The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Just going to nitpick one part of that, since I'm sure everyone else knows my thoughts on aliens. I'm the "it has to land on my front lawn" skeptic MFF is referring to.

As soon as someone states that an alien has a "1200 IQ" I'm out. IQ over a certain point is just extrapolation anyway, and 200'ish is about the maximum we ever talk about, which would be some ridiculous standard deviation (20+ I believe)...what possible method do we have to calculate something at 1200? The standard deviation on that would be astronomical. Functionally, what's the difference for us as humans if someone has a 600 IQ or 6000? No one knows what either of those numbers would look like in terms of actual intelligence. Yet this guy throws it out like it is fact. He throws it out because it makes us go "Wow!" and he thinks it lends credence to his accounts. If he said the average alien had an IQ of 100, no one would give a fuck.

I guess we're also supposed to believe that everyone from this alien race has this level of IQ? Or did they just send their best and brightest? Why is every alien race smarter than us? Because they have spacecraft? Because they are "enlightened" and didn't destroy their planet? Look at us. Not even 1 in 1,000,000 of us could tell you how to build the fucking phone in our pocket, let alone the "advanced flying craft" we use to travel all over the planet. Why do all the aliens that come here know all the intricate details of that shit? Am I supposed to believe that they were sent here specifically because of their knowledge, or bringing it along on an iPad as a gift? If so, why are they ok with living in secret underground bunkers or sneaking in under cover of night and only giving that info to shady government types? If they've watched us at all, which they must have with their 1200 IQ, they would have figured out that our governments are functionally worthless in terms of actually getting shit done, so why are they willing to let us continue to "destroy the planet" while everyone focuses on impeaching Drumpf? Unless they didn't bring us all that technology to save the planet? Then why did they bring it? And why didn't they give it to every government on the planet?

Speaking of rabbit holes, feel free to go down that one. If you apply any sort of logic at all to the stories told by people like this 92 year old guy, it falls apart the moment you start asking any reasonable questions. Sure, you can imply that Earth civilization will be thrown into chaos by the news of extraterrestrials, but would it? It might actually solve a shitload of problems too. It might be the unifying force that brings the world together. Or not, but can you honestly say that aliens watching our planet would agree with the path we are currently on? If so, why are they even here in the first place? If not, why are they allowing us to hide their existence and their potentially planet-saving technology?

That dude is fucking nuts. Sorry. I say this all the time in real life: there are people in all walks of life that appear normal in 99% of their actions, but then deviate from the norm in some small but sometimes drastic way. You've got your cops that are great at their jobs, but then turn out to be rapists. You've got firefighters that turn out to be arsonists. Surgeons that are serial killers. Navy pilots and scientists and "high ranking government officials" that believe they have seen/have evidence of/visited with aliens. Some do it because they are broken, some do it because they want attention, and some are literally delusional. There are literally billions of people in the world. If even 1% of 1% of those billions are crazy as fuck, that's still 700,000+ crazy as fuck people. And now they have the internet to spread their ideas. Just by random chance, some of those people are going to be in "trusted" positions like pilot, politician, etc. And I'd argue the number is far higher than 1% of 1%.

Also, not going to watch that video, but those EWD notes. Where are those supposedly from? I could type that page up and make it look like an old document too, so just wondering what its provenance is.
Notes are his personal notes from his meetings, only shared with a select few, which in turn a few of them went public with (Greer for one).
The names dropped (Hal for instance) is the top scientist with the intimate, first hand knowledge of what's going on behind the veil of secrecy.

As for the Aliens thing, I'm still saying skip that part. Even if the DOD is confirming items not made by human hands and reverse engineered alien tech.
Makes it easier to rationalize the fleets of ships we have out in the waters off San Diego and the Eastern coast.

As for your thoughts, yes, that would be the rational way to look at things.
However, there is more than enough documents, both Gov and non Gov, clear sightings(which are always hand waved away) to support secret, highly compartmentalized black projects employing the advanced tech and "break away civilization" (if you consider that what we have is known and operated in secret and has been since the 80s when they started to successfully operate the tech)

Space Force is the real deal.



