Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Buzzfeed Editor
Then start doing makeup tutorials. You'll be a powerful influencer in no time. Sure, you'll get cancelled, but it will be a wild ride while it lasts.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Then start doing makeup tutorials. You'll be a powerful influencer in no time. Sure, you'll get cancelled, but it will be a wild ride while it lasts.

You are obviously trolling. You can do better.

iannis iannis don't travel to thailand, you aren't ready.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
"delusional amazon tranny gratification center employee"

the rights to this comedy should sell well
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Uncle Tanya
I'm 41 Iannis. But since you have no ridiculous bias against me unlike the frown clowns that populate this thread, you see me like your regular joe on the street would see me... early 30s. Pretty common for us trannies to look younger than we are. It IS in the estrogen, yessir, but wouldn't recommend it to non-trannies! Hah

So Chaos, yeah lots of text... but lots of people in the replies. You and Mr. Trickle both are dispassionately displeased in the mic debate thing haha.

Look, it's both a tactic to get under people's skin as well as a legitimate invitation. I'll expound on that shortly but let's talk about how people talk to each other:

There's 3 ways we do this now as humans via technology.

1) Correspondence (type or letters)
2) Distance Talking (cell, conference call etc)
3) In-Person Talking (in the flesh)

Each level moving from 1 to 3 removes a certain barrier. The barriers are just general shittiness. It's more difficult to LIE and be rude to someone in conversation than text/letter, and likewise it's more difficult to lie and be rude to someone's face than over the phone. This forum of course is level 1. People using discord to game with each other is level 2. People at a coffeehouse face-to-face would be a level 3. Trying to get people (Boozepussy in particular) to debate me is just a way to engage better with serious dialogue. Figure if someone like him has a multitude of complaints to lob my way (if he's not just trolling to bait a reaction out of me), then he could easily mount those complaints and issues in a verbal context over discord too. I truly believe if you had someone who was anti-transgender (and some of you very much are) and had ammo in their belt to back up WHY they are, it'd be an interesting convo with me, because yes, I DO have a bucket of ammo about transgenderism.

So three things here I'll acknowledge since you brought it up. No I don't think it's normal for someone to challenge someone to a debate but I don't think what Boozepussy does with me (outright slanders me and attributes strawman shit to me that simply isn't true) is normal either. Not like I'm going up to strangers on the street with a mic and being like, "Debate me you plebeian mortals!" Secondly, it isn't about "winning" said debate, hell, just call it an open mike convo for all I care. Third, I've probably retyped many things repeatedly over the course of this thread and yeah, I'll admit it... I'd rather talk about it instead of type about it should someone have any lengthy "qualms" with transgenderism or me or whatever.

Point is, the invitation and challenge is wide open. I think y'all will wriggle around the implication but I assert just the MERE fact that I'm so willing to discuss my views and hold them up to ANY level of scrutiny via dialogue, questions or debate-style rhetoric is telling toward both validity and scientific credibility. (reading this and disagree??? DEBATE ME ! [I'm quite sure I'll get nothing but chirping crickets in the form of gaslit ad hominems from this lot though]).


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Do you think a podcast debate is the best route to knowledge? Take away bad faith arguers and trolls and assume it is two people who genuinely want to arrive at a shared, informed conclusion of some type. Do you feel an in person/podcast debate is the best way to go about it?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I'm 41 Iannis. But since you have no ridiculous bias against me unlike the frown clowns that populate this thread, you see me like your regular joe on the street would see me... early 30s. Pretty common for us trannies to look younger than we are. It IS in the estrogen, yessir, but wouldn't recommend it to non-trannies! Hah

So Chaos, yeah lots of text... but lots of people in the replies. You and Mr. Trickle both are dispassionately displeased in the mic debate thing haha.

Look, it's both a tactic to get under people's skin as well as a legitimate invitation. I'll expound on that shortly but let's talk about how people talk to each other:

There's 3 ways we do this now as humans via technology.

1) Correspondence (type or letters)
2) Distance Talking (cell, conference call etc)
3) In-Person Talking (in the flesh)

Each level moving from 1 to 3 removes a certain barrier. The barriers are just general shittiness. It's more difficult to LIE and be rude to someone in conversation than text/letter, and likewise it's more difficult to lie and be rude to someone's face than over the phone. This forum of course is level 1. People using discord to game with each other is level 2. People at a coffeehouse face-to-face would be a level 3. Trying to get people (Boozepussy in particular) to debate me is just a way to engage better with serious dialogue. Figure if someone like him has a multitude of complaints to lob my way (if he's not just trolling to bait a reaction out of me), then he could easily mount those complaints and issues in a verbal context over discord too. I truly believe if you had someone who was anti-transgender (and some of you very much are) and had ammo in their belt to back up WHY they are, it'd be an interesting convo with me, because yes, I DO have a bucket of ammo about transgenderism.

So three things here I'll acknowledge since you brought it up. No I don't think it's normal for someone to challenge someone to a debate but I don't think what Boozepussy does with me (outright slanders me and attributes strawman shit to me that simply isn't true) is normal either. Not like I'm going up to strangers on the street with a mic and being like, "Debate me you plebeian mortals!" Secondly, it isn't about "winning" said debate, hell, just call it an open mike convo for all I care. Third, I've probably retyped many things repeatedly over the course of this thread and yeah, I'll admit it... I'd rather talk about it instead of type about it should someone have any lengthy "qualms" with transgenderism or me or whatever.

Point is, the invitation and challenge is wide open. I think y'all will wriggle around the implication but I assert just the MERE fact that I'm so willing to discuss my views and hold them up to ANY level of scrutiny via dialogue, questions or debate-style rhetoric is telling toward both validity and scientific credibility. (reading this and disagree??? DEBATE ME ! [I'm quite sure I'll get nothing but chirping crickets in the form of gaslit ad hominems from this lot though]).

