Trying really hard not to fuck anyone or get them fired but...


TL/DR Bite into raw chicken at same place twice, not offered apology or refund.

So there's a fast food place near where I work. What a burger they make. About a year and a half ago I guess I swing through drive thru and head back to work so I can do some backed up paperwork off the clock and bite into a completely raw chicken finger. Immediately call and talk to a manager who tells me to bring it back by so she can see. About four hours later I show up with my raw fucking chicken after I get off work. I show her and to my amazement, rather than offering me a refund or an apology she simply takes the box and says I'll get you another one. I shake my head in disgust and just walk out.

Obviously I didn't go back for a long ass time but they are really close so I guess maybe 6 months ago I started to go back every now and then. From what I can tell the management and staff has had a completely change over since then. Today I went there for lunch and decided to eat in. Once again I bite into a piece of raw fucking chicken. I show the person at the counter and once again am told "I'll get you another meal". I look at this kid funny for a second but he is maybe 19 and probably doesn't know exactly how to handle the situation so I assume he will let someone know and the manager will come apologize or something. A short while later he brings the remake to my table i break all the chicken in half and he asks me what I assume he thought was jokingly if it was cooked this time. In my head I lose my shit at that point but I say yes and stare at it for a while before the fact that I'm god damn starving overpowers the loss of appetite associated with biting into raw fast food chicken. The manager walks over and I assume it's to apologize but she asks if I want a refill on my drink and walks off when I say no.

I can only assume I was visibly upset and disgusted but I was very polite and kept my voice low because there were maybe a dozen other people eating inside. It was an accident and only one of the three pieces of chicken in my order was raw inside. I didn't feel the need to put anyone else off their meal or cause problems for a bunch of folks making minimum wage in a shitty job. With that said I am still fucking seething and nauseous sitting here thinking about it. I was/am (not sure if it expires? I would assume so but eh) HACCP and Serv Safe certified which are those stupid fucking food safety certificates you see on the wall in fast food places that in theory prove at least a basic understanding of food prep and the safety concerns it entails. There are a number of things that can cause this to happen some of which don't even involve negligence. I just cannot believe that I wasn't offered an apology or a refund after being served raw god damn food.

If I was a white trash piece of shit I would be on the phone until I had free food for a year or talking to a lawyer for an easy few grand out of court settlement and posting pictures of my raw meal to their facebook. But I'm not and I'm not trying to get anyone fired or written up. Accidents fucking happen but food poisoning from overcooked meat is a dangerous fucking thing. All I want is a god damn apology, I don't even want a refund for the meal I threw up once I got back to work I just expect it to be offered as a courtesy.

What would you do because all I can think of is email or call corporate and seem like some piece of shit trying to get coupons for free food.
One time there was a 1/2 inch washer in a Hershey bar my wife bought. I took pictures wanting to be all white trash about it but nothing happened.

Because i just went and bought another one instead.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
If I were in your shoes I'd send an email to corporate just to let them know that location sucks ass. Then I'd never eat there again.

You sound way angrier than you should be.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I had a similar thing happen to me



Buzzfeed Editor
Bro, what's "white trash piece of shit" about complaining? How else do you expect management to know there is a problem? What you have described is a systemic problem at this restaurant. It isn't like they have to go to culinary school to cook fucking chicken fingers. They throw shit in a basket, drop the basket in the oil, and hit the button for the type of food it is. The button starts an automated timer. If you got raw chicken, TWICE, someone is managing to fuck up this intricate process on the regular and you are allowing it to continue because you have some aversion to complaining.

When my guys make a mistake at work, I want to know so I can correct it. I am assuming fast food managers feel the same way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
where do you live? Call your local Department of Health unless you live in Eurasia or something then this is probably par for the course.
I sympathized with you until you said white trash and then I thought meh, whatever, hope you get sick. Then I saw all the replies from all the usual dick heads, and now I sympathize with you again, just because if everyone else doesn't, that means its the right thing to do. Good luck to you and your legal endeavours.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Pretty easy answer. Do a combination of what chaos and eyashusa said. Call corporate and the local health dept. Have a handy picture if possible. The manager didn't fix the problem so fuck them. Oh, and why the fuck are you still eating at a place that can't even cook a chicken finger properly?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You're acting like white trash, but don't want to act like white trash? You have this ass backwards. You should have spoken directly to the manager and mentioned your previous experience and seen what the response was and go from there. That you think following up on this makes you white trash... kinda lost for words. Shit can't be fixed if their not aware of it, and if the manager won't deal with it, you go above their head.

You sound like a pissed off sheep that doesn't want to make waves. How sad you ended up with that kind of mindset.


Really don't know why some of these comments surprised me. Reading comprehension is hard after all. Having a valid complaint and voicing it does not make you white trash and the two examples I used were (I thought) obviously an example where a valid complaint was leveraged for disproportional compensation to contrast my desire for a simple acknowledgment of the mistake and apology.

Anyways I'll probably just email corporate. Dealing with trashy people who just want free shit on at a least a weekly basis has ingrained a very intense dislike for going over someones head with a complaint. Made more intense in this case by the redneck and his trashy, obnoxious family who were behind me in line that the manager was falling all over herself to please as a result of that exact mindset. My job boiling down to customer service means I give a ton of leeway to others who deal with the same irrational and demanding people but a valid problem was ignored rather than addressed so fuck it.


Molten Core Raider
A co-worker of mine once threw a fit at Subway because he ordered a footlong sandwich, half turkey, half ham, and they charged him for two separate 6-inch subs. Threw a HUGE goddamn fit to the point that he called the locations manager, and even the Subway corporate office until they apologized and sent him some coupons for free meals. He is a cunt, and needless to say I've never gone to lunch with him sense. This situation isn't that bad, because the restaurant actually was the one in the wrong, but life is too short, just move on and never go back. They've now lost your business for life, that is their punishment and your justice, nothing more is needed.