The Matrix (1999)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Except that it doesn't follow the philosophy whatsoever.
The Matrix was supposed to be all about levels of depth and complexity. You go down the rabbit hole and find out we are in the Matrix. You go down it again and find out Man blackened the sky itself (Lithose script). You go down the rabbit hole again and find out its not as simple as machines vs. man to pretend to protect us but machine vs. machine vs man to ultimately allow us to choose how to save ourselves. Or not.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The movies are fine. The ending is about choice versus choicelessness. People are just too dumb to understand it.


<Prior Amod>
oh thats why the second one and third one werent very good guys, we just weren't smart enough for them.




I've always felt like they didn't even have 2&3 written, but due to massive popularity of the 1st movie, which was excellent of course, they just crammed out 2 more movies. I still enjoy the entire trilogy but there are definitely several parts in 2&3 that are just completely retarded (the Trainmaster? Come on.)


Tranny Chaser
I could go on and on about how much I dislike Reloaded and Revolutions but what pisses me off about the series the most is how Morpheus goes from being this absolutely amazing character to being relegated to being the goddamn co-pilot in the third film for a character we barely know. He doesn't doanythingin Revolutions.


FoH nuclear response team
Not surprising. The Matrix and Dark City come paired in my mind. The Matrix is the brighter techy version. Dark City is the darker mystical version. They're both basically the same story. It's a fun story, and both are well done.
You also forgot The 13th Floor, it was basically a simplified version of The Matrix.

One of the best things about The Matrix was that it changed action movies for the better from that point on.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
I've always felt like they didn't even have 2&3 written, but due to massive popularity of the 1st movie, which was excellent of course, they just crammed out 2 more movies. I still enjoy the entire trilogy but there are definitely several parts in 2&3 that are just completely retarded (the Trainmaster? Come on.)
It's comments like these that just make me /facepalm.

Tarrant_sl said:
oh thats why the second one and third one werent very good guys, we just weren't smart enough for them.
That's exactly it. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

Some of you apparently need your hand held, so why don't you give this video a try:

The first movie deals with a Christian type mythos. Most here recognize that because it's something they are familiar with, so they understand what is going on. 2&3 deal with Buddhism and Hinduism, which is foreign to most people here, so it leaves them thinking like the above posters.


Millie's Staff Member
Lets say for a moment, thats actually what they were going for. it still means they alienated the majority of their audience, which isnt exactly a smart way to make movies.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's comments like these that just make me /facepalm.

"we just weren't smart enough for them"

That's exactly it. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

The first movie deals with a Christian type mythos. Most here recognize that because it's something they are familiar with, so they understand what is going on. 2&3 deal with Buddhism and Hinduism, which is foreign to most people here, so it leaves them thinking like the above posters.
I've met Matrix snobs like you in real life (usually working at Gamestop or selling comics) and they're just as obnoxious as your post is. Trust me, you aren't smarter than the rest of us. We understand perfectly the philosophy and mythos they were going for. Anyone who gives 2 shits about the Matrix has been online and read about it at the very least, even if they didn't understand right away after watching the movies.

That doesn't change the fact that the first one was fairly coherent, struck a good balance between revealing shit and keeping us guessing, and was really entertaining start to finish. The second and third movies, mythos or not, were incoherent pieces of crap. I'm sorry but Neo flying through the air in the real world blowing up robots with his mind is not a good plot device no matter what the Sutras or Vedas say. I'm thrilled that the Wachowski brothers...sisters...whatever the fuck got their jollies weaving elaborate religious allegory into their action movies but we aren't talking about a religion and philosophy university course here, we're talking about an action movie with Carrie-Anne Moss wearing tight leather pants. Get your shit together.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's comments like these that just make me /facepalm.

That's exactly it. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

Some of you apparently need your hand held, so why don't you give this video a try:

The first movie deals with a Christian type mythos. Most here recognize that because it's something they are familiar with, so they understand what is going on. 2&3 deal with Buddhism and Hinduism, which is foreign to most people here, so it leaves them thinking like the above posters.
What is it with people like you and Mist? Do you think you're the only ones who caught the ham fisted, obtuse and ultimately nauseating deluge of eastern references in 2 and 3? It wasn't like it was "subtle", the constant references to how Karma is a product of choice, and how said system makes perfect constructs like (Nirvana, Paradise, Matrix 1) impossible for humanity to hold onto was pounded home with all the grace of a drunk jock on prom night. The symbolism behind the "Architect" lacked subtly to the point that even people with a modest understanding of philosophy felt like they were raped by a giant cliche of Shiva.

