Whats rustling your jimmies?


<Gold Donor>
Just spent all day working on the wrong project because the dickhole project manager abbreviated the job name on the fileserver instead of spelling it all the way out...like he did the other job we did with the exact same name except for a different last word. So instead of "Westside Professional blah blah" on two lines, right next to each other, where I'd clearly see there are two jobs and make sure I was doing the correct one, he labeled the new one "WS Prof blah blah blah" which put it quite a ways down the folder list, giving me no reason to suspect I wasn't using the right one. Particularly since I never worked on the first one to even suspect that there might be two similar jobs. The worst part is that yes, technically it is my fault because I didn't confirm that I was working on the correct one, but you do a hundred jobs the same way, almost all with totally different names, you don't expect to have this issue. Or you at least expect the dickhole to give you a heads up about it. Or be consistent in his naming conventions.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
People who send messages (emails, texts, facebook, voicemails, whatever) that don't a) ask a question or b) request confirmation of receipt, and then get upset when you don't reply. What the fuck do you want me to reply to, your collection of statements? Ask a fucking question if you want a reply.


Potato del Grande
People who send messages (emails, texts, facebook, voicemails, whatever) that don't a) ask a question or b) request confirmation of receipt, and then get upset when you don't reply. What the fuck do you want me to reply to, your collection of statements? Ask a fucking question if you want a reply.
Just letting you know I saw your post. Thanks.


Registered Hodor
I probably posted about this rustle before but fuck it, it's rustling me again.

Circle K cashiers panhandling for your change.

I go in and buy some shit, comes to like $4.17, I hand her a $5. Instead of handing me my 83 cents in change she holds it hostage over the donation box and says "would you please donate your change for the children today?". No, fuck you, fuck the children, and fuck you again for trying to make me look like an asshole in front of all the other people in line. That's what I was thinking at least, I just said "No, thank you," made her hand me my change and left.

I actually usually do drop my change in the donation box but not if they are pulling this bullshit.


2 Minutes Hate
Sleep? I have a 5 month old and a 2 year old. I haven't slept a solid 8 hours in years. Now I have to go regrout a bathroom.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yeah they need a line by line of services and charges - and they are all a little anal about when they suspend the account due to a "non confirmed" charge- usually it's a few weeks or whatever.

Usually they will ask for an EOB- explanation of benefits charges from the insurance claim that has a full line by line of everything done it's price, adjusted price and patient-copay amount and then have that to line up with the charge record etc.

And the hold stuff...is kind of a trade off on the pre-funding of your flex card, usually you "pledge" 500$ through X$ per paycheck- yet you have full funds avail Jan 1... except flex card for dependent care (from TONS of abuse) those funds are only available after actual funding happens.

It's mostly a tax shelter, and really only advantageous if you have high known medical expenses.

If you didn't do a insurance claim then you are relying on the Dr office to get u what u need... if all that is on the form u sent them, you just have to slowly explain it to them for their brain cells to rub together and realize you gave them what they want.
No, there's no insurance claim. It was cheaper for me to just pay for the dentist with flex money than to pay for the dental insurance the company offered. I did the same thing last year but TASC was running it and I had no problems whatsoever. They've responded to the latest receipt with handwritten notes. I don't even want to go see what they said. It's just going to piss me off again.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
This one barely rustles my jimmies. It'll be a nice dialback from the conexis bullshit.

Friend at work is selling some guns he inherited. He has no clue about guns, so I helped him figure out what they were worth by taking him to a guy I know from the gun club. He's got like 4 I'm interested in, but I don't tell him that initially. Other people at work had expressed interest, so I back off and wait to see what they buy. About a week later, he brings them and I ask about the ones I'm interested in, 2 rifles and 2 full sized 1911 pistols. He had sold one of the pistols, and we both actually forgot about the other one.

I tell him I want one of the rifles, and when he brings it, he has the other full sized 1911 sitting there, and I'm like "Oh man I thought this was sold, let me fondle it a little". I get ready to pay him, and I'm trying to decide if I want to spend the money for both when he tells me someone else has dibs on it. So I'm like, OK cool, we're all friends here, let him make his decision, and if his wife doesn't let him buy it, I wanna be second on the list. I even told him to let the other guy know I was interested so he didn't spend weeks 'thinking' about it before finally flaking out.

