Weight Loss Thread

Sanrith Descartes

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One thing that is not always immediately obvious is that certain categories of foods have an almost drug-like effect on our brains. We crave these things because of the feelings they give us rather than because of the nutrition they contain. Weight management often means coming to terms with the food categories which we find irresistible and approaching them almost in the same way we would an addiction. Some people will be able to moderate their consumption of foods through portion control, but some people will have a lot of difficulty and may need to cut out certain food types. It's similar to how some people can cut back their excessive alcohol consumption while others need to totally abstain.

But one thing to keep in mind is that it's most difficult to give these foods up initially. The longer you go without these problematic foods, the less desire you have for them. It's similar to any addiction. Your brain doesn't want to give them up, but after a while of not having them it won't desire them as much.
This is true and not necessarily just sugary junk food. I can eat three bites of a steak and walk away. Pasta, any pasta dish, and I am gorging myself like a pig at a trough. It's the food I recall most fondly as a kid. I mentally have control issues with pasta.


<Prior Amod>
This is true and not necessarily just sugary junk food. I can eat three bites of a steak and walk away. Pasta, any pasta dish, and I am gorging myself like a pig at a trough. It's the food I recall most fondly as a kid. I mentally have control issues with pasta.
its the same for me and rice and pasta those horrible carbs just eventually break down into sugars anyways

why do you think there are so many asians w/ type 1 beetus

(i actually very rarely eat rice, once a week and so far no beetus for me)
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Sanrith Descartes

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its the same for me and rice and pasta those horrible carbs just eventually break down into sugars anyways

why do you think there are so many asians w/ type 1 beetus

(i actually very rarely eat rice, once a week and so far no beetus for me)
What gets me is doesn't even have to be good pasta. I can go out and get some shitty plate of pasta and I will still finish it. I admit, I am a pasta binge addict. It's why I don't allow myself to eat it much.


The Scientific Shitlord
One thing that is not always immediately obvious is that certain categories of foods have an almost drug-like effect on our brains. We crave these things because of the feelings they give us rather than because of the nutrition they contain. Weight management often means coming to terms with the food categories which we find irresistible and approaching them almost in the same way we would an addiction. Some people will be able to moderate their consumption of foods through portion control, but some people will have a lot of difficulty and may need to cut out certain food types. It's similar to how some people can cut back their excessive alcohol consumption while others need to totally abstain.

But one thing to keep in mind is that it's most difficult to give these foods up initially. The longer you go without these problematic foods, the less desire you have for them. It's similar to any addiction. Your brain doesn't want to give them up, but after a while of not having them it won't desire them as much.


The Scientific Shitlord
One thing that is not always immediately obvious is that certain categories of foods have an almost drug-like effect on our brains. We crave these things because of the feelings they give us rather than because of the nutrition they contain. Weight management often means coming to terms with the food categories which we find irresistible and approaching them almost in the same way we would an addiction. Some people will be able to moderate their consumption of foods through portion control, but some people will have a lot of difficulty and may need to cut out certain food types. It's similar to how some people can cut back their excessive alcohol consumption while others need to totally abstain.

But one thing to keep in mind is that it's most difficult to give these foods up initially. The longer you go without these problematic foods, the less desire you have for them. It's similar to any addiction. Your brain doesn't want to give them up, but after a while of not having them it won't desire them as much.
Dopamine is a hell of a drug.


<Prior Amod>
What gets me is doesn't even have to be good pasta. I can go out and get some shitty plate of pasta and I will still finish it. I admit, I am a pasta binge addict. It's why I don't allow myself to eat it much.
it's legit, drop flour in and 10mins you get fresh pasta

Philips Pasta and Noodle Maker Plus, Large, HR2375/06
all the important bits are steel so it won't snap on you when youre extruding (it's why it's a price premium)

philips has a cuter version

Philips Compact Pasta and Noodle Maker with 3 Interchangeable Pasta Shape Plates - White - HR2370/05
but i only have the bigger one, so idk about the compact version.

if i'm gonna pay the caloric/carb price of eating pasta, it's gonna be fresh.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I went to a hypnotist and she finally got me to give up carbs (less than 50g per day). My wife had been trying for 6 years.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
I went to a hypnotist and she finally got me to give up carbs (less than 50g per day). My wife had been trying for 6 years.
Really? My wife has been trying to get me to do hypnosis or acupuncture to try and cut back on sugar. I'm a non-believer and never bothered with it but I'm curious now that you say it worked for you.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Really? My wife has been trying to get me to do hypnosis or acupuncture to try and cut back on sugar. I'm a non-believer and never bothered with it but I'm curious now that you say it worked for you.

How does acupuncture work for weight loss?