The problem was the fact that they took a coherent, focused set of symbolism and muddied it with incoherent babble as they attempted to show how much they paid attention in Philosophy 102/103. This may make for a great masturbatory experience for them, as they splooge their philosophical ramblings onto film between huge, pointless, action sequences (Which really hurt the introspective nature they were going for) but it made for a BAD FILM overall. Their inability to deliver that coherent message, because of their ADHD driven tangents, ruined the pacing, story, plot and even a lot of the dialogue.

Hence the problem. Now, when watching number 2, it felt like, while there were nods to other philosophies, that they were still ultimately building toward a few specific questions...You know, coherency. But three they just decided to keep branching, farther and farther out--and instead of achieving enlightenment, they only ended up making Neo look like a comic book character that was being written by a second rate author who couldn't quite decide on the plot, so he just decided to have him do a ton of cool shit and drop in some symbolic elements into each scene so they could say their movie wasn't just an action movie. (Wakakwoski Script Meeting: Hey tranny bro, we just had ANOTHER long, pointless fight scene. How do we make the movie seem smart again? Oh, I know, lets add another long dialogue about choice--this time we'll add multiple iterations of lives, give it a real Hindu vibe...Oooo, we'll have Neo wear an Asian style overcoat to really slam home how smart we're being about the symbolism here! High Five!)

They'd have done more, by doing less. They should have nodded to the other philosophies in 2 and 3, but kept the story moving along with the coherent symbolism/allegory they developed in 1. Which is why I said, the machines, who were omniscience/potent, would have represented God. Their love of mankind stemming from their creation by mankind would have explained the paradox of an all powerful God limiting himself with creatures that have free will (Which automatically limits both Omniscience/Potence.) Neo, would have represented a bridge between God and Man, so that God could better understand man, and man God--hence "the one's" purpose of collecting all that free will code, and allowing the machines to decipher it to fix the Matrix (IE Jesus, son of God, fixing Heaven by beinghalfmortal--and I can make a pretty good argument for Neo being half machine, lots of symbolism there)....Much simpler, more focused--and that would allow the action sequences without feeling like a roller coaster of philosophical ramblings. (Note: The reality is, my last little paragraph here was the story, lots of the symbolism in the end points to it--I just think it's meaning could have been conveyed in a cleaner fashion, less doused by the philosophical bullshit of 2/3 and said clearer fashion would have made for a FAR better movie.)

Which is why I made the post--not because I didn't understand it, I just don't think it's good movie making to take a coherent allegory in one film, and then skull fuck it in the series, only to heavily intimate that it did, indeed continue by the end. But hey, to each their own, whatever helps you guys feel like special snow flakes.


Musty Nester
Drugs man, lots of drugs.

It's like that passage in earthsea where Sparrowhawk follows the wizard fallen into hazia addiction into the dry lands. He thought he was discovering the deepest mysteries but he was simply wandering aimlessly in the places even a novice knows how to safely traverse. You want some good, subtle, clever, coherent east meets west philosophy societal observation -- anything Le Guin wrote before the early 90's, even the crazy girly shit (she wrote some girly fucking shit). Some of the stuff after.

Matrix 2/3 didn't need to be made. But if you were going to make them the way they were made only made the story less. They made money though. On a critical level it's pretty obvious what went on. And that's fine... whatever. Take a good story and milk it with two more confused garbage scripts. Who cares. That's what usually happens.

However -- Calling 2 or 3 "a good story" in the way that 1 was "a good story" is factually incorrect. They were straight up action movies. Again -- by themselves who gives a shit. No shame in enjoying action movies. The flaw is in what they followed and how they followed it.


It's comments like these that just make me /facepalm.

That's exactly it. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

Some of you apparently need your hand held, so why don't you give this video a try:

The first movie deals with a Christian type mythos. Most here recognize that because it's something they are familiar with, so they understand what is going on. 2&3 deal with Buddhism and Hinduism, which is foreign to most people here, so it leaves them thinking like the above posters.
You linked a video that is over an hour long that has to explain the punchline of the movies, lol. Just because a movie "makes sense" or has some deep philosophical underlying doesn't make it a good movie.

And quoting good ol' Maddox: "Keanu Reeves' ass never needs to be seen."

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Lets say for a moment, thats actually what they were going for. it still means they alienated the majority of their audience, which isnt exactly a smart way to make movies.
It definitely takes balls (lol?). The Hollywood way would have played it safe and delivered movies fairly identical to the first. THAT would have been lazy and predictable. The Wachowskis saw the opportunity to delve deeper and deliver a more enlightening message to an audience they had captured. I applaud them for it. It surely wasn't material they could have started out with, but if you're able to follow along, they laid out a brilliant allegory masquerading as an action movie.

I think it is one of the most important series of movies ever created.