The Strain


<Prior Amod>
was this bitch this dumb in the books or only made to be dumb for tv? just spent 1 night having a 3 on 1 with a tentacle monster that can launch it's primary weapon almost 6ft and needed to be fire extinquisher smashed, then disected it and pulled out a super Boa out it. oh lets not forget that somehow this man that you have probably examined every inch of (cuz it was the captn that volunteered to stay) somehow becomes a genital ken doll.

so jew van hellsing comes in and saves the day like a boss, twice, and your first reaction is to hate on him and run away.

not as someone with a PHD or some higher learning going, "hey old guy, how are you able to chop off heads as good as any rabbi that can circumcise?"

somehow these research doctors have been able to steve irwin their way around a super 6ft sonic speed apendage, twice, ok i guess, but like many others have said.

why oh why is this slowly becoming the wire? why do i see gang banger at home, i don't like? it doesn't even make sense? he didn't pay rent? his druggie brother stole the rent, his mom is leaving trash on the doorstep, how is the landlord(super) the bad guy? these are shitty tenants.

he gives jew hunter his stolen clock back and expects gratitude and a parade, then he goes and steals a new car! wtf are these convenient morals?

do they have to be SO heavy handed with character creation? did they have to make the neighbor the worst neighbor in the world that you would be happy to feed to your non human husband?

the dog sounds like a freaking lion, and i'm pretty sure it's illegal to put them in a shed anyway (think dogs need adequate shelter with access)

also main character, still unlikable, fuck if this trilogy weren't already written, i'd beg for him to be eaten last eps and just focus on jew vampire hunter old guy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At least True Blood was bad in the good sort of way, on rare occasions. And, it had tits. But, really is a poor comparison show in the first place. The two have nothing in common.

If this show is anything, it is proof that utter fucking morons can make it to the top of any industry. It is incomprehensible that this came from Guillermo and the guy that did 'The Town'. This is a 'Lindelofian disaster'. They should be ashamed and have to take a timeout from working for the next 3 years.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I watched the last episode yesterday and yeah it was pretty bad. I am going to give it a few more episodes though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What's the end game here ? Are we going to see a legion of vamps talking over NY? Also rat catcher / slayer lost dude should be the main character. Love that guy ...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Every Sunday show is awful this season. They literally hired C team McDonalds employees as writers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
This was actually a much better episode.

Although The Master feeding in the concentration camp was a little weird. I am not sure I could just ignore that kind of thing and pretend it was all some terrible dream and I was just seeing things. Nazis be damned.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's the end game here ? Are we going to see a legion of vamps talking over NY? Also rat catcher / slayer lost dude should be the main character. Love that guy ...
No way! He doesn't have enough drama in his life. This show would be so boring if we didn't have custody hearings, cancer treatments, and visits to the old folks' home! I mean, how would they fill an hour? With vampires?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
And shit is finally getting interesting! Now that its soon to be an all out epidemic.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Acting.. So bad. Seriously, your average ABC After School Special has better acting than this show. The wife/husband argument over the ex was painful to watch. How the fuck is Del Toro producing this yet the actors they hired are so terrible?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The Vampires are cool, so I can get over how much I hate most of the characters. How did the pest control office get infected anyway?


Trakanon Raider
The Vampires are cool, so I can get over how much I hate most of the characters. How did the pest control office get infected anyway?
No one else was bothered by the fat hispanic guy dodging the attack but the worms getting him anyways? We've seen multiple characters (sure, maybe they're IMPORTANT characters but still) dodge attacks, wrestle with the vamps, etc and never had a worm get them. Hell, Eph has played with the damn things and they didn't get him.


I just hate all the filler.. Why was so much of the show last night dedicated to his family drama? I find myself pulling out my cell phone and reading during that shit. If you want filler why not show the Master running around being a badass? thats filler I can actually be entertained by. Why not go into the lore or talk about the vampire biology?... No, I dont want to see 20 minutes of Dr. Ephraim family drama show.

Anyways, you can see the potential this show has and its starting (slowly) to get better.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This show is starting to remind me of Terra Nova: Really good secondary characters, an interesting setting, and primarily characters I barely care about who take up too much screen time whining about their personal problems. The show would be so much better if it was just the exterminator and Setrakian going on zombie hunting. Hell, throw in the cab driver for all I care.


<Prior Amod>
i stopped watching at eps 4, brain couldn't handle the stupid.

was curious, rt has it 87%

imdb is 8.2
