Whats rustling your jimmies?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Dickhead that is technically higher than me in the company (I've ranted about him before) and thinks he knows computers calls me to his office because he's sick and tired of this newer version of Office not working the way the old one used to, how is he supposed to get his work done, etc.

The problem itself is stupid to begin with, but that's not the rustled part. His problem is that he's adding a guy to his contacts from an email, and it seems to add, but when he searches for the name it doesn't find it. I make him take me step by step through the process. When he's done, and tells me how annoying this is, and rants for a minute or two, I say, "Search again, but this time spell his name right."

Fucking morons.
Welcome to every day of my life. Should probably start a thread called "The Angry IT Admin thread" considering all the IT people on here and the inevitable stupidity they have to face on a daily basis.

Yesterday we got a ticket saying "my keyboard is going crazy!! HELP ASAP!" (sent from his mobile phone). Dude's desk has so much junk and paper on it you can't even see the surface. Turns out the corner of a magazine was lying on the "-" key. As if all the ------ rolling off the screen wasn't a big hint or anything.


<Gold Donor>
Welcome to every day of my life. Should probably start a thread called "The Angry IT Admin thread" considering all the IT people on here and the inevitable stupidity they have to face on a daily basis.

Yesterday we got a ticket saying "my keyboard is going crazy!! HELP ASAP!" (sent from his mobile phone). Dude's desk has so much junk and paper on it you can't even see the surface. Turns out the corner of a magazine was lying on the "-" key. As if all the ------ rolling off the screen wasn't a big hint or anything.
At least it wasn't the delete key, amirite?! (Silicon Valley reference, if some people don't get it.)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Rustled reading about those dumbasses and their computer problems. No matter where I've tried to previously work, I rose up the ladder until the only people above me were those fucks.
I used to rage so much over it this past decade. Get the fuck out of the way, you are a disgrace there are people busting their asses and you bumbler through, get away with it, and get paid more. God damnit


Trump's Staff
It's not gonna make me popular around here, but few things make me rage more at work than ITs bullshit obstructionism. The average turnaround time for getting someone access to the electronic patient records they need to do their jobs effectively is like nine weeks, there's so much paperwork and waiting periods and verification that IT requires both the employee and multiple levels of management to complete. Said access also expires if you don't login for a week, so anyone coming back from vacation has to wait two fucking months to get access again.

Did you just get promoted? OK, to get your new computer access, we require you, your boss, and their boss to get on a multi hour conference call with us. All three of you must be calling from on site, company landlines and have filled out 20 pages of paperwork prior to calling. We don't care that all three of you are on different shifts and will reject the entire process if one person wrote the wrong employee number on one form. We're perfectly fine with the night shift guy having to call his boss at home at 4:30 am every day for weeks to get him to pull up important info, until the senior executive finds time in his schedule to do another conference call.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The word "veteran"
To me it feels like it should be an accomplishment, a mark of experience, of repeated service.
Doing one tour, graduating boot camp, shouldn't be enough.
It's like they skip "soldier" and go straight to veteran


Centipedes are nesting in the kitchen somewhere. One baby got on my foot last night and I killed another on the stove this morning.


Molten Core Raider
It's not gonna make me popular around here, but few things make me rage more at work than ITs bullshit obstructionism. The average turnaround time for getting someone access to the electronic patient records they need to do their jobs effectively is like nine weeks, there's so much paperwork and waiting periods and verification that IT requires both the employee and multiple levels of management to complete. Said access also expires if you don't login for a week, so anyone coming back from vacation has to wait two fucking months to get access again.

Did you just get promoted? OK, to get your new computer access, we require you, your boss, and their boss to get on a multi hour conference call with us. All three of you must be calling from on site, company landlines and have filled out 20 pages of paperwork prior to calling. We don't care that all three of you are on different shifts and will reject the entire process if one person wrote the wrong employee number on one form. We're perfectly fine with the night shift guy having to call his boss at home at 4:30 am every day for weeks to get him to pull up important info, until the senior executive finds time in his schedule to do another conference call.
That's interesting you blame IT for this. There's only 2 reasons IT implements anything: 1) They were told to by some non-IT person who controls things, 2) They got blamed for something by some non-IT person who controls things or spoke to someone who does.

