Totalbiscuit has passed away


Trakanon Raider
Don't forget the smell of partially digested blood. Oh the smell.

I still wonder if TB's cancer was really random or if there was some family history. Or if he really got it from reading youtube comments.

Two of his grandparents had also been diagnosed with bowel cancer it seems.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
How do you see dark blood in poop anyways? Would the poop just be super dark, or would it just be mixed in with lighter poop and noticable?
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Potato del Grande
This thread is freaking me out now, I had some serious blood loss out of my ass last year with black tarry stools and needed multiple blood and iron transfusions.

They never diagnosed what it was (other than the bleed causing anaemia) but it's stopped on its own and no other symptoms since. I assume they checked for cancer and it would have continued bleeding if it was cancer...

Colonoscopy was the worst pain though and I'm told it's worse than childbirth :/
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Vyemm Raider
I remember listening to WoW Radio in 2005/2006 and being in awe of how retarded his opinions about the game were. I figured he'd grow out of it.

I was wrong.

I can't think of anything I've ever agreed with TB on. But, listening to his hilariously retarded opinions helped me refine my own. He was always useful for that at least.

Fuck cancer.


Murder Apologist
I have been through a colonoscopy 3 times now. I am done checking it and they have found nothing each time.
Do you have bleeding gums when you brush/floss?

That's a big false positive on fecal blood tests. One of the MANY unspoken consequences of a sugar-rich diet is bloody gums.
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<Gold Donor>
This thread is freaking me out now, I had some serious blood loss out of my ass last year with black tarry stools and needed multiple blood and iron transfusions.

They never diagnosed what it was (other than the bleed causing anaemia) but it's stopped on its own and no other symptoms since. I assume they checked for cancer and it would have continued bleeding if it was cancer...

Colonoscopy was the worst pain though and I'm told it's worse than childbirth :/

Where in the shit did you get a colonoscopy that hurt???

both my parents had colon cancer. My mother was diagnosed at 35 and had part of her colon removed, in remission for nigh on 30 years now. She goes every two years for a regular colonoscopy.

My father waited too long to ger his butt checked and he ended up paying the ultimate price about 9 years after diagnosis. Those 9 years were not good years, either.

I've now had 3 colonoscopies, every 5 years starting at 25. There is no pain in a colonoscopy. The worst part is the prep, no food for 24 hrs and peein out your butt, but it aint no thing!

RIP TB, but there simply is no excuse for dying to a cancer that is one of the most preventable. GET YOUR BUTT CHECKED!
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Potato del Grande
I judge people based on how they respond to this news.

Even if you disliked him, if you go 'I am sorry/sad to hear that' or 'I feel for his family' or 'That is a shame', then you are not trash. SJWs/Douches who go 'He deserved it' or 'Good', can burn in the bad Hell.

I hope you feel that way about every single death for the millions and millions of deaths every year. Otherwise you're a hypocrite faggot.
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> Than U
I have been through a colonoscopy 3 times now. I am done checking it and they have found nothing each time.

This whole thread and many of the responses reminded me of you. And me. I've had or witnessed many experiences like this. I've at times even seen it HERE from some medical people.
Many things go unnoticed or diagnosed because the doctors ignore what the patients are telling them. Doesn't mean I hate, distrust them or don't respect them but the patient should ALWAYS be the #1 factor into discovering the problem. Often they are not.



This whole thread and many of the responses reminded me of you. And me. I've had or witnessed many experiences like this. I've at times even seen it HERE from some medical people.
Many things go unnoticed or diagnosed because the doctors ignore what the patients are telling them. Doesn't mean I hate, distrust them or don't respect them but the patient should ALWAYS be the #1 factor into discovering the problem. Often they are not.

The bonus was though as they were redoing yet another colonoscopy, ze Doktor in Germany was just making sure all my pieces were in the right place and he saw a spleen completely packed full of tumors. Without that repeat colonoscopy who knows where my cancer would be.

Yeah our bodies are so unique on a per individual basis. We have all kinds of little issues that might completely change a diagnosis or make it completely invisible.
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> Than U
The bonus was though as they were redoing yet another colonoscopy, ze Doktor in Germany was just making sure all my pieces were in the right place and he saw a spleen completely packed full of tumors. Without that repeat colonoscopy who knows where my cancer would be.

Yeah our bodies are so unique on a per individual basis. We have all kinds of little issues that might completely change a diagnosis or make it completely invisible.
I guess eventually the disparity will be mostly removed due to tech. When I was getting the IV for the nuclear stress test and imaging the other day and she was having issues I joked that one day she will be able to place a cuff on my arm and a computer will locate and insert it for her and it will probably have ports on the cuff for all sorts of monitoring and injections.

