Whats rustling your jimmies?


I'm With HER ♀
People who self-diagnose themselves as having Asberger's or 'high functioning autism'. No, buddy. You are not a savant or a mysterious creature because you're fat and have no social skills.
I hate when I finally find a decent song on the radio, turn the volume up to just below distortion, then right before the true ending of the song, the fucking radio station inserts some god damn record scratching sound or some asshole talking ABOVE the volume of the song, so my speakers and ears bleed.

Aychamo BanBan

Fucking pieces of shit who don't take care of themselves, get diabetes, then don't take any medications, then lose their feet, then go on disability. I (we) pay for their doctor's appointments that they don't go to, their medicines they don't take, their surgeries to fix their problems, and then their disability. Fucking scum bags.


Potato del Grande
Doctors, nurses, emergency rooms. Fuck you assholes for making me wait 5 hours to get my vitals taken, charging me $80 for 2 tylenol (A WHOLE 500 COUNT BOTTLE IS LIKE $3 YOU FUCKS) and then giving me bad credit when I don't pay my 5 digit+ bill to be told i'm fine.


Fucking pieces of shit who don't take care of themselves, get diabetes, then don't take any medications, then lose their feet, then go on disability. I (we) pay for their doctor's appointments that they don't go to, their medicines they don't take, their surgeries to fix their problems, and then their disability. Fucking scum bags.
Shut the fuck up. You and everyone else know that doctors overbook the SHIT out of their appointments, causing us to wait for two hours in your fucking lobby. You don't lose a dime when someone doesn't show up, you asinine piece of donkey feces.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Chamo, what are you, like an ER doctor or a specialist or a general practitioner or what?

Aychamo BanBan

Doctors, nurses, emergency rooms. Fuck you assholes for making me wait 5 hours to get my vitals taken, charging me $80 for 2 tylenol (A WHOLE 500 COUNT BOTTLE IS LIKE $3 YOU FUCKS) and then giving me bad credit when I don't pay my 5 digit+ bill to be told i'm fine.
Retards who go to the emergency room with a complaint that only requires a couple of Tylenol to cure. Seriously, you retards, it's an emergency room in a hospital. I don't give a fuck about your cold, your flu (unless you're old and sick) or your chronic back pain.

... Not calling you a retard, but it amazes me the things that people go to the emergency room of a hospital for and wait hours and hours to be seen. The worst are those who will wait 8 hours because they don't want to pay for a $2 pregnancy test (if only they worked those 8 hours at McDonalds...) Of course they give false information and never pay their bill, which makes all of your (honest people) healthcare more expensive.

I had one asshole call 911, and ride to the ER in an ambulance because her baby fell one inch onto carpet (yes exactly). Was perfectly fine, baby didn't even cry. Lady was so stupid though. That's over a thousand dollars wasted that no one will pay for over something idiotic.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Retards who go to the emergency room with a complaint that only requires a couple of Tylenol to cure. Seriously, you retards, it's an emergency room in a hospital. I don't give a fuck about your cold, your flu (unless you're old and sick) or your chronic back pain.
Oh, ER doctor then.

Aychamo BanBan

Oh, ER doctor then.
It took me a year to figure it out. I finished residency and was a "doc in a box" at an urgent care center, but picked up ER and hospitalist shifts. Decided I liked the more acute care so I left the urgent care facility I was at and headed up the ER in a smaller city. It fits my personality much better. I like to treat problems and get results. I don't have to figure out the big mysteries, or agonize over small details. But I do have to make decisions and usually quickly. The ER is great. It's the doorway to the hospital. I decide who comes and who goes. The one thing I absolutely didn't want to be was a clinic doctor. The idea of tweaking blood pressure medicines or worrying about when your last colonoscopy or lipid panel was bored me to death, and I don't have the nurturing personality that a clinician needs.


Trakanon Raider
You'd love my patients. Been throwing out Axis I: Malingering for Shelter/drugs Axis II: Antisocial Personality Disorder all week. Fucking pricks rustle my jimmies. Do you get many "I fought with my boyfriend and overdosed on 10 Ibuprofen because I want to die"'s in your ER?

Aychamo BanBan

You'd love my patients. Been throwing out Axis I: Malingering for Shelter/drugs Axis II: Antisocial Personality Disorder all week. Fucking pricks rustle my jimmies. Do you get many "I fought with my boyfriend and overdosed on 10 Ibuprofen because I want to die"'s in your ER?
Oh my god, psych patients. Yeah, we get the teeny bopper dramatic spoiled brats who threaten suicide and come into the ER to avoid a day of school. My job is to make sure they aren't a threat to themselves or others. We have a small psych room and someone from psych will usually evaluate them and give me their recommendation. If there is truly a threat I PEC them and its out of my hands.

But amazingly it's not illegal to just be crazy, so we get all sorts of schizos & bipolars who are picked up for their behavior by the police and dropped off, but if they aren't a threat, and don't want treatment, we let them go. Inpatient psychiatric treatment in America is pretty scarce and there simply isn't enough room to hospitalize every nut job. The most difficult thing with psych, or most patients, is approaching the problem from an emergency room point of view.

What are some of the funnier psych cases you've seen?


Mental issues aren't covered in most healthcare plans and the pills are expensive. Why you are surprised at all homeless crazies get picked up and dropped off at the emergency room then refuse treatment is beyond me. Most people can't afford it. something like 60% of bankruptcies are because of insane and unnecessary medical bills.

Rustles my jimmies when pill addicts diagnose themselves as having a myriad of mental disorders. No you fucking retarded waste of space, the fucking 4 pill pixie dust you snorted this morning is changing your brain chemicals. hurpdurp


Riddle me this...
Used to mega rustle my jimmies when I worked as a EMT and we would have to drag in some bloated fucking whale because their "tummy" hurt and they cant get hold of their kid,wife,husband, tow truck driver etc. to haul them in the hospital because they just "know" their going to die any minute.

Also loved the one that would call 911 and have us drag them in thinking that because they got there in an ambulance that automatically skips them to the front of the line. This is even after I explain what triage is.


Parents who feed their children nothing but sugar all day, then get mad at their kids for acting excited.

Doctors that give Adderal to 1st graders.


The fucks at work that abuse FMLA. It seems to be an epidemic where I work. Now some have legit reasons, a guy at work fell about 20 feet and his back is beyond fucked. He's a good guy and I've seen him standing up in front of a network closet and you can see he's straining and trying not to cry. His doctor said if he goes under the knife for it he's got a decent chance of never walking again, so he's got the choice of eternal pain or never walking with his daughter through the park, that's a fucked decision.

Then we got this asshole that some got some FMLA caretaker exception. His wife is this emo mental basket case that tells him if he goes to work and doesn't stay with her she'll off herself while he's here. Then, on top of that shit he claimed she was giving him a mental disorder where he couldn't sleep and was becoming depressed over her threats, and got HIS ass FMLA, so he's got double the FMLA time.

I've seen this fuck miss M-F one week, then M-Thu the next, come in Friday, and start spitting mad shit about how something wasn't done right.