First off Steve you ain't fooling anyone that you look 30 with you 6 lbs of makeup trying to pretend you pass as a female. Bitch you are as ugly as you are old.

Secondly I don't slander you at all everything I have said about you it 100% pure fucking factual quoted and confirmed by multiple people here. You are just a pathetic lying cunt who can't accept the real world and constantly lies about shit you say, then you ask people to quote you, then they fucking do and you still lie. Oh and to steal from your playbook go ahead and quote me slandering you faggot.

Third let me ask you, why the fuck would I want to talk to some lying cunt? You are narcissistic, manipulative, mentally ill, and an abomination before god, who wants to abuse children. I have no respect for you, I do not like you, so exactly would I choose to spend to take time to listen to your nasty ass raspy man voice, only to completely destroy every argument you could ever have. Hell I might get in trouble for hate criming you in a podcast I would beat you so fucking badly.
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Uncle Tanya
Oh and to steal from your playbook go ahead and quote me slandering you faggot.

who wants to abuse children


v These I'd just call straight up "lies" v

who can't accept the real world
constantly lies about shit you say
an abomination before god

...but yeah... stating that I want to abuse children is textbook slander, retard.

only to completely destroy every argument you could ever have. Hell I might get in trouble for hate criming you in a podcast I would beat you so fucking badly.
Everyone now witness this quote, unalterable. If this is the way this thin nutsack feels, why NOT go through with it?

Y'know, I can tag McFly next post and the three of us can set up a time in the next couple of weeks that's amicable to all three of us and we can get this rolling... I'm positive he'd be a great moderator in this. I said you had a lot to say about me and you didn't disappoint... you're the prime victim opponent for a fun little dialogue that I'm willing to record and upload to YouTube for public consumption. Like I've said: Sunlight is the best disinfectant. I'm a horrible, child abusing abomination pushing my sick agenda on this forum, right Booze? Step up to the plate and show everyone how easy it is to "completely destroy every argument" I have had and how you would beat me "so fucking badly".

Don't be a pussy Booze. You're a man aren't you? It's very clear to me you're not just trolling to get a rise out of me... you legitimately believe the shit that spews out of your alcoholic mouth don't you? LoL Let's go then. Just like I challenged Hodj to run a second binding poll (which of course, just like you, he wormed his way out of for.... reasons), it's your turn. Say yes, it'll be fun. Someone was JUST complaining how it's kinda boring around here... this'll be a bit o spice for the forum. Hell, I'd be PERFECTLY happy if LLR put it up as a forum banner announcement... peep it: Former Fires of Heaven Moderator vs. Forum Attention Whore Tranny. The more the merrier.

Ready to do this or are you going to wriggle out of this like the yellow-bellied pussy that you really are?
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Uncle Tanya

Fo rillz, if you live anywhere near Richmond, are not working that day (01/20), and care about Democrats trying to take people's guns (because I assure you; what happens in VA can and will happen across the board) come out to the capitol and show unity!!!


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>

Fo rillz, if you live anywhere near Richmond, are not working that day (01/20), and care about Democrats trying to take people's guns (because I assure you; what happens in VA can and will happen across the board) come out to the capitol and show unity!!!

I endorse you efforts to be around runs at least 41% more than you do right now.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Booze is a legit terrible poster. That assessment can be made even when ignoring every single lost in this thread or that was ever made in reference to Vanessa.
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Wake Up Man
No I don't think you do, and never will. Therein lies the problem. That's not a knock on your intelligence or comprehension btw so don't get all defensive on me... it simply means that a non-gender-dysphoric person cannot know what it feels like to have gender dysphoria. Just as a non-schizophrenic cannot know what a schizophrenic feels. It's all just mental illness to me. Well there you go. I'm glad you're "normal".

I wonder, is that what it's like being a man, and not being able to know what it's like to be a woman?

I didn't choose to be born with Gender Dysphoria, and I don't think I'm a woman. I know precisely what I am... a transgendered woman. Not a man. Not a woman. A transgendered woman. I mean......... that's the Ben Shapiro-esque cut and dry reality of the situation. A biological male who lives in society as a transgendered woman. Period. This is how people who actually deal with me face to face (unlike here) immediately and subconsciously recognize me based on how I am gendered consistently in social interaction: She Her Hers. I don't need to wear a stupid button to tell people how to address me or actually tell them what I want to be called. It's just how this *works*.

You and a bunch of liars made up words to describe living a lie and call it transgender man/woman. You don't even know what you are, or you would have been that since quite some time ago, but you sure jumped on the tranny choo choo train. Or was it that you were Transgender Woman since the days of Furor and 14 days?


Wake Up Man
Yeah but she's in our age group. She's actually older than me. I get that kids are self-important and full of themselves, raised on social media to think that every issue requires a response, that their take is somehow important or valid because they had it. But she grew up in our day so... wtf is that? Even then, kids spout shit off on social media, they don't engage in rigorous debate

Narcissists are liars so he may not even be anything what he says he is.


Wake Up Man

Fo rillz, if you live anywhere near Richmond, are not working that day (01/20), and care about Democrats trying to take people's guns (because I assure you; what happens in VA can and will happen across the board) come out to the capitol and show unity!!!

1) Richmond smells.
2) It has at least 1 tranny.
3) Protesting isn't going to change anything. And you're dumb. 2nd Amendment is about right to bear arms to overthrow the government, written during the time of guns being the predominate way to win a war. While you're there why don't you ask them about your right to possess your own weapons of war. Tell them you also identify as an Apache Attach Helicopter.
  • 1Picard
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