She looked at me as if I raped her.
So I got to thinking, when one day we do have machines that can spot and detect everything on its own, will these smug assholes even use them or allow them?
It'll probably be out of our lifetime anyways because it would have to scan every inch of your body safely. It'll have to test thousands of conditions in various body fluids and it will have to be programmed to the fact that each person is unique.

It took me 2 years of telling my old heart doctor, who is the same as the one who diagnosed me with CHF/Cor Pulmonale and spotted the arrhythmia in 2015, 3 years of telling my GP on a monthly basis and multiple other doctors and specialists something was wrong before they moved beyond just xrays and cat scans for the many tests I had done this month all because BP/Heart Rate/Blood Oxygen and general labs all said everything was good and they believed their 12 medications a month regime was working perfectly. The event that broke this chain of ignoring me and looking at paper was done when my old heart doctor retired and I started seeing a new one. Who is of all things a muslim or I assume because he comes from the ME and has a muslim name and his office has items of that nature. He is the first one to ask why they were not treating me and instead treating paper results.

I also saw no signs of explosive devices in his office and he seems like a nice guy.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I went to his tweeter. It’s amazing how many morons cannot see the real deal compared to the Internet. Obviously it isn’t on them because they saw a side show. An act to make money. But come on. Those idiots need to learn how to use their head. I would bet mostly liberal left wing ass hats who are “tolerant”.

Guy says said it like it was. Industry sucks and we all know it. It’s common fucking sense. And the more conditioning they do, the more we all end up longing for the yesteryears. I hope to Christ furor and Tigers fight that battle till the end. Shit, to ya the only two aside from Ion (and zoid) I trust I that shit hole.

Prayers for his family and his wife. And I hope they know, as everyone else, it’s only a transition and not a mouth piece.
  • 1Picard
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<Prior Amod>
Jesus christ, all you bloody/itchy asshole ppl go buy a bidet

i have this one in our master bath, w/ hot/cold water
Luxe Bidet Neo 320 - Self Cleaning Dual Nozzle - Hot and Cold Water Non-Electric Mechanical Bidet Toilet Attachment (blue and white)

and i have this one

Brondell Bidet - Thinline SimpleSpa SS-150 | Fresh Water Spray | Non-Electric | Bidet Toilet Attachment in White with Self Cleaning Nozzle | SafeCore Internal Valve | Nozzle Guard | Easy to Install

in the guest bath, and actually prefer it, it has a nice sleek look and it was only 20bucks, no hot water, but it's a guest bath so fuck em, and it's also 10x easier to install since you don't have to figure out how to get hot water from your hot water pipe from the sink, and it was only 20bucks!

i'm not saying don't use toilet paper, i still use it to get a dry bum.

And if we're being honest, you can just shoot it straight up your asshole and give yourself a micro enema to get your shit flowing if you forget to eat a bit of fiber that day. I'm trying to help my foh assholes, assholes, jokes be damned.

heck if you do some research, some ppl say that a bloody anus is probably the cause of hard core wiping, or wiping w/ 1ply industrial toilet paper, or your just a fucking savage and digging your asshole w/ your fingernails.
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Potato del Grande
Where in the shit did you get a colonoscopy that hurt???

There is no pain in a colonoscopy. The worst part is the prep, no food for 24 hrs and peein out your butt, but it aint no thing!

I was told there would be anesthetic by the doctors when they were talking me through the procedure and butt peeing thing.

On the day a sexy Russian nurse who was prepping me outside the colonoscopy room asked me if I wanted an anesthetic and I said yes, she then looked at me surprised and implied I was a wimp for wanting one and it wasn't needed since there was gas, basically talking me into not having it.

Worst pain ever feeling that pipe moving around my ass, the gas did very little. A female collegue later told me that she also had one without anesthetic and it was worse than her giving birth.

At the end the doctor asked me why I didn't have the anesthetic. I blamed the fucking nurse. Fuck that nurse, this isn't soviet russia were the men have amputations in stalingrad without anesthetic. We have anesthetic here.
  • 1Worf
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Buzzfeed Editor
I guess eventually the disparity will be mostly removed due to tech. When I was getting the IV for the nuclear stress test and imaging the other day and she was having issues I joked that one day she will be able to place a cuff on my arm and a computer will locate and insert it for her and it will probably have ports on the cuff for all sorts of monitoring and injections.

She looked at me as if I raped her.
So I got to thinking, when one day we do have machines that can spot and detect everything on its own, will these smug assholes even use them or allow them?
It'll probably be out of our lifetime anyways because it would have to scan every inch of your body safely. It'll have to test thousands of conditions in various body fluids and it will have to be programmed to the fact that each person is unique.

