The New England Patriots 2014 Playoffs Thread


Golden Baronet of the Realm
McFatty was so bad yesterday it made Barnwell bring back his "Thank you for not coaching" bit. Pretty hilarious.

NFL Conference Championship Wrap-up: See You in Arizona
I didn't even see in there the stupidity of calling timeout before the FG try to tie the game with 19 seconds left instead of with only 4 or 5 seconds left. As unlikely as it would have been for anything to happen, leaving Seattle with 14 seconds and a timeout was just stupid.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The refs check them before the game so unless someone was deflating them during its all bullshit. Also the refs could have checked at any point during if someone had said something.
That's exactly what they say happened. The better team won going away but Belicheat has to do his shtick. He reminds me so much of the NFL version of Dirty Dick Nixon. Going to win but so damn insecure he has to find loopholes. Just cant help himself.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I can't believe Green Bay blew that game. I'm not a Green Bay fan and was yelling at the TV. So many opportunities of put that game away and they just kept fucking up. Packer fans must have been going berserk.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
That's exactly what they say happened. The better team won going away but Belicheat has to do his shtick. He reminds me so much of the NFL version of Dirty Dick Nixon. Going to win but so damn insecure he has to find loopholes. Just cant help himself.
Yeah I don't buy it. I have seen them checking the pressure in games before its not like they could slip some conspiracy bye. All it required is 1 person to say something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Did it bother anyone else that as green bay was driving down the field on their final drive in regulation they kept panning to their kicker who was struggling to get a net on for practice kicks? He half assed put it on, kicked one practice kick, and then was struggling to put it back on again. What the fuck do you have like 200 people on staff for? No one could have helped him with that? Had he missed that final kick, as gm I'd have personally fired every plebe on that sideline.


Trakanon Raider
Did it bother anyone else that as green bay was driving down the field on their final drive in regulation they kept panning to their kicker who was struggling to get a net on for practice kicks? He half assed put it on, kicked one practice kick, and then was struggling to put it back on again. What the fuck do you have like 200 people on staff for? No one could have helped him with that? Had he missed that final kick, as gm I'd have personally fired every plebe on that sideline.
Eh, a lot of solo athletes like to go into their concentration zone, where they ignore the existence of everyone else and focus on their thing alone (and don't want anyone interrupting them). It wouldn't surprise me if kickers fall under that category.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The deflated ball is just a bullshit rumor "discovered" by a Colts beat writer. The refs are given the balls over 2 and a half hours before gametime to review and both teams use them. If the ball was actually doctored, then what is the Colts' excuse for shitting the bed that game if they used the alleged "magic ball"? ;p


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
The only thing remotely interesting about the ball issue is at some point they indeed removed several balls during the game evidently
Would it even be possible for Bond villian Belichick to ensure that only the Patriots offense got to use the deflated balls? If anything, cool people know how NFL ball procedures work?


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Each team uses there own balls, so only time colts would touch them is off a turnover


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
My final rant about the Packers, read if you want:
I am at peace with the loss, but then I went in expecting to lose. That we had any chance in this game at all says more about Seattle than anything else. We are basically stuck with the worst coach in NFL history to ever win a Superbowl and he needed one of the best QBs ever and a Defense playing well above its means at the right time to do it. McFatty is the Eli Manning of head coaches. No one knows how that idiot has a ring, but he does. I am and will always be a Packer fan, but I refuse to get emotionally invested in this team again while he remains the coach. Seven straight years and we have a bunch of one and dones with one fluke against an aging Steelers team to show for it, despite having the most talent on the offensive side of the ball we have ever had in team history. The only point where I had even a glimmer of home is the 3rd Qtr FG drive where Rodgers clearly said fuck it and audibled into some passes, but aside from that I knew we were losing this one the entire game and was certain of it after the fake field goal.

Unfortunately, we are stuck with him until Rodgers either quits or bitches about him (Rodgers is too nice to do this), so we will continue to be the one and done kings of the NFC North until the Vikes dethrone us in a couple more years. This is like the entire decade of Favre all over again, where you have one of the best QBs playing the game, sit well under the cap year in and year out, but never give the team the tools to push past the final round. McFatty just signed a long term contract and if years of Ted the Ghost Thompson and watching Jerret Bush or Bostwick fuck things up has taught me anything, its that Ted sticks with his pet picks no matter what. Except I think this particular loss is going to wreck the franchise as surely as the one SF suffered last year. Players know this coach has no balls and will look to make money and get rings elsewhere. In two years this is going to be a complete replay of the Mike Sherman years all over again, squandering an all time QB by refusing to get talent while he suffers under a coach who is kept employed by riding his back.

As for the game, I think that the article linked above sums up McCarthy's fuckups rather nicely, but also:
1) Mathews- This asshole has been playing dirty the last couple games, which is normally the sign of a roided out D player who is trying to make up for loss of physical ability. His cheap shit needs to stop and we need to line up a long term replacement plan for him.

2) AJ Hawk- This dude should have been cut over two years ago. If Sunday's loss accomplishes nothing else, maybe it will finally get him off the fucking field for good. He cannot cover or tackle. And his poor decision making finally cost us a game on the largest stage.

