
OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Eyes change from hazel to blue.

Theory debunked.

Checkmate atheists.
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<Prior Amod>
I remember someone saying they think Bernard kidnapped his protege girl (whose name I forget).

He was shacking up with the dead corporate woman though at the time. Or at least at her place.
About the only thing that holds weight with that is an blackish arm is grabbing Elsie, the same color coat Bernard wears when he meets Delores in the basement.
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Got something right about marriage
I can't wait until it turns out that everyone is dead and this is just purgatory.
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Golden Squire
I remember someone saying they think Bernard kidnapped his protege girl (whose name I forget).

He was shacking up with the dead corporate woman though at the time. Or at least at her place.

If you look at that scene and pause it as the hand is wrapped around her you can see the silhouette of the persons head and can also make out a beard behind the ropes. So with the revelation that Bernard is a host and how he was with Theresa at the time only thing left and if we are to believe that it was in fact Arnold grabbing her and that Bernard was made in Arnolds image. Too much leaning in that direction to not be true, who else would grab her there....unless they are introducing someone new that is a of dark skin color and has a beard. Doubt it though, they have been good on dropping clues and using the environment to further help in figuring things out. I love it , just hopeful that they actually give us a good 3 episodes to close it out till we wait till 2018 =(.
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<Bronze Donator>
So after rewatching the first episode is it possible that William is both Teddy and the MIB? Maybe William uploads himself into Teddy and then somehow Delores betrays William and that's why he treats her like a piece of meat as the MIB?
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Got something right about marriage
Ford is the only actual human left. He created the bots as company originally but has now grown to despise his loneliness. Making them smarter and smarter with his "narratives" in hopes that one of them can finally become intelligent enough to beat him.
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<Prior Amod>
Ford is the only actual human left. He created the bots as company originally but has now grown to despise his loneliness. Making them smarter and smarter with his "narratives" in hopes that one of them can finally become intelligent enough to beat him.
I think the way they have it, Ford is like Steve Jobs and Arnold is Steve Wozniack.

Arnold is the brains, the coder, he built/wrote all the code, even up until now, some shit went down and Ford rolled back the code a few versions and has slowly been releasing/updating back to the version where Arnold died.

Arnold basically built an iphone 10 that went crazy or some shit, then Ford rolled it back to iphone 1 and has been releasing incremental updates for 30 years, he's never written a single line of code, the hosts are all probably iphone 9's now and the reveries update was the last iphone 10 patch.

So what's Fords purpose? he's Steve Jobs, he just likes to tell stories, he's a story teller.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I'm pretty convinced Bernard is Arnold remade. For two reasons.

1.) The Meetings with Dolores are clearly in the room that now has the big machine, indicating it might be another time period.

2.) "Bernard" in these meetings tells Dolores about the Maze--this one has bugged the shit out of me since the start, but especially since the week before last's episode. Look at Ford when he sees the maze mark on the table. He doesn't know what the fuck it is--it's one part of the park he does not know about. That's why they keep having him say "every blade of grass was designed by me". So if Bernard is under Ford's control and Ford knows everything Bernard does--why is Ford surprised by the Maze if Bernard told Dolores?

Because the person talking to Dolores is not Bernard. It's Arnold, 34 years ago. The Maze is an advanced Turing Test, or escape from the park--something which allows those that exhibit consciousness to leave. This is how "Bernard" was even in that room when he couldn't see the door, or didn't know about it all together. It's also why "Bernard" in the room seems scared and like he wants to wipe Dolores's mind, he's trying to hide it from his partner Ford, because he knows Ford is looking to play God, while he's looking to free the Hosts.
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Potato del Grande
Here is what I believe:

They are ALL robots. Robots making robots and most don't yet know they are.
Its not 34 years after Arnold's death, its 100's. There are so many clues that this is the case. Humanity is dead.

For example: Why do the workers wear full body hazmat suits when coming to get a host in the park, when it make perfect sense to go in regular garb like a guest and command the host to follow and not disrupt things for guests and have to 'freeze' all hosts. They can't be afraid of contaminating anything. The hosts are interacted with in the most intimate of ways by the guests. Why the precaution?

The Answer I believe is they are mimicking behavior they "remember", but those memories are disjointed. They don't know why they do some of the things they do, but they continue to do them.

What is the man in black looking for in the maze? The answer to it all. He's looking for his creator. William/MiB will discover he is a host, and be consumed with finding out why he was made.

Another example: Bernard interviewing Dolores. The hosts are caught in loops and it takes many rebirths for them to evolve their awareness or consciousness to alter their loops.

Ford's new story line is circular. He has done all this before.
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Trakanon Raider
Here is what I believe:
For example: Why do the workers wear full body hazmat suits when coming to get a host in the park, when it make perfect sense to go in regular garb like a guest and command the host to follow and not disrupt things for guests and have to 'freeze' all hosts. They can't be afraid of contaminating anything. The hosts are interacted with in the most intimate of ways by the guests. Why the precaution?

There's much simpler explanations - one, it makes it easy to program the hosts to not see them, two they are usually picking up hosts that have died violently and been lying around in the sun for hours. That shit is nasty, and you don't want it all over your clothes ;p
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Molten Core Raider
Here is what I believe:

They are ALL robots. Robots making robots and most don't yet know they are.
Its not 34 years after Arnold's death, its 100's. There are so many clues that this is the case. Humanity is dead.

For example: Why do the workers wear full body hazmat suits when coming to get a host in the park, when it make perfect sense to go in regular garb like a guest and command the host to follow and not disrupt things for guests and have to 'freeze' all hosts. They can't be afraid of contaminating anything. The hosts are interacted with in the most intimate of ways by the guests. Why the precaution?

The Answer I believe is they are mimicking behavior they "remember", but those memories are disjointed. They don't know why they do some of the things they do, but they continue to do them.

What is the man in black looking for in the maze? The answer to it all. He's looking for his creator. William/MiB will discover he is a host, and be consumed with finding out why he was made.

Another example: Bernard interviewing Dolores. The hosts are caught in loops and it takes many rebirths for them to evolve their awareness or consciousness to alter their loops.

Ford's new story line is circular. He has done all this before.

Dear god please no
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There's much simpler explanations - one, it makes it easy to program the hosts to not see them, two they are usually picking up hosts that have died violently and been lying around in the sun for hours. That shit is nasty, and you don't want it all over your clothes ;p
And the entire park is covered in jizz.
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how about ford had/has a split personality? His arnold persona was killed/cured/medicated 30 years ago, but that persona is still present, though not conscious to ford.....the meds are not working anymore.....
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