Warcraft III: Reforged


Avatar of War Slayer
WoW ret-conned practically the entirety of Warcraft 1-2 and then proceeded to ret-con its-self almost every other damn expansion and NOW people are getting mad about it and not giving them money? should have done that a long time ago.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't even know the WoW story well enough to recognize or care about any ret-cons. The last good story Blizzard told was SC1+Broodwars and even going back to that as an adult makes me realize it was pretty amateur hour.

The cucks running (ruining) Blizzard now are not the ones that created these worlds. The abandon ship was called years ago. Didn't you guys get the memo?
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Avatar of War Slayer
Furor still getting a good mid-high six figures right? well should not he assure the greatness LULZ
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
so it looks like there aren't going to be any lore retcons. basically when they announced it people kind of flipped out (understandably) and the reason they went with is that they didn't want new sounds. the voices and sound effects are all pretty iconic and people said that it would take away too much from wc3 to make changes like that. so blizz agreed and they are keeping all the original sound files, which means they can't make any story changes that weren't recorded already. so the changes they are making are basically geographical. they want to update some of the maps to better fall in line with wow, which makes sense and i'm fine with that.
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Avatar of War Slayer
so it looks like there aren't going to be any lore retcons. basically when they announced it people kind of flipped out (understandably) and the reason they went with is that they didn't want new sounds. the voices and sound effects are all pretty iconic and people said that it would take away too much from wc3 to make changes like that. so blizz agreed and they are keeping all the original sound files, which means they can't make any story changes that weren't recorded already. so the changes they are making are basically geographical. they want to update some of the maps to better fall in line with wow, which makes sense and i'm fine with that.

you can keep ZUG ZUG and change the story...thats what people wanted to keep not specifically the CG VA or game story sounds etc. but the in game character sound bits... those are the iconic things like when you click on the little warrior guy or keep clicking on a sheep etc.


Furor still getting a good mid-high six figures right? well should not he assure the greatness LULZ

We can either say the casual scum converted him or he fought that battle and lost.

The "box full of resist gear" and "great siabi" stuff to me indicated the clashing of some heads at retail time.

Still the most iconic EQ dude and mad respect for their early plane of sky progress. Next level shit to this day, and they weren't starting out playing a solved game.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
you can keep ZUG ZUG and change the story...thats what people wanted to keep not specifically the CG VA or game story sounds etc. but the in game character sound bits... those are the iconic things like when you click on the little warrior guy or keep clicking on a sheep etc.

listen, if that's the argument that it took to stop them from messing with the story, i'll allow it.
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Potato del Grande
All they got to do is change the loading screen maps and maybe some minor in-game map tweaks (like they said they did with Stratholme).

Then one or two missions need some model tweaks, like the Blackrock Clan in Alterac need black instead of red dragons and drakonids instead of demons to better tie into Blackrock Spire in WoW. Have Suramar's sheild in the background of the Maiev missions, make the Forgotten One either directly Yogg-Saron or something similar that isn't exactly like C'Thun. Have Akama look like a Broken and not a Lost One.

Just little continuity things.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Retcons are fucking dumb. Just let the game stand as it does. You don't need uniformity of story. Seeing the progression of intricacy is more interesting than the effects of the dragons being the same color.

New models look sweet, though.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
they're having to remake the game from the ground-up, so there's no real reason NOT to make some visual changes that lines things up more with wow. i'm not talking about adding new characters or changing the story... making the dragons the right color is a perfectly acceptable change because it doesn't make any kinds of changes to the gameplay or story.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Someone acquaint me with this bit of lore, why would the black dragonflight have been helping the orcs? I remember the Dragonmaw had some artifact that effectively enslaved the red flight.


Vyemm Raider
Someone acquaint me with this bit of lore, why would the black dragonflight have been helping the orcs? I remember the Dragonmaw had some artifact that effectively enslaved the red flight.

The artifact the Dragonmaw were using was the Demon Soul (previously Dragon Soul) that belonged to Deathwing (he stole it after the other Aspects poured their power into it). Deathwing allowed the Dragonmaw clan to use it to enslave Alexstrasza the Red Dragonqueen whom he hated, and let them use black dragons in battle since they were serving him.