your daughter during the prologue, there's no gameplay elements and the prologue lasts all of about 5 minutes of the total game.


Avatar of War Slayer
Using sales to justify bad design choices is pretty dumb. Obviously Diablo 3 is the best arpg ever right?
Except to further point out that marketing action shooters to dudebros=sales.

in this case, considering my statements are based on reading review and player reactions. My statements that gameplay and story might be at odds, would be others opinions that I am extrapolating from. I'm listening to other people talk about the game, and they are not calling it a stealth game.
Bioshock having this problem with gameplay not fitting the story, was something I personally felt, and I have also seen stated by MANY others.

And first vs third is hardly a difference.

If you say the game is more stealth, ok. But 90% of the player reactions I'm seeing are describing shooting action with some stealth kills. When people talk about a thief, MGS, Amensia, or RE gameplay, they don't talk in the same way they do about this.

Zombie Thorne_sl

I got to "Winter" last night before i had to turn it off. The older i get i care less and less about gameplay (as long as it is fun enough) and more about the story, and to me this game is a near perfect mix. I am playing on normal and there is just enough challenge to make it fun, but not so hard that i end up getting frustrated at repeating certain areas. Right now, i think this game is better than Bioshock Infinite and is without a doubt in my top ten ever list.

I never finished Uncharted, if that series is even half as good as this i will play them next. If anyone is on the fence, just go buy the damn thing. It is amazing.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Except Bioshock 1's only bad design decision was putting the big reveal at 2/3rd's of the way through the game, and then leaving the Atlas fight rushed and subpar. Everything else was pretty much spot on perfect. Infinite fixed that by saving the big reveal for the end. The final boss fight was still a bit shabby, otherwise both games most definitely earned solid 9/10s across the board. There's a reason why Bioshock 1 left an indelible mark on culture, because it was so fucking good.

You should stop extrapolating off retarded comments you've read on the internet if you haven't played the game, because I don't care what you think 90% of people are saying on the internet, its not correct, I beat the game last night on hard. I've played it through from beginning to end. I'm telling you that the game is heavy on stealth and lighter on gunplay until the mid to late game, even then, there's a certain point in the game where the characters are split up, and stealth plays a heavy role in that section as well. Try shooting your way through the first half of the game on hard and see how far you get. You'll end up bashing your head against walls of clickers who 1 shot your ass at melee range and bum rush you if you fire a round off. There were large stretches of the game on hard where I was bitching that if only the game was a little less stingy on ammo, things would be a little less challenging. The game makes you think on your feet as to how to achieve your objectives.

The only part of the game I "gunned" my way through was basically the final two or three hallways, and even then I was employing stealth to hit and run to avoid being gang banged by about 15 full body armored soldiers with assault rifles that all came running at the sound of a single round going off.

And if you think there isn't a major difference between Bioshock 1 and 3 in terms of level design, you haven't played either, or weren't paying attention. There's a huge difference in the level structure of the two games.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Using sales to justify bad design choices is pretty dumb. Obviously Diablo 3 is the best arpg ever right?
Except to further point out that marketing action shooters to dudebros=sales.

in this case, considering my statements are based on reading review and player reactions. My statements that gameplay and story might be at odds, would be others opinions that I am extrapolating from. I'm listening to other people talk about the game, and they are not calling it a stealth game.
Bioshock having this problem with gameplay not fitting the story, was something I personally felt, and I have also seen stated by MANY others.

And first vs third is hardly a difference.

If you say the game is more stealth, ok. But 90% of the player reactions I'm seeing are describing shooting action with some stealth kills. When people talk about a thief, MGS, Amensia, or RE gameplay, they don't talk in the same way they do about this.
I would definitely classify this game as primarily stealth. If you have played Starbreeze's Escape from Butcher Bay, its is very close to that with less pure shooting sections. There are sections where you can shoot your way through, but i dont think i have EVER had more than 25 bullets total in my pack.


Molten Core Raider
Hilarious. I said the gameplay was janky and clippy and regressive; nowhere did I say it was hard or challenging (I'm playing on Hard; I've died 3-4 times. Oh the horror!). Yet somehow the deduction is that I'm bad at games? Umm, no. I'm good at good games. But this isn't one of them. You may as well just watch a spoilercast of this game from beginning to end on YouTube. You'll get all the good of the narrative, music, and art, and none of the poorly implemented, boring stealth mechanics. Comparing this gameplay to Deus Ex 2? Or even Dishonored from a stealth-gameplay pov? Don't make me laugh.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I hope to god you mean Deus Ex Human Revolution and are calling it Deus Ex 2 only because the real Deus Ex 2 was so bad it has burned itself through your memory and left a hole where the knowledge that it existed one lived.

The stealth gameplay in a more action oriented console triple A title is weaker than the stealth gameplay in an RPG built entirely around stealth? Color me surprised. Dishonoured stealth mechanics were rather shitty, tbh. Attempting to basically copy Thief but not doing it as well. Which was fine. I still enjoyed it.

There's no way Dishonoured's gameplay can be called better than The Last of Us' gameplay though. Sorry. You have really bad taste and opinions.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Someone tell me why I would want to play a stealth game where I can't wear a bandana and a mullet and fill every living thing in sight with gallons of tranquilizer?

You can't


Trakanon Raider
Finally got to sit down and play a good 5 hours last night. I can't recall ever playing a game that got my adrenalin pumping quite like this one.

Environments and atmosphere are top notch and the sound effects... my god. Shit gives me the shivers. Story is amazing so far. Combat is really stellar imo. I havent had any problem with the stealth mechanics yet, (anyone who claims it isnt a stealth game is doing it wrong) but thats likely because I am a complete bitch when it comes to survival horror type games and I go super slow.

Personal GOTY so far, I fucking love ND. Few developers put the kind of detail that they do into their games.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Someone tell me why I would want to play a stealth game where I can't wear a bandana and a mullet and fill every living thing in sight with gallons of tranquilizer?

You can't
What's funny is that The Last of Us is far far less linear in terms of level design than the last major Metal Gear Solid title, and the cut scenes are a smaller proportion of the overall gameplay, and yet people are calling it an on rails fps and an interactive movie.

Zombie Thorne_sl

The level designs are pretty amazing as well. No mini map or anything like that at all, and all of the areas just "flow" perfectly together. I haven't played many other Naughty Dog titles, but this makes me want to go back and check them all out. I am pretty blown away.


Trakanon Raider
The level designs are pretty amazing as well. No mini map or anything like that at all, and all of the areas just "flow" perfectly together. I haven't played many other Naughty Dog titles, but this makes me want to go back and check them all out. I am pretty blown away.
Uncharted 1 is fun but a bit dated. It has aged about as well as AC1. Uncharted 2 & 3 are solid (especially 2) and worth checking out.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Jak and Daxter games were awesome on the PS2 as well. I think there is a "remastered" trilogy disk for PS3 as well. Naughty Dog has been a quality dev for a long time.


Trakanon Raider
I knew they did the Crash Bandicoot games on ps2 but never knew they did Jak and Daxter also. Might have to check those out.