<Gold Donor>
Notes are his personal notes from his meetings, only shared with a select few, which in turn a few of them went public with (Greer for one).
The names dropped (Hal for instance) is the top scientist with the intimate, first hand knowledge of what's going on behind the veil of secrecy.
You and I could share fake personal notes like that and leak them. No one would care. Let's say we both work at NASA or for the DoD, etc. Now when we leak them, certain people care...but they could still be the same made up things. Having a particular job or even security clearance doesn't mean you aren't certifiably nuts, or at least misguided perhaps, or even just wanting to believe despite zero evidence, as part of my previous post outlined.

As for the Aliens thing, I'm still saying skip that part. Even if the DOD is confirming items not made by human hands and reverse engineered alien tech.
Makes it easier to rationalize the fleets of ships we have out in the waters off San Diego and the Eastern coast.
The whole thing was about aliens! How am I supposed to skip that part?! You clearly believe, you can't just tell me to skip that part because you think I need baby steps to accept one thing at a time.

Also, the DoD is not "confirming items not made by human hands and reverse engineered alien tech." People are claiming that it is so, perhaps even people that worked in these areas (I can't keep up), but the DoD has not made any official statements to this effect. If I'm wrong, please show them to me. I will buy my tinfoil hat immediately if so.

As for your thoughts, yes, that would be the rational way to look at things.
However, there is more than enough documents, both Gov and non Gov, clear sightings(which are always hand waved away) to support secret, highly compartmentalized black projects employing the advanced tech and "break away civilization" (if you consider that what we have is known and operated in secret and has been since the 80s when they started to successfully operate the tech)
I disagree. Once again I stand by the claim that none of this is supported by anything more than "eyewitness reports" by questionable witnesses. Witnesses that are either truly delusional or seek to garner fame via the only method they see available to them. Or both. Practically everything Lazar has ever said, for example, doesn't add up or can be easily refuted by the evidence that we do have, yet he's held up as one of the great sources in this field. Sure, if you start your building blocks on assumptions like those, the sky is literally the limit when it comes to believing everything else. I don't believe even one single thing he's said that relates to extraterrestrials, Element 115, etc. There is literally zero proof to indicate that anyone should believe him, short of just wanting to.

Space Force is the real deal.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
You and I could share fake personal notes like that and leak them. No one would care. Let's say we both work at NASA or for the DoD, etc. Now when we leak them, certain people care...but they could still be the same made up things. Having a particular job or even security clearance doesn't mean you aren't certifiably nuts, or at least misguided perhaps, or even just wanting to believe despite zero evidence, as part of my previous post outlined.

The whole thing was about aliens! How am I supposed to skip that part?! You clearly believe, you can't just tell me to skip that part because you think I need baby steps to accept one thing at a time.

Also, the DoD is not "confirming items not made by human hands and reverse engineered alien tech." People are claiming that it is so, perhaps even people that worked in these areas (I can't keep up), but the DoD has not made any official statements to this effect. If I'm wrong, please show them to me. I will buy my tinfoil hat immediately if so.

I disagree. Once again I stand by the claim that none of this is supported by anything more than "eyewitness reports" by questionable witnesses. Witnesses that are either truly delusional or seek to garner fame via the only method they see available to them. Or both. Practically everything Lazar has ever said, for example, doesn't add up or can be easily refuted by the evidence that we do have, yet he's held up as one of the great sources in this field. Sure, if you start your building blocks on assumptions like those, the sky is literally the limit when it comes to believing everything else. I don't believe even one single thing he's said that relates to extraterrestrials, Element 115, etc. There is literally zero proof to indicate that anyone should believe him, short of just wanting to.

Ya, theres a bunch of stuff you've missed bro. Some of it I havent even had time to make an intelligent post about.
Quit pawning off that I believe in Aliens ya buttmunch.
Alien tech could mean anything at this point. Hell, it could be Illegal Mexican Alien tech for all we know.