I had trouble finding anyone close who did it. A couple years ago we looked and found a class that taught hypnosis but that's it. I started going to OA meetings instead. Those meetings are good, but I haven't exactly ruined my life with overeating so it wasn't quite what I needed. They did help me understand better what was going on with my compulsiveness though. So I do recommend OA for anyone trying to lose weight. Then I heard a hypnotherapist call a radio show and wrote down the info. A few months later I called her up.

I wasn't planning to give up carbs when I went. I was hoping for a magic wand. But on the 2nd visit she sprung the carbs thing on me and I was like WTF, sure, I'll give it a try. She is a fan of that ekberg guy in the video above. I think it's working so well for me because I had decided to lose weight. There's a difference between wanting to do something and deciding to do something. I've heard lots of times that nothing you do will work until you decide to lose weight. I don't know how much the hypnotism played a role in that, but I'm sure it played some role.

It's not like a hypnotist stage act. The sessions are about an hour. I relax while she drones on about positive things and I don't try to pay attention to her words. After 30 minutes that felt like 10 minutes she brings me out and I was like "did it work? Was I hypnotized?" I get a recording of the session that I'm supposed to listen to twice a day. After 5 sessions I have 3 recordings now that I'm supposed to listen to daily. I was good about listening for the first few weeks, but right now I just don't have the time. My wife went with me the first 2 times to make sure she was on the up and up. The program was 5 sessions and now I'm on my own unless I want a tune up later on. Dropped like 25 or 30 lbs in about a month I think. Not sure because I'm not obsessed with the numbers.
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The Scientific Shitlord
How does acupuncture work for weight loss?

I had trouble finding anyone close who did it. A couple years ago we looked and found a class that taught hypnosis but that's it. I started going to OA meetings instead. Those meetings are good, but I haven't exactly ruined my life with overeating so it wasn't quite what I needed. They did help me understand better what was going on with my compulsiveness though. So I do recommend OA for anyone trying to lose weight. Then I heard a hypnotherapist call a radio show and wrote down the info. A few months later I called her up.

I wasn't planning to give up carbs when I went. I was hoping for a magic wand. But on the 2nd visit she sprung the carbs thing on me and I was like WTF, sure, I'll give it a try. She is a fan of that ekberg guy in the video above. I think it's working so well for me because I had decided to lose weight. There's a difference between wanting to do something and deciding to do something. I've heard lots of times that nothing you do will work until you decide to lose weight. I don't know how much the hypnotism played a role in that, but I'm sure it played some role.

It's not like a hypnotist stage act. The sessions are about an hour. I relax while she drones on about positive things and I don't try to pay attention to her words. After 30 minutes that felt like 10 minutes she brings me out and I was like "did it work? Was I hypnotized?" I get a recording of the session that I'm supposed to listen to twice a day. After 5 sessions I have 3 recordings now that I'm supposed to listen to daily. I was good about listening for the first few weeks, but right now I just don't have the time. My wife went with me the first 2 times to make sure she was on the up and up. The program was 5 sessions and now I'm on my own unless I want a tune up later on. Dropped like 25 or 30 lbs in about a month I think. Not sure because I'm not obsessed with the numbers.
Losing 30 pounds in a month would mean you were literally starving for most of it. Or were you like 350-400 to begin with? Most diets will have a big first few weeks as your body sheds water weight, but I have never heard of anyone who had that much to begin with.

Sanrith Descartes

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Losing 30 pounds in a month would mean you were literally starving for most of it. Or were you like 350-400 to begin with? Most diets will have a big first few weeks as your body sheds water weight, but I have never heard of anyone who had that much to begin with.
Going to an extremely low carb intake will do it easily. Your body is feasting on triglycerides. Eventually for find an ideal weight and increase your carb intake to a pivot point where you can maintain zero weight loss/gain at that carb intake.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Losing 30 pounds in a month would mean you were literally starving for most of it. Or were you like 350-400 to begin with? Most diets will have a big first few weeks as your body sheds water weight, but I have never heard of anyone who had that much to begin with.

No, not starving mentally. I kept hearing that carbs are what makes you hungry but I never believed it till now. For example 2 nights ago I ate like 4 tbls of peanut butter for dinner because the facility I'm on had a bunch of fried shit out. Not hungry, felt good. Played on my tablet instead of sitting in the dining hall. Either it's nocarbs or the hypnotism that keeps me from being hungry now. I do have food anxiety and I think the hypnotism went a long way towards helping that.

If you meant physically, I am way under the calories that my fitness tracker is saying I can have. But I'm only using it to track the carbs so I don't care what it thinks about calories. Like Sanrith said, the body isn't starving, it's just burning my fat stores. Everything I read said you can expect to lose .5 lbs a day on this sort of diet. So I'm a little over that. Checked my calendar. First visit was August 26th and I started low carb Sept 3rd. So 47 days total, 39 on low carb. According to the weight log, looks like 27 lbs lost since first visit and 24 since the new diet. That's .6 lbs per day on the low carb diet.

