The Last of Us


Mr. Poopybutthole
My daughter (13) was watching me play near the end (the hunting chapter... no spoilers) and sat next to me and watched me finish the game over 2 days. Now she wants to play the game from the beginning with some help from her dad. She's never expressed any interest in any video games, but I think the amazing character of Ellie really won her over. I mean, holy shit, the game actually made me mad at OTHER games for not making characters as awesome as Ellie - I'm looking at you, Ubisoft. Fucking Watch Dogs.
I just opened a new copy of this game this afternoon. My eight year old daughter just said she wants to watch me play it, right as I was reading this post LOL.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sat up late last night pushing to finish the game. To be honest, its starts out pretty slow in regards to the story. However, this game really picks up abig time about half-way through. Great game and I think Joel is my new favorite "I dont give a shit" kind of character. One of the top stories I have ever played in a video game.


Vyemm Raider
Sat up late last night pushing to finish the game. To be honest, its starts out pretty slow in regards to the story. However, this game really picks up abig time about half-way through. Great game and I think Joel is my new favorite "I dont give a shit" kind of character. One of the top stories I have ever played in a video game.
Finished last week and I can echo the above comments. Time to start the dlc and see if platinum is doable.


I finished all of the single player achievement, seeing as I can essentially keep playing the that part of the game what with it being as good as it is. But the multiplayer ones are so daunting that I can't get myself to set down and bang them out. As good as the multiplayer is, I've heard you have to essentially put in 80 hours to get all of the trophies. I might do it some other time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I finished all of the single player achievement, seeing as I can essentially keep playing the that part of the game what with it being as good as it is. But the multiplayer ones are so daunting that I can't get myself to set down and bang them out. As good as the multiplayer is, I've heard you have to essentially put in 80 hours to get all of the trophies. I might do it some other time.
I'd say MP is closer to 50 hrs to get the plat, but regardless - it's high. (I find I can get "one week" done in about 2 hrs - 7 matches at about 15 min a piece = 105 min + some lobby time - and you need to play through 12-13 weeks twice one for each faction)

Just finished my MP trophies earlier today, just have to play through one more time to fix the Conversation trophy since I could never narrow down which I missed first and second times through.


FPS noob
i have zero plats
traded in my tlou during gamestops promo last week, gonna buy it digitally when it drops on sale this fall or whenever, maybe it'll be the first game i ever plat


There are some methods to speed up the MP trophy getting - albeit at a reduced personal and community experience. I just finished my first of two 12 week runs in about 10ish hours on PS4 and previously already platinumed the game on the PS3. If you get rolling, you can probably finish all of the MP trophies in just a little over 20 hours. Here's a few tips:

1. Survival games tend to be the quickest and potentially most rewarding if you find yourself on a really good (or really shitty) team.

2. If you're not concerned with growing your population to unlock stuff, you can just straight up quit out of every other game, which automatically advances you to the next day. You'll suffer casualties, forcing you play to get some healthy survivors now and again, but you can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete a 12 week cycle. Also, this tends to suck for the people you're playing with of course. I suggest if you're going to do this, do it on a game of supply raid rather than a game of survival because the negative impact to your team is considerably less.

3. Unless you're trying to get the DLC trophies (not required for platinum), avoid doing Interrogation games. With even teams, these games can take absolutely forever and slow your progress way down. I can't understate the number of times I've had this match type last until the timer runs out, despite all efforts. You can always knock these out with a few games post-platinum really easily.

4. Save your really easily completable challenges for the weeks you encounter the risk of 100% population loss. If I recall, there are five of them total. Last thing you want to do is make it to week 12, day 5 and then fuck yourself because you need to perform at super human levels and risk starting completely over again. If you think you aren't going to make your challenge, you can log out of PSN while still in game to get booted. When you start back up, you'll be back at the previous day and can try again.

5. The match-making for TLoU on PS4 seems to be pretty shit compared to when I played on the PS3. It can take a really long time to find a game. Especially on Survivor games - once you're in, just keep rolling with the same game. Many times it's actually faster than quitting out and waiting to find a new one.

Really looking forward to double platting this game. Very rare that I feel a game is worth platting once, let alone twice.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Dropping doesn't advance the date most of the time in PS4. Looks like you need 3-4 rounds before it counts for progress.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I bought this and Tomb Raider for PS3 at release, but RL got in the way and I only finished half of Tomb Raider and never even fired this up. After seeing all the critical acclaim for the game, I put it on my "must complete" lists. Then they announced the PS4 version and I decided to wait again! Finally after nearly a year of it being out and TWO copies of this game in hand, I just finished TLoU yesterday. Amazing story, stunning visuals, perfect soundtrack.. I just can't think of any way this game could have been better.

Definitely in my top 5, if not top 3, games of all time!

I hadn't seen anyone else comment about how fun it was with the scene where you give cover fire with the monster sniper rifle on the second floor house in the neighborhood. 1 shot blasting all the baddies was a great venting after all the bs leading up to it. In the basement generator scene, I too just gave up trying to kill the bloater and baddies. I just grabbed the keycard ahead of time, memorized the layout, turned on the gen and sprinted my ass off for the exit! The alternating play as Ellie / Joel towards the end was combined nicely.