This was all tuesday and wednesday. I ask him about it again today and apparently another coworker showed up, said he liked it and bought it. WTF dude, as much as I've been helping you out, this is how you treat me? I shouldn't be as rustled as I am. It's not even about missing out on the gun.


Tranny Chaser
This one barely rustles my jimmies. It'll be a nice dialback from the conexis bullshit.

Friend at work is selling some guns he inherited. He has no clue about guns, so I helped him figure out what they were worth by taking him to a guy I know from the gun club. He's got like 4 I'm interested in, but I don't tell him that initially. Other people at work had expressed interest, so I back off and wait to see what they buy. About a week later, he brings them and I ask about the ones I'm interested in, 2 rifles and 2 full sized 1911 pistols. He had sold one of the pistols, and we both actually forgot about the other one.

I tell him I want one of the rifles, and when he brings it, he has the other full sized 1911 sitting there, and I'm like "Oh man I thought this was sold, let me fondle it a little". I get ready to pay him, and I'm trying to decide if I want to spend the money for both when he tells me someone else has dibs on it. So I'm like, OK cool, we're all friends here, let him make his decision, and if his wife doesn't let him buy it, I wanna be second on the list. I even told him to let the other guy know I was interested so he didn't spend weeks 'thinking' about it before finally flaking out.

This was all tuesday and wednesday. I ask him about it again today and apparently another coworker showed up, said he liked it and bought it. WTF dude, as much as I've been helping you out, this is how you treat me? I shouldn't be as rustled as I am. It's not even about missing out on the gun.
So you played the waiting game and lost? You snooze, you lose.


<Gold Donor>
God I work with idiots. I could probably post something every day.

I have a coworker that thinks he knows about computers. By default I am the "tech guy" but this guy feels like he is my backup (he has a higher position than me in the company though, strictly because of time of employment). I could write a book about why this is ludicrous, but here is the latest.

Coworker two months ago: Hey, somehow Adobe reader got installed onto my computer (because he didn't uncheck the option when he updated something, that fact still eludes him and everyone else I work with) and now every PDF is opening in it instead of the one we've been using for years. I think I'll play around with it some, I'm really liking the look of it and we could always use a fresh outlook on these programs, see if we want to consider switching.

Me: Ok?

Today he tells me I need to change it back, I tell him I'll get to it later because I'm in the middle of something urgent. He says his is urgent and he needs it right now. I tell him to right click and open it with the old program, I'll fix it permanently later. He can't figure that out. The guy who is "second in command" of tech support can't figure that out. I have to stop everything I'm doing and walk downstairs to his office and take the three fucking seconds to change which default program it opens with. And this guy weighs in on decisions like server maintenance, and tries to talk to the techs when we have to outsource something. It would be hilarious if it weren't so depressing, because he really is the second best tech guy we have. He's the guy that still tells people to defrag their machines if something isn't working right. Because defrag actually fixes things, according to him.

He bought a new laptop that has an SSD, and he tells me about how he runs defrag on it all the time and how super fast it makes it. I've encouraged him to run it even more often.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Hey now, I still have to defrag mine everytime EQ2 pushes another update.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Holy fuck. Conexis's answer to the latest receipt. They think it was a loan? Apparently dentist offices also offer lending and/or financial services. Whooda thunk it? I mean, you know, beyond the obvious financial agreement of "I'll pay you $100 to clean my teeth".

"Lending and/or financial agreements are not eligible for reimbursement. Please submit appropriate documentation or refund the ineligible amount to the plan. "


That guy
Found this little guy in my garage. Anybody got a flamethrower handy? Sorry for the shitty quality, used the max zoom on my Note 4 so I didn't have to get close.


Molten Core Raider
Found this little guy in my garage. Anybody got a flamethrower handy? Sorry for the shitty quality, used the max zoom on my Note 4 so I didn't have to get close.
Hope your insurance is good



<Bronze Donator>
He bought a new laptop that has an SSD, and he tells me about how he runs defrag on it all the time and how super fast it makes it. I've encouraged him to run it even more often.
Tell him to increase his pagefile and make sure it's on the SSD. Who doesn't want more super-fast memory?