Whats rustling your jimmies?


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't know why this rustles my jimmys so much... but friggen Ariel Winter...

She is blessed with huge, huge boobs that sprouted overnight - she then makes a HUGE deal on getting them reduced because she does not want "them" to be what she is known for (on a show where another main character is only employed because of her boobs) - in a Hollywood saturated by flat chested women (mostly) - she goes off an makes this huge sink about it..

then EVER since her surgery she shows them off so much its like WTF? I thought that's what you DIDNT WANT... and then posts pics like this now that she is 18 etc...


Its like just rustling, and it does not have to be boobs- it could be anything. "Oh I have this unique thing I am known for, but I don't want to be known for it....but lets exploit it so I am not forgotten!!!! waaaiiitt!!"


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't read this thread religiously. I usually don't check it too much because it will lead to rustling thoughts but. This is one that really gets me wound up, dare I even bring it up.

When I go to the fucking gas station and I try to pull the gas pump handle all the way and set it in place so it will automatically pump.... and it unclicks. Every time. I am fresh off a rustling where I kept trying to pull the gas trigger thing all the way and set the little thing in place to keep it there, it just kept fucking undoing itself. Then I tried holding it halfway myself and it would keep cutting off and I had to short burst the fucking trigger for a full tank. Its happened at like 3 different pumps, 3 different gas stations.

It has been about a decade since I last encountered a gas pump that you could set to dispense on its own.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
don't know who ariel winter is, don't know what show she's on, but it looks like there were other things she should have reduced before her boobs. Before I google her I need to know, will I find any nudes? I hear she's 18 now, no reason not to be posting nudes.


waiting 2 minutes for a fucking amazon page to load so i can buy something if it takes too long I will forget what I wanted and buy some other stupid shit


NeoGaf Donator
don't know who ariel winter is, don't know what show she's on, but it looks like there were other things she should have reduced before her boobs. Before I google her I need to know, will I find any nudes? I hear she's 18 now, no reason not to be posting nudes.
Shejustturned 18 a couple months ago. I wouldn't go searching too hard for nudes.


Molten Core Raider
Feminists & the regressive left. I was raised a democrat and stayed pretty much liberal my whole life until recently where I've drifted into the center... mostly because feminists and the left have LOST. THEIR FUCKING. MINDS. Highlights include (but are certainly NOT limited to...).

  • "Combating" rape culture by insisting that every. Little. Fucking. Stupid. Thing. is part of rape culture. You said you weren't a feminist? Rape culture. You didn't vote for Bernie? Rape culture. You have a penis? Rape culture. You have an opinion on rape culture that differs from our narrative? Rape culture. You disagree with me? Rape culture.
  • I'm all for Bernie. I think he's the best candidate to win. But have you noticed how the Bernie supporters... the really die hard ones... have gone from "Superdelegates are terrible and we should get rid of them and just go by what the people want" to when Hilary actually has more votes, "MAN, I HOPE THOSE SUPERDELEGATES STEP IN AND SAVE US FROM HILARY."
  • Demanding we treat the ideology known as Islam with the utmost tolerance... even when that ideology encourages the most extreme intolerance.
  • Social justice warriors and their moronic ideology. I don't know about you guys, but I'm SICK to DEATH of being told I'm racist when I'm not racist... or that I'm sexist when I'm not sexist. Etc.
  • It's really not a battle between left and right anymore, but a battle between authoritarians and free speech. And sadly, the people demanding silence and working against free speech is the left.


It has been about a decade since I last encountered a gas pump that you could set to dispense on its own.
Here in CA, it's rare that one doesn't have an optional fill lock you can engage.

Riding my bike more, the jimmy rustler is the fumes hood being too far away from the nozzle so I have to press it with my other hand in order to even fuel.


NeoGaf Donator
Girl I know on facebook started a "Let's name our attackers" post where the "fuck white cis males" crowd started blindly throwing out names but I used to fuck her all the time back when she was just kind of a drunk punk kid that worked at the bar I would haunt. So I'm watching the whole thing unfold like


Luckily one of the random accusers gets called out for being kind of a predator herself and the whole thing kind of just implodes.