It took me 2 years of telling my old heart doctor, who is the same as the one who diagnosed me with CHF/Cor Pulmonale and spotted the arrhythmia in 2015, 3 years of telling my GP on a monthly basis and multiple other doctors and specialists something was wrong before they moved beyond just xrays and cat scans for the many tests I had done this month all because BP/Heart Rate/Blood Oxygen and general labs all said everything was good and they believed their 12 medications a month regime was working perfectly. The event that broke this chain of ignoring me and looking at paper was done when my old heart doctor retired and I started seeing a new one. Who is of all things a muslim or I assume because he comes from the ME and has a muslim name and his office has items of that nature. He is the first one to ask why they were not treating me and instead treating paper results.

I also saw no signs of explosive devices in his office and he seems like a nice guy.

For tumors that can be seen through imaging, computers are already better than doctors at it in many cases. Medical personnel will be one of the first professions to see large supplementation. It won't be replacement, but it will be machines allowing each doctor to do a lot more. It's odd given the high degree of skill for medicine, but where a lot of their diagnostic procedures are simply finding patterns? It happens to be what machines excel at (From what I've been told.)

As for IV's--yeah, vein finders and other aids are already a thing, they are going to become more and more common soon. The nurse will probably be doing the actual job for a while, but the effeciency of how quick they cans stick you will go way up, while the number of mistakes will go down. Overall, as said, a lot of the machines are going to make the people more productive, not so much replace them (But more productive people means you need less, but our demand for medical personnel is going to outstrip supply by a significant amount anyway.)



> Than U
For tumors that can be seen through imaging, computers are already better than doctors at it in many cases. Medical personnel will be one of the first professions to see large supplementation. It won't be replacement, but it will be machines allowing each doctor to do a lot more. It's odd given the high degree of skill for medicine, but where a lot of their diagnostic procedures are simply finding patterns? It happens to be what machines excel at (From what I've been told.)

As for IV's--yeah, vein finders and other aids are already a thing, they are going to become more and more common soon. The nurse will probably be doing the actual job for a while, but the effeciency of how quick they cans stick you will go way up, while the number of mistakes will go down. Overall, as said, a lot of the machines are going to make the people more productive, not so much replace them (But more productive people means you need less, but our demand for medical personnel is going to outstrip supply by a significant amount anyway.)

I tried telling her someone would still have to operate the machine and make sure it doesn't eat people( like the imaging machine that traced the radioactive shit in me spun around me as I sat in some year 2400 looking chair seemed it could if it wanted ) but she still seemed mad as she stuck both arms and both hands before going to the one vein I told her is the one 99% end up using which is in my left hand. I call it ole faithful. Once she finally got it in and was hooking up the tube something else happened I usually don't see. Blood was pouring out and shooting up and once she got the valve shut had to wash off the hand with a few things before sticking the tape on it. Being on blood thinners makes it worse but I've never seen one make that mistake.

She was pretty though and flirty and just the way I like my nuclear women.


I hope you feel that way about every single death for the millions and millions of deaths every year. Otherwise you're a hypocrite faggot.

Sure do. It would take a properly monstrous human being for me not to feel any sort of remorse for their passing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Chris where do you live ? Just from what u said , unless ur like TBiscuit and have unusual risks , it sounds less like colon ca and more like a bleeding ulcer (this is more likely to be stomach or prox small bowel and not colon). Did you get upper endoscopy or just colonoscopy? If u haven’t had ur stomach checked out yet, then I would advise being careful about using aspirin and other nsaids until you know


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Jesus christ, all you bloody/itchy asshole ppl go buy a bidet

i have this one in our master bath, w/ hot/cold water
Luxe Bidet Neo 320 - Self Cleaning Dual Nozzle - Hot and Cold Water Non-Electric Mechanical Bidet Toilet Attachment (blue and white)

and i have this one

Brondell Bidet - Thinline SimpleSpa SS-150 | Fresh Water Spray | Non-Electric | Bidet Toilet Attachment in White with Self Cleaning Nozzle | SafeCore Internal Valve | Nozzle Guard | Easy to Install

in the guest bath, and actually prefer it, it has a nice sleek look and it was only 20bucks, no hot water, but it's a guest bath so fuck em, and it's also 10x easier to install since you don't have to figure out how to get hot water from your hot water pipe from the sink, and it was only 20bucks!

i'm not saying don't use toilet paper, i still use it to get a dry bum.

And if we're being honest, you can just shoot it straight up your asshole and give yourself a micro enema to get your shit flowing if you forget to eat a bit of fiber that day. I'm trying to help my foh assholes, assholes, jokes be damned.

heck if you do some research, some ppl say that a bloody anus is probably the cause of hard core wiping, or wiping w/ 1ply industrial toilet paper, or your just a fucking savage and digging your asshole w/ your fingernails.

I love you.
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