This was with a birthday party in the middle where I went crazy. That took me a few days to recover from. Totally worth it. My plan is to ride this until I hit a plateau then back off and go with a 100 carb a day diet for a while and see where I'm at.


The Scientific Shitlord
No, not starving mentally. I kept hearing that carbs are what makes you hungry but I never believed it till now. For example 2 nights ago I ate like 4 tbls of peanut butter for dinner because the facility I'm on had a bunch of fried shit out. Not hungry, felt good. Played on my tablet instead of sitting in the dining hall. Either it's nocarbs or the hypnotism that keeps me from being hungry now. I do have food anxiety and I think the hypnotism went a long way towards helping that.

If you meant physically, I am way under the calories that my fitness tracker is saying I can have. But I'm only using it to track the carbs so I don't care what it thinks about calories. Like Sanrith said, the body isn't starving, it's just burning my fat stores. Everything I read said you can expect to lose .5 lbs a day on this sort of diet. So I'm a little over that. Checked my calendar. First visit was August 26th and I started low carb Sept 3rd. So 47 days total, 39 on low carb. According to the weight log, looks like 27 lbs lost since first visit and 24 since the new diet. That's .6 lbs per day on the low carb diet.

This was with a birthday party in the middle where I went crazy. That took me a few days to recover from. Totally worth it. My plan is to ride this until I hit a plateau then back off and go with a 100 carb a day diet for a while and see where I'm at.
Well, glad it's working for you and I hope it gets you where you want to be. Don't forget to get your doctor in the loop on this, because that kind of weight loss can very easily lead to unintended consequences, no matter how you go do it. Your doctor will be able to get orders in for regular blood tests to help prevent that.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Well, glad it's working for you and I hope it gets you where you want to be. Don't forget to get your doctor in the loop on this, because that kind of weight loss can very easily lead to unintended consequences, no matter how you go do it. Your doctor will be able to get orders in for regular blood tests to help prevent that.

My doctor is also a believer in low carb diets, so he's got me covered. He dropped a lot of weight himself a few years ago.

Sanrith Descartes

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No, not starving mentally. I kept hearing that carbs are what makes you hungry but I never believed it till now. For example 2 nights ago I ate like 4 tbls of peanut butter for dinner because the facility I'm on had a bunch of fried shit out. Not hungry, felt good. Played on my tablet instead of sitting in the dining hall. Either it's nocarbs or the hypnotism that keeps me from being hungry now. I do have food anxiety and I think the hypnotism went a long way towards helping that.

If you meant physically, I am way under the calories that my fitness tracker is saying I can have. But I'm only using it to track the carbs so I don't care what it thinks about calories. Like Sanrith said, the body isn't starving, it's just burning my fat stores. Everything I read said you can expect to lose .5 lbs a day on this sort of diet. So I'm a little over that. Checked my calendar. First visit was August 26th and I started low carb Sept 3rd. So 47 days total, 39 on low carb. According to the weight log, looks like 27 lbs lost since first visit and 24 since the new diet. That's .6 lbs per day on the low carb diet.

This was with a birthday party in the middle where I went crazy. That took me a few days to recover from. Totally worth it. My plan is to ride this until I hit a plateau then back off and go with a 100 carb a day diet for a while and see where I'm at.
Protein takes longer to digest in the stomach and leaves you feeling fuller, longer. Its the core basis of Atkins. If you combine a high protein diet with intermittent fasting the pounds literally fall off. The high protein means you tend to not get hunger pangs because you are still feeling full from the plate of protein the meal before.

I also cant stress enough, drink lots and lots of water. Dehydration synthesis (the body breaking up triglycerides thinking it is starving when it isnt) requires lots of water for the process.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah I forgot that up until about 2 weeks ago I was fasting nearly every day for at least 16 hours. It's not feasible to do it now when the mealtime windows are short and I never know what they're serving till I get there.


<Gold Donor>
Responding to you here as the derail is getting a bit much.

well then, once you get past snacking entirely, omad is easy to keep up, snacking just leads to 2 meals a day... then 3.

atm i'm just doing omad w/ a big bussel of broc either rice or ramen and whatever meat i smoked...

unfortunately now i gotta rehab my smoker, it's my fault, i left pellets in there and forgot to cover it and the pellets expanded in the auger and it's stuck.

now i'm just working on air fried chicken and down to the last 2lbs of char siu i made, brisket has been gone for a week.

have you done brisket yet? when i find a brisket primal on sale at kroger it's 2.49$ /lb, my deep freezer is full of brisket and pork butts.
I found that while on the Carnivore Diet I could not eat smoked meats, I would literally get nauseous. I read it likely has to do with all the histamines in slow smoked meats.


<Prior Amod>
Responding to you here as the derail is getting a bit much.

I found that while on the Carnivore Diet I could not eat smoked meats, I would literally get nauseous. I read it likely has to do with all the histamines in slow smoked meats.
that sounds weird, maybe you gotta clean your smoker dawg