I hope this game pushes other publishers to up the bar.


I actually just finished Uncharted 3 today. I loved TLoU like everyone else but, man, the Uncharted series is still tops for me. What an epic journey.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I bought this and Tomb Raider for PS3 at release, but RL got in the way and I only finished half of Tomb Raider and never even fired this up. After seeing all the critical acclaim for the game, I put it on my "must complete" lists. Then they announced the PS4 version and I decided to wait again! Finally after nearly a year of it being out and TWO copies of this game in hand, I just finished TLoU yesterday. Amazing story, stunning visuals, perfect soundtrack.. I just can't think of any way this game could have been better.

Definitely in my top 5, if not top 3, games of all time!

I hadn't seen anyone else comment about how fun it was with the scene where you give cover fire with the monster sniper rifle on the second floor house in the neighborhood. 1 shot blasting all the baddies was a great venting after all the bs leading up to it. In the basement generator scene, I too just gave up trying to kill the bloater and baddies. I just grabbed the keycard ahead of time, memorized the layout, turned on the gen and sprinted my ass off for the exit! The alternating play as Ellie / Joel towards the end was combined nicely.

I hope this game pushes other publishers to up the bar.
I'm surprised more people didn't figure out how to beat it. Was pretty easy once I figured out that I could lay the mines on the stairs, and just wait for the big baddie to walk up and blow himself up. lol


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm surprised more people didn't figure out how to beat it. Was pretty easy once I figured out that I could lay the mines on the stairs, and just wait for the big baddie to walk up and blow himself up. lol
Were you playing on Easy difficulty?
I played through on Normal and I could never take down a bloater with a couple mines alone. It wasn't until the bloater crashing through the roof with Ellie / David that I realized moltovs melt them pretty quickly. Up to that point, I saved the moltovs for packs of clickers. Toss a bottle to group them, toss a moltov into the group and yawn-EZ-mode.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nope. Was on Normal. If I remember right I laid a few gun shots into the blister as well but I for sure killed him.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Molotov cocktails are incredible for bloaters almost a must on the higher difficulties. Until the flamethrower at least.


Vyemm Raider
Friend loaned me his PS4 to play this. I'd say it really takes off once you reach Bill's town and you can start getting creative with how you kill things. Luring a bunch into a pile and hitting them with a bomb or molotov being the most fun.

Is the game spawning ammo dynamically? Like if I have full ammo for any one gun, dead people won't drop ammo? It seems that way - I was running around with a full quiver, so I dropped a few guys with arrows and started getting shotgun rounds again. This after clearing out like 20 hunters that were armed to the teeth and getting jack.

Also, this game shits all over the notion that "tank controls" were ever a necessary component of survival-horror.

PS: I can't shoot for crap with this gamepad... melee weapons and the shotgun are life savers.


Vyemm Raider
I wish I'd have had that when I was hanging upside down with the revolver...

That was humbling. And he thinks I'm going to transition to BF4 on console, lol.

But with upgrades and more toys to use the game has gone from "die 5 times a room trying to be Sam Fisher" to pretty smooth sailing.

The generator ambush irked me a little. I cleared that area! Second time around I set up bomb traps for laughs.


FPS noob
yeah I'd agree with bills being the spot where the game really gets going, before that I played for maybe an hour a day or so and just didn't feel like continuing. After that I had a bunch of marathon 8 hour sessions, it was crazy.

The difficulty levels are tuned really well, I played first time on normal and I am not good so I found it quite challenging, although by the end I was really a pretty badass motherfucker. I started a second game on Survival mode and hoooooooly shit its crazy hard, no sonar mode plus drops are way, way more rare. I imagine grounded is even crazy harder. I traded the game into Gamestop during the 50% bonus days, but will rebuy when it goes on sale digitally.

also Red Dead Redemption is rumored to be remastered for PC, PS4 and xbone next year and RDR2 coming out too. I wish they'd announce Uncharted 1-3 remastered.


Lord Nagafen Raider
yeah I'd agree with bills being the spot where the game really gets going, before that I played for maybe an hour a day or so and just didn't feel like continuing. After that I had a bunch of marathon 8 hour sessions, it was crazy.

The difficulty levels are tuned really well, I played first time on normal and I am not good so I found it quite challenging, although by the end I was really a pretty badass motherfucker. I started a second game on Survival mode and hoooooooly shit its crazy hard, no sonar mode plus drops are way, way more rare. I imagine grounded is even crazy harder. I traded the game into Gamestop during the 50% bonus days, but will rebuy when it goes on sale digitally.

also Red Dead Redemption is rumored to be remastered for PC, PS4 and xbone next year and RDR2 coming out too. I wish they'd announce Uncharted 1-3 remastered.
I agree and did the same in regards to playing and where the game started to get intresting. To be honest, if this game didn't receive the positive feedback and praise that everyone had I would still be trying push myself to play. I am glad I did....

I enjoyed TLOU and Uncharted however Red Dead is still one of my all time favorite games, I hope they remaster it for PS4 or even create a new one...awesome.