Total War: Warhammer


<Silver Donator>
Yeah there's a lot of cool stuff in that video. Also shows a bunch of Dark Elf mechanics we didn't know about/didn't know much about. The black ark looks awesome as fuck, the slaves stuff looks a lot more interesting than the usual "totally-not-gold" currencies and they showed how the vortex shit works too, which honestly doesn't seem so bad, you have several turns to interupt(only 5 on this one which is short if you're not close, but at the same time it's one of the earlier rituals) and you can instantly buy an AI army and spawn it right there to fuck with them too if you're too far for now. Looks nice.

Less nice is how starting the ritual yourself instantly spawn a bunch of chaos armies around or whatever, meaning before you start a ritual you'll probably want to get everyone back home, but should still be fine. I wonder if there's a mechanic preventing you from just razing the world to the ground and THEN doing all your vortex shit in a row while afking with all your full stacks in around the cities you have to defend.


Yeah I was looking at the steam page: Oh nice everything for $74.

No. Its $60 for the game, then another $74 for all the DLC.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah don't think I'll be buying the first warhammer until they release a well priced bundle that includes everything. No reason to have to pay full price over a year after its initial release. I'f im gonna pay full price, may as well get version 2 next month.


<Silver Donator>
It's on sale every well, sale. Even the DLC are on sale. It is weird that they haven't reduced the base non sale price though, but you can buy it for like 35 on other websites. Historical low on the game is 13$ based on Isthereanydeals. Just they're being fuckers with the Steam base price, some of the bigger shitty companies do that, I think some of the CoD games are still full price/near full price like 3years later.

At this point I'd just wait for the 2nd one though.

Can buy it for pretty cheap too on Use GAMESCOM promo code to get 10% off more.
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Trump's Staff
It'll probably go on sale a week or so before the launch of #2 or when they release the "Grand Campaign" patch where you combine both games. If you pre-order 2 you get the new Norsica campaign, so there is that. XCOM2 went on sale only 4 days or so before the expansion release so it might be something similar to that.


what Suineg set it to
It'll probably go on sale a week or so before the launch of #2 or when they release the "Grand Campaign" patch where you combine both games. If you pre-order 2 you get the new Norsica campaign, so there is that. XCOM2 went on sale only 4 days or so before the expansion release so it might be something similar to that.

So what does this mean combine both, will you get to use assets/armies you purchase for 1 in 2 as well or what?


Total War games are always super expensive for all the DLC, dunno why Warhammer would be any different.

This man speaks the truth. Anyone surprised by Sega /TW Studios gouging your wallet have been blind the last decade and a half. Then you also have Games Workshop that has also proven time and again the only thing they care about is the almighty dollar / BPS.


what Suineg set it to
Honestly I've watched people play TW (old ones) and I thought they were cool but they didn't really tickle my fancy, the WH one seems neat but... that price tho


<Silver Donator>
Honestly I've watched people play TW (old ones) and I thought they were cool but they didn't really tickle my fancy, the WH one seems neat but... that price tho
Wait for sales. And the DLC are fairly standalone, you don't need them if you don't plan on playing that army specifically. Even if you don't have the DLC, the races are on the map for you to fight with so all the DLC add is the ability to actually play them. Some races you'll probably not want to play I think, and some of the DLC are pretty meh quality(warrior of chaos even after rework is probably not so great). The RoR DLC are a bit more annoying since they're for existing armies but not having them just means the game is a bit harder which isn't really a bad thing.

I pretty much never buy DLCs in game, but did buy a couple in this. The wood elf stuff and the Warlord DLC for the goblin centric greenskin army upgrades. I didn't buy the rest cause I don't feel it's worth buying for me, don't care about playing beastmen, don't care about RoR for empire/dwarves cause I've already played them and they don't add enough. I bought them at release and I still feel I got my worth out of the game, total price I paid is like 40bucks for TW:W itself(GMG promotion stuff iirc), 15 for woodelf, 10for warlord so 65 total at the time they released(and I got warriors of chaos for free for buying the game at release). I've got like 140 or 160hours on steam on it, so I'd say it was well worth it.

Looking at it, if you bought the game with all DLC during sales, you'd pay 15 for the game, 5 for the RoR DLC, 5 for warriors of chaos, 10 for beastmen and woodelf wasn't on sale(but assume 10 too once it goes on sale the next time). Total 50bucks for everything.


what Suineg set it to
Yea I would totally drop $15 on this to try it out and maybe pick up a few DLC.