Molten Core Raider
Feminists & the regressive left. I was raised a democrat and stayed pretty much liberal my whole life until recently where I've drifted into the center... mostly because feminists and the left have LOST. THEIR FUCKING. MINDS. Highlights include (but are certainly NOT limited to...).

  • "Combating" rape culture by insisting that every. Little. Fucking. Stupid. Thing. is part of rape culture. You said you weren't a feminist? Rape culture. You didn't vote for Bernie? Rape culture. You have a penis? Rape culture. You have an opinion on rape culture that differs from our narrative? Rape culture. You disagree with me? Rape culture.
  • I'm all for Bernie. I think he's the best candidate to win. But have you noticed how the Bernie supporters... the really die hard ones... have gone from "Superdelegates are terrible and we should get rid of them and just go by what the people want" to when Hilary actually has more votes, "MAN, I HOPE THOSE SUPERDELEGATES STEP IN AND SAVE US FROM HILARY."
  • Demanding we treat the ideology known as Islam with the utmost tolerance... even when that ideology encourages the most extreme intolerance.
  • Social justice warriors and their moronic ideology. I don't know about you guys, but I'm SICK to DEATH of being told I'm racist when I'm not racist... or that I'm sexist when I'm not sexist. Etc.
  • It's really not a battle between left and right anymore, but a battle between authoritarians and free speech. And sadly, the people demanding silence and working against free speech is the left.
I had to block the Bernie Bros on my facebook page. I brought up that exact example and the response is always, "well the system is rigged" or "they should let voters who aren't registered Democrats vote in the primary". You assholes realize that this is the Democratic primary? And the DNC can really do whatever the fuck it wants and put up whoever they want? I shouldn't expect anymore from a candidate who was an Independent until it was politically inconvenient and his followers.


Molten Core Raider
I had to block the Bernie Bros on my facebook page. I brought up that exact example and the response is always, "well the system is rigged" or "they should let voters who aren't registered Democrats vote in the primary". You assholes realize that this is the Democratic primary? And the DNC can really do whatever the fuck it wants and put up whoever they want? I shouldn't expect anymore from a candidate who was an Independent until it was politically inconvenient and his followers.
They're all so fucking dumb. Especially the ones 18-late 20s.
My favorite is when they all talk about people being privileged and then demand free college and healthcare, etc


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I was in a meeting tonight that was lead by someone who should never lead a meeting. 3 1/2 hour meeting that could have been 30 minutes. Fuck stupid people who waste a whole group of other people's time.


NeoGaf Donator
I think it's hilarious that the vast majority of the Check-your-privilege crowd I've encountered is 20 something, college educated, white girls or as I like to call it: 2nd place.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Shejustturned 18 a couple months ago. I wouldn't go searching too hard for nudes.
When did the legal age for nude pics change to 18 yrs and 3 months? If the bitch wants my attention (and you know she does), she knows what she needs to do.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
The fucking parking lot at work. We have a permit lot for my company and said permit is not enforced at all. It's a tiny lot with really thin spots and it's constantly filled with permit less vehicles and random construction people just hanging the fuck out in their giant trucks. The trucks are guaranteed to take up two spots and everyone else has no fucking idea how to park their fucking car so many spots are just completely unusable because the space leftover is too small. Last week I had to crawl out of my fucking trunk to get out of my car because people are idiots and I know at some point my cars going to get scratched to hell by someone else because I have to pack it in to such tight spaces. I wish some fuckers would get towed already but I'm not sure how'd they'd actually fit a tow truck in there.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I had to crawl into my car from the back yesterday. Today my company started up parking lot shaming again. They're sending pictures of shittily parked cars to the entire company and pointing out what they're doing wrong. I was going to put that in the pickle thread, but it fits here since you're already talking about parking.


Trump's Staff
Driving to work at night on a 70 mph highway, windshield gets splattered by so many bugs that it activates rain-sensing wipers. It sounds like light rain.