Total War series


The thing that annoys me the most so far is the shitty ui in campaign map..jesus its like submenus everywhere to do shit...why the fuck...

That and how hard it is to just select a damn army on the map...gotta click 3 times before it selects it, even worse when near a city..

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Woke up early to play a couple hours this morning, and it's shit. Annoying color filters, HORRIBLE UI, I can't stress how bad every menu is compared to Shogun 2. Bugs out the ass. It's like playing an early beta.

If you are on the fence wait until they've fixed it. It's really garbage right now
Thanks for the heads up, will sit it out for a bit.


I would say the graphical side of it was very disapointing as well...After shogun 2 I was expecting to open this game up and be blown away...on extreme settings on everything I feel like I'm playing a console game :\ I know it's just graphics an who gives a fuck, but it disapointed me nonetheless..


Wish I could even get it to launch. The game launcher pops up, but when I click play, it looks like its going to load and then steam says I'm no longer playing.

Even tried a fresh install of windows 7 and it's not working. Looking at their support forums, at least I'm in good company


Buzzfeed Editor
Thanks for the heads up guys, was going to buy it so I could review it on junkies...glad I waited though. I suppose like most Total War games it will be good in about 2 months or so.


Is anyone else annoyed at how hard it is to se the damn projectiles go out of your ranged units...I mean I have to zoom in to see the damn things... In shogun it was a nice trail of arrows viewable without any problem...

I'm starting to think whoever said they added too many visual processing garbage and it melts everything down was right..


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Is anyone else annoyed at how hard it is to se the damn projectiles go out of your ranged units...I mean I have to zoom in to see the damn things... In shogun it was a nice trail of arrows viewable without any problem...

I'm starting to think whoever said they added too many visual processing garbage and it melts everything down was right..
Really regretting purchasing this last night. I didn't even get it on sale.

Wonder if I can grab a refund from Steam.

I should have known better than to purchase a creative assembly game on launch day. I can always get these games on sale for much cheaper after all the patches to make them playable.


This is worse than any other CA game at launch. Even Empire was better than this. It's not even just bugs and horrendous performance, the UI design is so insanely bad, it's like 40 steps back from Shogun 2. I don't feel that resignation of "welp, I rolled the dice on a CA game" it's more anger that they don't even appear to have tried at all


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I played about 40 minutes of the campaign so far. The menus seem alright to me. They're certainly radically different from past games, but I wasn't having any trouble. Basically you get a menu at the bottom that has what so far appears to be the cities in the local "area" usually about 4-5. You can hover over icons in the areas under each of the city names and build new sections of the city, then you can build a particular building in that slot. As population increases, more slots open up, more buildings can be built. Then when you build armies, there's kind of a neat new system where you raise a general, THEN you raise armies directly on him, no more unit building in cities. Only got to skim the bare surface here but honestly I wasn't put off like Bayr seems to be by the UI changes. They seemed fairly intuitive to me.

The economic side of things seemed to be much better balanced, but it could just be because I was playing Rome proper, other nations may have a lower income at the start of the game. Combat works well, the AI still seems on the dumb side, which is always disappointing.

I definitely didn't feel, on cursory glance, that the bugs and unplayability of Empire are repeated here. Its definitely not as visually impressive as Rome 1 was at the time it released, and I agree it should be, but I do think, after maybe a little over an hour total with it, that its not exactly the trainwreck bayr's posts are making it seem to be. Everyone's opinions will differ, and a lot of wonkiness with Total War games comes out after you've played awhile so we'll see.


Trump's Staff
Well, I am going to go ahead and completely disagree with everyone in this thread. I've played about 5 hours now and everything I've seen (aside from graphical fidelity) is a vast improvement over Shogun 2.

AI Turn Times, Auto-Resolve Times, and especially Battle Map Load times are much better. I have no trouble at all with the UI, and find it better than previous games, especially since you manage multiple cities from a single panel.

The army/general management and focus is a welcome change. You now recruit units directly into your army based on your map location. You can also upgrade your existing units as your technology tree increases or if they find themselves in a settlement with a blacksmith, unlike Shogun. They keep all of their unit experience and do not become obsolete.

There is way, way more content and variety. Many more types of units and a much more diverse tech tree/building tree. And this is just for the Roman faction, I have yet to play any other. Right now I find all the choices a bit overwhelming, but that will probably be alright once I play a couple of games.

The arrow trails thing might be a visual setting, I see them and they look exactly the same as in Shogun 2.

Contrary to everyone else in this thread I say it is worth the money so far. If I change my mind in the next several hours I will post in this thread about it.


Oh I havent played enough to judge the gameplay, just over 2~ hours these are the things that really jumped at me. It's not that I dont see the projectiles, they are just harder to see and a lot of the time i have to zoom in a little bit to see if they are firing since unlike shogun there doesnt seem to be an icon showcasing when a ranged unit is engaging in ranged fire.


A little bow and arrow symbol comes on in the center of the unit icon on the army units tab when theyre shooting, same style and place as the "I'm moving/running/stabbing inna face" symbol shows up for each unit.


Trakanon Raider
I've had it crash a couple times on me so far, but otherwise I'm enjoying myself. Yes the AI is still CA-level dumb, but its TW, you know what to expect. I actually prefer the UI massively over the previous titles I have played (Shogun 2, Empire). Mixed Land/Naval is sweet shit, hitting the boats with my Celtic Ballistas as they are trying to land is a sweet feeling that just doesn't go away


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Didn't play enough to get archers but I definitely had sling users and spear chuckers and definitely could see them firing, that very well may just be a graphical error, the missing ranged weapon fire visuals.


Molten Core Raider
Diplomacy is just complete ass, like always. I really don't see where the change is supposed to be. Was trying to get a trade agreement with a neutral faction, had no quarrels with any of their buddies. Chance for success: low. Just zero explanation as to why they won't trade with me.

And what is it with the tech tree. You'd think they add some distinctive bonuses to the research options, but no. We're still getting stuff like : +2% wealth from agricultural buildings. What the fuck.


How do mercenaries work...I dont understand... Like I'll hire 2 of them, next turn they arent in my army anymore?

nevermind, stupid ui at work again... had to click on hire cause apparently left clicking and seeing the portrait of the unit in your army wasnt enough.


Trump's Staff
Diplomacy is just complete ass, like always. I really don't see where the change is supposed to be. Was trying to get a trade agreement with a neutral faction, had no quarrels with any of their buddies. Chance for success: low. Just zero explanation as to why they won't trade with me.

And what is it with the tech tree. You'd think they add some distinctive bonuses to the research options, but no. We're still getting stuff like : +2% wealth from agricultural buildings. What the fuck.
It works like Civ does, different factions are amenable to different diplomatic actions. Some like to trade more, some are more aggressive, some are easier to make peace with etc. It is explained in the prologue (I think) and all right in the diplomacy screen.


Not that hard to figure out.

A lot of the distinctive bonuses seem to have been moved onto the generals/agents/armies themselves. You get distinct stuff as you level them up. I'm ok with this consdiering how much is already going on in the game.