What's the difference with 2.0 then? What content works for one vs the other?


Trakanon Raider
Yea I would totally drop $15 on this to try it out and maybe pick up a few DLC.

What's the difference with 2.0 then? What content works for one vs the other?
With the exception of the blood DLC, to use Game 1 Content, you need Game 1; to use Game 2 content, you need Game 2. A few weeks after launch, they'll release the Combined Campaign, in which, if you own both, you can play on a combined version of both games' campaign maps, with all the factions from both games on it.


what Suineg set it to
With the exception of the blood DLC, to use Game 1 Content, you need Game 1; to use Game 2 content, you need Game 2. A few weeks after launch, they'll release the Combined Campaign, in which, if you own both, you can play on a combined version of both games' campaign maps, with all the factions from both games on it.

OK but if you want to play as one of the game 1 races you can only play from game 1, but you get the new ui/etc. options playing through game 2 on the same giant map?


<Silver Donator>
I think they said even if you don't own both, you'll be able to play the combined map. You'll just be stuck picking races that you own, so if you own both but no DLC, you'd have access to the 8 base races+ free DLC ones(Brettonia always, Chaos Warriors if you bought TW:W1 at release and Norsca if you bought TW:W2 at release). Not entirely sure. You would need first game to apply the DLC to it though, so you can't buy Wood Elves or Beastmen without owning TW:W1.

Honestly I'd just grab the 2nd one since it's gonna be a lot better as a basic game than the first one(factions are more unique, the campaign map looks better, lots more stuff to do etc) and then grab the 1st one during a sale later on if you liked the second one, once they release the mega campaign.

There's no 15$ sale atm anyway, minimum seems to be 35 and that's basically the price of the 2nd one.


Trakanon Raider
So there will be three campaigns (not including the DLC mini-campaigns) a few weeks after launch. Game 1 Grand Campaign, Game 2 Grand Campaign, and the Mega Campaign. G1GC has the 9 races for the original game (5 + 2 DLC + 1 Preorder for G2 + 1 Preorder for G1[or also now a DLC]|). G2GC will have the 4 races for G2 (HE/DE/Lizard/Skaven). Mega Campaign will have all 13 races and physically will be a combination of the G1GC/G2GC maps. The Mega Campaign will have the new UI features and some other improvements to the map that the G1GC did not have, even if you are playing one of the 9 original races.

I believe you have to own both games to play the Mega Campaign? They said they will release more information on this after the actual release of G2 (a month from now). Furthermore, DLC for Game 2 (first one is 99% going to be Tomb Kings) will show up on both the G2GC/Mega Campaign.

All in all it is convoluted as fuck, but this is quite literally the best Warhammer experience you will ever get (especially considering GW killed the setting). It is also ludicrously expensive for everything. I am willing to fork over the money because I love Total War and Warhammer, but for someone on the fence about either, it is pretty daunting. Again, wait for a sale, I am sure there will be a G1 sale right before G2 launch, or right before the Mega Campaign is released, a few weeks after G2 launch.

Edit: And just for unnecessary detail....

Game 1 Base Races:
Vampire Counts
Bretonnia (FLC added about a year after launch)

Game 1 Preorder Bonus Race(Now DLC):
Warriors of Chaos

Game 1 DLC Races:
Wood Elves

Game 1 Preorder Bonus Race (for Preordering Game 2):
Norsca (they are not playable in G2GC, but yes to the Mega Campaign)

Game 2 Base Races:
High Elves
Dark Elves

Game 2 Potential DLC Races:
Tomb Kings
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<Silver Donator>
There's some pretty solid chances for Araby and Estalia and all these fucks in the south as DLC/FLC later on too, but probably Tomb Kings first. Which is great cause Tomb Kings are awesome looking. It seems they'll keep Ogre Kingdoms and Chaos Dwarfs for the 3rd game, probably. Maybe Kislev thrown in there too.

But yeah in terms of Warhammer fantasy games, this is basically the best it's ever going to be. You can build armies with almost all the TT units and play most of the races(and maybe will be able to play all the races eventually) and it's all very well modelled and animated. At this point I don't think anyone will ever have the budget to make a game that's as close, and not sure the Age of Sigmar shit would be worth making into a game either. There's still good derivative games like Blood Bowl and Warhammer: End Times but most companies seem to prefer the more general public appealing 40K to the Fantasy setting.