

Bronze Baron of the Realm
Gas stations starting to close from being out of gas. Not easy moving a couple million people overnight 300+ miles. It went from cat 1 which nobody leaves for to cat 4 from the morning to afternoon.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I really don't get these models. The entire time, to me, it's looked like the storm is going to track mostly NNE.

And yet all the models have it suddenly just shooting way west to hit New Orleans. But every few hours when they update, it's still on that track NNE. The veer is becoming more abrupt in the models.

To me this thing is clearly going to head towards Biloxi, but I guess we'll see.


Generally speaking if the storm is one day out they have a VERY good idea where its going, so if you are in the area its just best to go


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I was reading something about the temp of the waters being fairly high at depth or something that will end up pushing it west.(it will also cause it to ramp up in strength)
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Generally speaking if the storm is one day out they have a VERY good idea where its going, so if you are in the area its just best to go

They are accurate a day before hand. If you wait till a day before very very hard to leave due to a couple million people trying to get gas and travel on the interstate to 300 or more miles away to find a place to stay. During Katrina people went to Memphis, Houston, and San Antonio and could not get a room they fill up fast.

So early on you have to decide to go or stay. Those in the fringe areas get prepared and sit it out. Get gas, food, and such. Thursday the walmart here was out of the brand of insulin I use. I didn't need it and keep a good supply on hand.

My girlfriend lives in Alabama and she was like OMG you and your parents are gonna die due to storm surge. Umm it's 400' elevation here, not likely. Probably long term power outage but have 3 generators, 2 gas powered and can always get gas from the vehicles that are full and one whole house generator on natural gas. Even during Katrina in BR mom and dad never lost natural gas, just the way it works in some places.

I wouldn't take hurricane refugees from New Orleans post Katrina. You'll never get rid of them and they will flat tear everything up. Happened big time post Katrina. Even the churches stopped helping said fuck it.
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<Bronze Donator>
Generally speaking if the storm is one day out they have a VERY good idea where its going, so if you are in the area its just best to go
Do they though? They are often off 100 miles on the Florida coast. And where that eye hits matters a lot
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Sanrith Descartes

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Track has NO still in the possible cone. I'm not sure of the scale, but the middle of the cone doesn't look "too" far SW of NO. This could still be an ass fucking for NO.

Screenshot_20210828-194603_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Sanrith Descartes

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NO being on the dirty side of the storm is going to blow ass for them.
Only good thing I see is it's moving pretty quick. 16 mph already. Nothing worse than a slow sub-10 mph storm that just dumps and dumps rain on top of you.


Millie's Staff Member
they survived Katrina just fine, but i think it was just too much water. Ida could miss NO and it could still get fucked if the levees break.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Where it's headed is the swampiest of areas except right for the southwest portion of the state where there is like 250 people in an entire parish, just duck hunting. If you look at an aerial photo/sat photo there it's all canals put through the swamp from the oil industry over decades. Still too early to tell.

Near headed straight up the Athcafalaya river (the spillway) where Andrew caused the massive fish kill. Basically it's a shortcut for the MS river that removes some of the water before it gets to Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Given time and no Corps of Engineers that's where the MS river would wind up cutting of New Orleans and Baton Rouge from the MS river.

It was a number of years before the spillway had an open fishing (bass etc...) season.


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Sanrith Descartes

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The size of the storm, even I'd it stays in the middle of the track NO getting near full brunt.
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> Than U
SpaceX bought 2 ships last year and been having them retrofitted with state of the art tech to retrieve Dragons from splashdowns, fairing halves and towing if needed landing platforms for stage 1 boosters.
"Doug" Just passed to the east of IDA on way around Florida.
"Bob" is docked dead center of that path, unable to move due to work still in progress.
Virtually every other boat docked there is now gone.
RIP Bob.
Doug getting underway Monday prior to the oh shit storm-

For scale-

Doug used to be Ingrid in 2009 launch.

Chances Bob bites it?
Last weekend. Bob still there.
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<Prior Amod>
yo, i still have this gay ass storm shelter in my garage

am i gonna eat crow thinking this thing is just taking up a parking space?

i survived kansas tornados and repair bills, but idk about hurricanes


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Turn is going to put New Orleans and Baton Rouge on the bad side. A lot of New Orleans is going to come down to the levees and the new storm surge wall go. Baton Rouge is already heavily sogged down. First half of the year they got 48" of rain when the entire year they average 60". Fully expect no power here for at least 2 weeks.

Pressure up from 976 to 1008mb but who knows how accurate that is or how much it wobbles around.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Coon Ass engineering. Breaux Bridge obviously near the spillway.


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> Than U
Coon Ass engineering. Breaux Bridge obviously near the spillway.
I have those same straps. 14,000 pull load each.
Used them last a few years back to straighten a old house we was remodeling.
It'll help for sure, but I question effectiveness of roof just shredding around them.