3) Bostwick- The fact that no one knew his name before he shit the bed on the onsides kick tells you how bad out TE situation is. On a team with no TEs worth half a shit, this guy manages to be even more invisible than Quarless. He should be cut, if only to make an example out of people who try to play hero, but he is one of Teddy's personal pet projects so we get to sit through Jerret Bush 2.0 again.

4) Slocum- People want to pin shit on Capers, but the only new talent he has gotten in years has been Peppers and Dix (both excellent). The real coach McFatty should toss under the bus is Slocum. We had seven blocked kicks this season (franchise worst) and was the brains that put a rookie second year second strong TE with alligator arms on the fucking Hands team in the most critical game of the season. Oh, and apparently he (and GB) were the only people in the entire country who didn't know that fake FG was coming. Unlike Capers, this jackass has had a lot of talent to draw from and this has gone on for years. The only person more deserving of getting fired than Bostwick is this asshole.

5) Clock Management- Most coaches struggle with it, but really McFatty is the worst I have ever seen, and I have watched a lot of Andy Reid and Jim Harbaugh games. If fatass can't manage to look up from his clip board and cheeseburger long enough to handle the playclock or stop giving the opposing team extra time with needless timeouts in critical moments, then he had better defer those privileges to someone else.

6) The Tighness of McCarthy's Asshole- This game was a case study in why I hate him as a coach, but throwing the hand cuffs on Rodgers in the second half and trying to hit some arbitrary number of runs for his stat sheet is unforgivable. His lack of aggression has killed us in winnable games, as has his tendency to coach a flat team in games we should trounce (Bills, KC two years ago, ect). Average coaches let teams back in the game. What does that say about a coach who has Rodgers and a two score lead in the Championship game?

Anyhow, I am checked out on this. It sucks, but it was not unexpected. Getting blown out might have been better, because we would see real change. With the historic meltdown last night, we are going to be slowly picked apart by free agency and Rodgers will go the Manning Favre route of piling up meaningless stats and having his prime years squandered, because the homers will stick by TT and MM thanks to the one lucky run we had. If you really look at the team though, objectively, we have had two blowouts to the Giants at home, two losses to the mighty Kseperbro, and an assortment of one and dones since Fatty took over. Better coaches than him have gotten canned for that.

Ok enough Packer talk, on to the Superbowl aka Azeth jizzes all over himself and this thread for the next year:
Patriots over the Seahawks, 27-17

If I could choose who won, it would sadly be the Pats at this point. Gronk and Bellicheat are two of the most hate-worthy men in the NFL, but except for Wilson the entire Seahawk roster is wall to wall assholes and thugs, including their coach. Give me the Matt Hasslebeck Hawks any day over these pricks. Those guys were actually likeable and the fans were not nearly as bandwagon and obnoxious cunts. Somehow, they have overtaken Boston fans as the biggest cunts around, which is I guess impressive? Too bad a bunch of them missed the end of the game yesterday filing out of the stadium showing what great fans they are. When roid burnout and greed picks this team apart in a couple years, I am sure they will go back to being likeable.

And also, if Brady wins another I am pretty sure he is likely to retire. That would leave Bellicheat either retiring with him or presiding over his own slow fall into the abyss, Tom Coughlin style. Both of those scenarios warm my heart. Plus, I don't mind Brady finishing on top. He is actually a decent guy and one of the all time best, so he deserves it.

Objectively, I don't see a Seattle team that had to rely on the worst coaching meltdown since the days of Denny Green to get into the SB is going to put points up against NE. With the two corners they have, NE can play fucking goal line D all day, since Seattle has no real wideouts. And remember Rodgers did all of his damage in the middle of the field with the worst TEs in the entire league. Brady has Gronk. I don't see a blowout, because Seattle's D is really good (cobwebs from picking on shit teams aside), but Coach Vader is not going to let them back into the game the way Fatass did. Also, Bellicheat is better at bending the rules and dirty pool than Carroll, which has been what has won the SB the last few times.


Log Wizard
Patriots B cheating. It never ends.

I hope Tom Brady gets a compound fracture and Kam Chancellor drinks his fucking marrow.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Didn't watch the game, someone please tell me there was a questionable call that swayed the NFC game so we can say the refs have advanced all the way to the SB.

On an unrelated note. LOL @ cheatercheck again. I hope it's got enough legs for us to see patriots fans rationalize it by saying that even if they did cheat, that didn't need to because there's no way it made that much difference.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Just ignore him.Hes like that obnoxious Girl Friend at every sporting event who constantly blurts out retarded shit.
Coming from you, this is high praise.

Gronk is into the same sort of party life that basically got Welker run out of town, just that Gronk was essential to the team and Brady is good enough that any bag boy from the local Ralphs can probably play wideout in NE. Something about giant TEs makes them swinging dicks. We had the same bullshit with Mark Chamura in GB, who used to take Favre out cruising for poontang in Milwaukee all the time even after Favre got married. Chewy finally got the axe when he allegedly porked Holmgren's daughter.