

<Bronze Donator>
Well that was a mind fuck episode because now I have no idea what's going to happen. I wonder if the park is there to develop fidelity so eventually the robots become human again. It's like you have to go through hell to be reborn as an immortal. On another note I think the acting is A+ except for Dolores and Teddy. Whenever they are on screen it just pulls me out of the awesomeness and realize I'm watching a show again.
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FPS noob
at this point i'm just resigned to watch the show like its a mish mash of video game cut scenes, find out the "a-ha!" moment in the last few minutes of the last episode of the season, and then rewatching the show will make a lot more sense. Thats a shitty way to do a 10 episode TV season, a great way to do a movie like Primer, but it is what it is. And yeah, I do get the whole five timeline thing:
  • 30 years ago
  • few days/weeks/months in the past (Bernard's "I got a marble" scenes)
  • aftermath of robot uprising (Dolores, Maeve, etc)
  • X days later when extraction team arrives, lake bodies, etc
  • INSIDE the cradle
And I suspect a sixth and possibily seventh timeline as well set more in the future. However the show just jumps between them non stop sometimes with scenes not even lasting long enough to really figure out which timeline you are in. There was ZERO reason to do it this way other than keep viewers confused and in the dark and to me thats super annoying.

It'll be interesting to see if after the season ends if someone can make a supercut where they rearrange the scenes so it all flows chronologically like the Lost chronological edition.
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Molten Core Raider
Spitballing here, but I think the destruction of the Cradle is directly linked to the wiped hosts the QA team finds. I have to wonder, what if the host-hardware is merely a terminal streaming the "program" from the Cradle? Would make sense with hosts being so lifelike. The hosts are basically 3D printed humans, apart from whatever is powering them. I find it hard to imagine that the control unit, being basically the only cybernetic part distinguishing a host from human could be able to store so much data and perform that level of simulation by itself.

A few other things;

1) What I can't quite jive though is Elsie's words and the practice of storing discontinued host bodies at the sub levels. Why bother with the cold storage, if the hosts "all live in there" meaning the Cradle servers? Unless that can be assumed to be a long con of Ford's, a preparation to grant him access to a high number of host units that no one really keeps track of.

2) I don't think Dolores is truly sentient, she is merely programmed by Ford to think herself so. Her entire plot line seems to be a diversion, pulling the response team's attention away from other events, namely whatever Bernard is up to.

3) Bernard is not sentient either, and I don't think it's him that's waking up from the Cradle access. If it's just Ford or something else, don't want to speculate yet. Interesting though that he seems to employ scorched earth tactics when under direct control of Ford's, destroying first the super-secret minilab, and I'm thinking he'll also be responsible for the Cradle getting blown to shit as well.

4) Maeve is sentient, and her "magic" is merely her using the admin level access to directly overriding the streamed Cradle simulation of the other hosts near her, as opposed using voice command like earlier. Have to question though, why didn't she try that fuckery with the Indians. Sure, they didn't respond to her voice commands in the previous episode, but then again, neither did the Shogun World hosts at first.
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<Prior Amod>
Elsie is the key!

Ford wanted Elsie dead, Bernard has developed super daddy feels towards her, and while he couldn't "not" kill her, he by passed the kill order and put her away w/ a bucket and food.

Ford has Maeve, whom goes for her daughter

Human Bernard has Dolores, whom goes for her father

Robo Bernard has Elsie,

this is the aberration that Ford did not plan for.


Nah. Snow fucks Daenerys. Try to keep up here.


Life's a Dream
Here's the new email from Westworld. As normal, every picture holds a link.

[CLASSIFIED]: Potential Host Data Breach
Delos Employee Alerts [email protected]

Attn: Delos Management
This email is intended only for those with server administrator access. We’re noticing unusual activity stemming from the Cradle: please adhere to the following protocols to prevent any potential loss of data. Delos intellectual property is at risk — immediate action is required.

The lab has been infiltrated. Please inspect the facilities with extreme care.

Access the security panel to restore previous backups.

Proceed to access best practices for narrative configuration.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
HaxDogma has been getting a lot of play on reddit and some news services for his WW theories. This is his new one on The Cradle.

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Golden Knight of the Realm
Dolores from 'Westworld' Is the New Khaleesi
This is why we can't have nice things and instead get hurricanes and volcanoes and shit.

My favorite part of the article is this line here:

Both Dolores and Daenerys now have powerful men—who in a past age would be the story’s protagonists—as loyal members of their entourages.

Except that the books that Game of Thrones is based on were written in that "past age". The first Game of Thrones book was released in 1996, back in the dark ages of social justice movements etc. Just one more journalist seeing what they want to see and not what is.
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