The 'Yet Another Mass Murder' Thread


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
It has relativistic mass but photons do not have mass.

The problem with light is that it has some very special properties (it moves faster than any real matter could). Therefor the relation p = mv is not well-definied for light (since that only applies to particles with mass)
light has no rest mass, it has a force that it can impart that's measured comparable to an exceedingly tiny amount of mass, but it has no mass itself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That would only take into account legal gun owners willing to admit to ownership. The illegal owners of firearms would never admit it, or give them up after a ban. All it would effectively do is disarm law abiding citizens who rarely pose a problem.


<Gold Donor>
light has no rest mass, it has a force that it can impart that's measured comparable to an exceedingly tiny amount of mass, but it has no mass itself.
Because according to Relativity, E=Mc^2, matter and energy are interchangeable. Light and photons are nothing more than a packet of energy.

You cannot stop a photon and still have it exist; stop it and it deposits its energy and vanishes.


Ssraeszha Raider
It has relativistic mass but photons do not have mass.

The problem with light is that it has some very special properties (it moves faster than any real matter could). Therefor the relation p = mv is not well-definied for light (since that only applies to particles with mass)
It's really just semantics. Mass is usually referring to "rest mass". Photons have no rest mass, but they also have no rest state so you can't really separate them. But yes, it's all from the energy and not the photon itself


Gunnar Durden
Adam Carolla has a new theory he has been talking about that is that young males these days just have too much time on their hands. 16-24 year old males are full of angst and anger and violence and sperm that they have no outlet for but that can be kept under control if you have someone kicking their ass out of bed every morning and making them milk cows or bale hay or dig ditches or run 7 miles carrying a rifle but that same guy who is just sitting around the house playing video games and beating off to internet porn starts to simmer with rage and starts having fantasies about getting revenge on the world for their worthlessness.

Of course it's just a totally unscientific and made up theory, but I think it makes enough sense that we should just institute mandatory military service/forced farm labor for any dude in that age range who cannot prove that he is doing something productive with his life. Since the vast majority of crimes of all sort are committed by dudes in that age range it could reach beyond just reduction of shooting sprees plus we would have all of those ditches to use.
Yeah, Im sure Carolla was being super productive in the late 70s/80s when he was a kid.


tour de salt


Our gun murder rate is on top though for reasons that are completely understood by thinking people.


Unelected Mod
We should not be setting any policy on something as rare as mass school shootings. If you want to save kids, plenty of other better ways to do it other than promote legislation against guns, which will just result in republican political gain.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On HP bullets, my bad apparently when I was learning to hunt as a kid I just happened to live in the only state that banned them (NJ) - assumed it was universal after the Black Talon issue caused them to stop selling.

And murders/gun deaths != shootings. That's part one of making a valid argument when it comes to stats.

People care about being shot and injured almost as much as being killed, tons of other survivable injuries we try to curb - so gun shot injuries should be treated similarly. Otherwise ignore all injury risks equally.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
We should not be setting any policy on something as rare as mass school shootings. If you want to save kids, plenty of other better ways to do it other than promote legislation against guns, which will just result in republican political gain.
Indeed it's the other side of "bad stats" when it comes to the argument.


<Gold Donor>
We should not be setting any policy on something as rare as mass school shootings. If you want to save kids, plenty of other better ways to do it other than promote legislation against guns, which will just result in republican political gain.
Its not just school shootings though, its gun violence as a whole in this country.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah it's actually falling in all industrialized countries.

Our gun murder rate is on top though for reasons that are completely understood by thinking people.
Because suicides, justified shootings, and gang violence are all counted, skewing the number to fit your flawed version of reality?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its not just school shootings though, its gun violence as a whole in this country.
Correct, but khalid is trying say to not focus on outliers I believe, which is the right way to evaluate it. Extreme cases suck and are good for attention but their value in determining the norm is limited at best and detrimental/inaccurate at worst.


Unelected Mod
Its not just school shootings though, its gun violence as a whole in this country.
Except no one cares about it unless its a mass shooting. So the thing driving the talk of legislation is trying to stop mass shootings.

If we really want to do something about gun violence, we would need to focus on what is causing such violence in the inner cities like Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, etc. Now gun bans might have some effect. However, bringing prosperity to these areas and stopping the silly drug war would probably do more.

Also, Vaclav, I thought overall violent crime was down in the US and has been on the decline? Not just homicides. Could very well be wrong. Certainly I have trouble trusting what police departments would report (maybe because I watched the Wire too much).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Because suicides, justified shootings, and gang violence are all counted, skewing the number to fit your flawed version of reality?
Because partial statistics don't give a different view. Not to mention things like suicide rates in nations with fewer guns tend have a much lower success rate. (for obvious reasons)

Honestly all gun INCIDENTS is the larger value in discussion anyhow.


Unelected Mod
Well, I think it is important to keep suicides separate also, as I see them as fundamentally different than an act of violence against others.

However, that is easier said than done. For example, black suicide rates are much lower than whites. Some people have done studies showing that some gun violence ends up being "suicide by cop" or "suicide by proxy" or whatever you want to call it amongst blacks. Where apparently white guys just shoot themselves (or do a mass school shooting heh). Freakonomics podcast on suicide had an interesting section on that.


Millie's Staff Member
whenever these threads pop up, people should realize that 9/11 did not involve any guns. no planes were hijacked at gunpoint. and these shootings always seem to happen in places with strict gun laws. any time you restrict somebody from having something the more they will want it and wont know what to do when they have it because they have no context on how they should act.