All that bureaucracy that you're having to fight through has come about because of years of 1 and 2 - your peers and predecessors and management (since I'm presuming you're a "customer" of IT). Guaranteed that there's a bunch of IT admins who think it's all crap too, and a couple were stupid enough to listen to someone like you bitch at them as if it were their fault and helped out that person by bypassing some of the rules put in place, and got fired for it by the same aforementioned non-IT controlling people. Subsequent admins strictly adhere to the absurd rules, again because of the non-IT idiots in charge.

Corporate IT is a tool that does what the business overlords tell them to, so if you don't like what they're doing, go gripe to the non-IT people in charge about it that the policies need to be changed. Griping about/to IT will get you nowhere because IT has no power to change any of this crap that we're forced to implement. We get some mandate from on high, shake our heads that it's stupid and people are going to bitch at us about it, and go and implement it, cash our check that is much smaller than the idiot that told us to do the stupid thing, and play with our kids and try to forget the absurdity of it all until the next day.


Molten Core Raider
screw you, McDonalds

stopped to get breakfast, ordered, sat in line for 7-8 minutes, then when I got to the window they informed me that their credit card machines just went down, all they could take was cash.

I don't carry cash

No Breakfast Burritos for me.


very rustled


Trakanon Raider
If you'd gotten off your lazy ass and went inside, you'd have saved yourself the 7-8 minutes waiting. I just don't understand why anyone waits in a drive-thru.
If you'd gotten off your lazy ass and went inside, you'd have saved yourself the 7-8 minutes waiting. I just don't understand why anyone waits in a drive-thru.
Because by the time you go inside. Place an order. Wait for your food. And go back out to your car you have usually spent more time than waiting in the line. This is almost always the case when the drive thru line is long and I think I can save time by going inside. I always check what car I would be behind in the drive thru line and see if it is still there when I walk back outside. Usually it's a big ol' nope.


Shit Lord Supreme
Before I post about something that legitimately makes me violently angry, let me ask you gents if I'm misinterpreting this sign.


I got a parking ticket, for parking on a street next to this sign (I pulled from google images)

Sign states, 24 hours no parking starting 8 AM TUE THUR SAT SUN

What I take that to mean is that after 8 AM, Tuesday through Thursday, and Saturday through Sunday, I can't park on that street.

However, absent is Friday, so am I correct in assuming that I should not have gotten a parking Violation ticket on a Friday at 11:15 PM, as is stated in my ticket for Parking in a No Parking Zone?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Before I post about something that legitimately makes me violently angry, let me ask you gents if I'm misinterpreting this sign.


I got a parking ticket, for parking on a street next to this sign (I pulled from google images)

Sign states, 24 hours no parking starting 8 AM TUE THUR SAT SUN

What I take that to mean is that after 8 AM, Tuesday through Thursday, and Saturday through Sunday, I can't park on that street.

However, absent is Friday, so am I correct in assuming that I should not have gotten a parking Violation ticket on a Friday at 11:15 PM, as is stated in my ticket for Parking in a No Parking Zone?
I don't see Friday mentioned on there anywhere. Fight it and win. Make them compensate you for wasted time/income if you go to court during work hours.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think it's more like "alternating days" (I hear this term on the radio a lot).

Basically, it would mean Tues 8am to Wed 8am, then Thurs 8am to Friday 8am, Sat/Sun would take you from Sat 8am to Mon 8am.

Although Friday 11pm would still mean you were safe.


Molten Core Raider
I think it means you can park:

6am Tues- 6am Wed

6am Thurs - 6am Fri

6am Sat - 6am Sun - 6am Mon

So basically no parking M W F after 6am

Ticket is justified, no parking from 6:01 am Fri until 6:00 am Sat. 11pm Fri is a ticket


Vyemm Raider
I think it means you can park:

6am Tues- 6am Wed

6am Thurs - 6am Fri

6am Sat - 6am Sun - 6am Mon

So basically no parking M W F after 6am

Ticket is justified, no parking from 6:01 am Fri until 6:00 am Sat. 11pm Fri is a ticket
The sign's cut off. It says NO PARKING