Hellyer is a mixed bag. I finally took the time to check it out. Just like 80% of those that have come out to tell the truth, I'm 100% sure that the files, etc that he has had access to were riddled with large amounts of disinfo. I mean its fucking obvious.

We can agree to disagree on some points though. Love you dude. No homo.

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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Something might be fucky!

Yeah, saw that. Kind of bullshit they are only revealing it now when they've known for years.
They may be right and it's a crazy mega deposit from the impact.
Could also be something else entirely.
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Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Mega deposit my ass. Fucking Deathstar baby!

Didn't NASA try slamming a satellite or something into the Moon and it reverberated like it was hollow metal?
  • 2Worf
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I'd still love to hear the music they observed around the dark side of the moon. More than a little curious.
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  • 1Seriously?
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Dude you dont make sense and post shit that is jibberish half the time start following through on your rants k tnx
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  • 1Salty
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Dude you dont make sense and post shit that is jibberish half the time start following through on your rants k tnx

I hear what your saying.
However, if I may interject.

Eat my gigantic alien cock you asshat.

Throw up "music on the moon" in your duckduckbing instead of insult parachuting cause your frustrated or looking for something to jerk off to.

The moon music is well documented. It occured during apollo 10s transit behind the moon and again a few months later when Collins was in the pod.
During Apollo 10, the radio frequency was inadvertently broadcast onto the cfb channels truckers use. The story NASA put forth vs what they heard is a little different. It's still unexplained to this day. However NASA put forth that it may have been interference from the command module between the radio in the Lunar Module and the one in the Command Module. The radio ops suggested the same thing when Michael Collins was slipping to the darkside. They couldn't confirm that was the source or cause.
Add to it that what NASA has said(they are liars controlling a narrative, never forget this) is part of the "offical" guess, and that the Truckers heard a totally different story that night (that the music sounded like gospel and not only Collins on Apollo 11, but the crew from Apollo 10 couldn't figure out where it was coming from).
Theres more to the story, and You have to dig past the mountain of "narrative stories" to find it.

And if you dont like how I operate my shitstorm when I post, go do the research yourself and try to do better.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
There is much much more to those new documents I posted the other day. Waiting to confirm sources before posting more on that.
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First You sound and type like you haven't had social interaction in 17 years.

If you dont wanna be called out then your jibberish should be cleaner as you troll up 19 different pseudo things and explain none minus info from a fucking google search. I dont have to google anything your retarded ass posts because other people have done that and explained it goes nowhere like everything else you post.

Go use more more intricate words you discovered from the Google and pretend to be in the know bro. You are our savior right? Gods plan.
  • 2Picard
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  • 1WTF
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
First You sound and type like you haven't had social interaction in 17 years.

If you dont wanna be called out then your jibberish should be cleaner as you troll up 19 different pseudo things and explain none minus info from a fucking google search. I dont have to google anything your retarded ass posts because other people have done that and explained it goes nowhere like everything else you post.

Go use more more intricate words you discovered from the Google and pretend to be in the know bro. You are our savior right? Gods plan.

  • 1Worf
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I know UFO's exist, I've seen one first hand and I won't dismiss all of the hundreds/thousands of military, aviation, and police encounters with them. But imo Hellyer is spreading some really bad fiction. A lot of that shit he says sounds like it came from some retarded geocities blog.
Would you share your experience??


Millie's Staff Member
First You sound and type like you haven't had social interaction in 17 years.

If you dont wanna be called out then your jibberish should be cleaner as you troll up 19 different pseudo things and explain none minus info from a fucking google search. I dont have to google anything your retarded ass posts because other people have done that and explained it goes nowhere like everything else you post.

Go use more more intricate words you discovered from the Google and pretend to be in the know bro. You are our savior right? Gods plan.
this thread is by design for off the beaten path theories and ideas, why did you feel the need to try to beat someone down with your conformity? challenge his claims, sure, but thats not what you're doing.
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