Whats rustling your jimmies?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The "murica" thing is usually not self deprecating, but an insult at redneck/white trash/conservative/bible thumper "love it or leave it" sorts of folks. Its not really about saying the US sucks but about mocking the ignorant flag waving masses of Wal Mart shoppers. Just saying, I felt like Vvoid's post sort of misinterprets the term.


'Murica or 'Murika is a slang term for America which is used to denote extreme patriotism, coupled with aspects of a redneck or southern American stereotype similar those featured in the advice animals Redneck Randal or Almost Politically Correct Redneck. It can also be found on image macros to either support or criticize American stereotypes.


<Gold Donor>
The "murica" thing is usually not self deprecating, but an insult at redneck/white trash/conservative/bible thumper "love it or leave it" sorts of folks. Its not really about saying the US sucks but about mocking the ignorant flag waving masses of Wal Mart shoppers. Just saying, I felt like Vvoid's post sort of misinterprets the term.

The possibility that I misinterpret something is always a possibility, I'll grant you that. But I'm seeing it way, way too much, just like everything on the internet eventually ends up, and for a lot of the wrong things (in my opinion anyway). Perhaps I will be slightly less rustled now that I have seen the actual definition though, so thank you.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
The term "happening" when referring to that artsy-fartsy crap. Every time I hear it used, and then hear a description of said "happening" I just cringe. It doesn't matter if it's some no-name art school flunkie doing some Interior Semiotics or some big name artist engaging in some attention whoring, it's all equally fucking ridiculous. Seriously, if anyone here can link a description or video of a "happening" that doesn't make you feel ashamed for being a member of the same human race as the person doing it then be my guest!

Jimmies max rustled!
People who complain about the USA without ever having spent real time living overseas rustle my jimmies. I don't mind complaining, because we certainly have issues that need to be addressed. I'm talking about people who post/say shit about how America is a terrible country and how they can't stand living here, and how this or that is so much worse than everywhere else in the world. Really? You think that? Go spend a year or two living and working in another country and see if it changes your mind, asshole! As bad as America is, it's still far, far better to live here than in almost any other country in the world for a number of reasons. Even those places that might seem better in numerous ways, such as Western European countries, have other, different issues that will cause problems.

*Note, I'm not directing this at anyone in this thread. Vvoid's post reminded me of it. I see shit like this a lot on Facebook.
Fuck, this bugs me too. It's like those same whiney cunts that are so obviously suffering from white guilt that they have to compensate for it by being a loud-mouth and over exaggerating every little thing they perceive to be an injustice against minorities/women/whatever the fuck.

As an Arab dude growing up in a post-9/11 America I can tell you I could give a shit less about white guilt or white privilege (whatever the fuck that is). Give me a proud American Inventor-hating klansman over a whiney self-loathing granola muncher any day. Me and the klansman probably wouldn't see eye to eye, but I'd rather risk getting lynched to death than getting nagged to death.

The possibility that I misinterpret something is always a possibility, I'll grant you that. But I'm seeing it way, way too much, just like everything on the internet eventually ends up, and for a lot of the wrong things (in my opinion anyway). Perhaps I will be slightly less rustled now that I have seen the actual definition though, so thank you.
I'm actually with you on this too. While Famm, you have a point that some use it as a direct insult towards the fly-over states, I notice it's becoming more of a trend for it to be used as a sweeping generalization of all United States citizens. It rustles me pretty hard because Americans often get classified as ignorant uncultured bigots by default, yet the term 'murican is an ignorant and uncultured label in and of itself.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Does the team america song rustle you too? Cause I always figured that was where the 'murica stuff came from.


<Gold Donor>
I actually love that song. I realize they are making fun with it, but that song is awesome, and so are most of the things they show in the video. Just like Mountain Dew & Doritos cupcakes...I think it is great that we live in a place where someone can actually dream that nasty shit up and sell it. I'm sure those aren't even much worse nutrition-wise than a scone or croissant either, so they aren't the "problem" with America. Eating one isn't going to kill you by itself. The problem is no one exercising to go along with whatever they are eating. Or even exercising at all. But no, someone dreams that cupcake up and apparently it signifies the downfall of Western civilization?


Riddle me this...
If Doritos signify the end of western civilization then I say let it all burn. Spicy Nacho Doritos is my kryptonite.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
If Doritos signify the end of western civilization then I say let it all burn. Spicy Nacho Doritos is my kryptonite.
Amen, brother.

It rustles my jimmies that I can't find a family size bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos. When I eat Doritos, I eat the fuck out of them and a regular bag isn't big enough to satiate me, so I'm forced to buy 2 bags if I want Spicy Nacho instead of regular.


<Bronze Donator>
Amen, brother.

It rustles my jimmies that I can't find a family size bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos. When I eat Doritos, I eat the fuck out of them and a regular bag isn't big enough to satiate me, so I'm forced to buy 2 bags if I want Spicy Nacho instead of regular.
What if they made pizza rolls covered in Doritos dust?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What if they made pizza rolls covered in Doritos dust?
That doesn't sound very appealing because the nacho flavor doesn't go well with pizza. However, a "Doritos Locos Taco" style of pizza roll would be amazing; pizza rolls stuffed not with pizza, but with nacho cheese and Dorito dust.

I just jizzed myself.

Jimmies unrustled. Thank you for the calming thought.


Molten Core Raider
You need a new doctor. Mine never has more than 5-6 people in the waiting room, with enough chairs that you can be well-separated at all times.

Something that rustles me that will garner me a lot of flak here on this forum:

Use of the term 'Merica, 'Mercuh, etc. I realize our country is turning into a pile of steaming shit, but it just gets used way too much, and it rustles me.

People are too fat? 'Cuz 'Merca! White/male/cisgender/rape privilege getting you down? 'Mercuh! Xbone trying to spy on you? 'Murica!

I can't really articulate exactly why it rustles me, but it does. Maybe because I hope things will get better again, or because I'd still rather live here than just about anywhere else in the world, or because it annoys me that our politicians (both sides) don't give a fuck about anything but the next election, or because it lumps us all into one big group and denigrates us all? Not sure. Still rustles me though.


We do 'Murica at work, and it is most definitely a slight against misguided, blind patriotism. I would say I'm surrounded at work by about 20 people within a 50' area, and if one guy goes "'MURICA!" every last person will stand up and shout it back.

It's pretty damn funny.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I live in Pennsylvania and all these douche bag hillbillies around here have rebel flags on their trucks. I don't really give two fucks if people in the south want to have them for whatever reason but we aren't in the south. PA was never a part of the fucking south you fucking idiots.


People who quit drinking because they couldn't handle it. Why should anyone be proud of you for your childlike lack of self-control?

People that constantly need to sigh or groan to let everyone around them know they don't feel good. Those drama queens need to shut the fuck up and just be weak in silence.

Anyone that seems to be sick all the time. Either you are a lying whiner who wants attention, or you are genetically defective and really do get sick all the time. Either way, die before breeding.