Whats rustling your jimmies?


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
While we're on the subject of driving, I installed an inexpensive dash-cam for my commuter car. SOO many shitty drivers in VA. Why yes, this one was female and on her phone QQ. Without a dash cam, and if it was worse and I rear-ended her, I would be at fault by default without video evidence. So yeah it's a worthy investment.

Muted it so people don't have to listen to the synthwave music I downloaded after a rerolled music thread lol.



Lord Nagafen Raider
I waited 45 minutes behind one dumb fucking person who was buying a shopping cart full of stuff at the pharmacy in addition to her drugs. She didn't understand that the pharmacy manager, i.e. the pharmacist, isn't responsible for knowing the deals in the store. She refused to go back to where the items were to recheck the price tags or to go to customer service or let anyone else checkout before she got her issue sorted out.

When a customer service representative finally came and explained that the deal (there were multiple deals explained) was one of those you have to buy a certain number of the items to get the deal she said "fuck y'all, I don't want any of this shit then" and just left all the items there, bitched and moaned some more, and left. There were almost 20 people in the pharmacy line after she left.

What a cunt.


<Bronze Donator>
People that abuse flexible work hours. If you're going to show up to work at 11AM or even noon, why even fucking bother? Kinda hard to ask you questions if you aren't here half the time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is an annoying entry level fuck at work that leans half-bodily on the counter looking up YouTube videos and cute pictures, talking like the catchy articles I loathe, ignoring customers, impersonating his coworkers to the laughs of other workers that aren't working while the rest of us are sweating bullet to get things finished and out. Sometimes he comes over to my side and gets in the way.
If all that wasn't bad enough, after less than 6mo he's just gotten promoted WTF
All of that is rustling enough and then envy pisses me off too, because I didn't get promoted until after more than a year, never leaning and always working 100% excluding breaks that sometimes I wouldn't even take, tending to the odd needs of my boss, having my bonus denied for 6mo because when I did get a job shift, they never changed my job code.


Vyemm Raider
Having a headache and general "sick but not SICK" misery while these sons of bitches are hanging a new building sign outside roughly ten feet from me. Someone around here has to have a gun.


<Gold Donor>
People that can't have a simple conversation without injecting some kind of conspiracy theory into it.

Me: Man, I'm starving. I have food to eat but I really want a Raley's sandwich today. (They make fucking great sandwiches)
Her: Tired of chicken again?
Me: Yeah, speaking of, I'm a little skeptical, but Coworker says I should try out this convection cooker he uses (since I'm always complaining about quick and easy ways to cook frozen chicken breasts).
Her: If that is some kind of microwave, I wouldn't use it.
Me: It's not, but that doesn't matter. (My fault there, I should have known better)
Her: You know that microwaves kill all the nutrients in the food you cook in them.
Me: Oh, that's right. I still haven't seen any solid proof on that, just speculation from people that say it must be true. I'd be happy to read anything new you have on it though.
Her: Yeah, because we have all of these healthy options for cooking, like microwaves, and people are still getting fatter and unhealthier (sic)
Me: I don't think microwaves destroying nutrients are wholly to blame for fat people. Laziness, lack of activity, easy access to fast food, etc. seems like a more likely cause to me.
Her: Right. Have you ever asked yourself why bad food is so cheap, but good food is so expensive?
Me: Not really, but what do you mean? Are you talking just restaurant/fast-food type food? Because going to the grocery store and buying there is significantly cheaper and healthier than pretty much any fast food.
Her: I'm talking about things like getting a giant 2 gallon soda for 99 cents, while a small bottle of water is 3 dollars.
Me: Now you're just exaggerating, because you yourself have complained how outrageously expensive sodas are now. But ok, let's talk water. Do you remember last time we got a sandwich and I decided to buy that 24-pack of bottled water? Do you know how much that was?
Her: No.
Me: $3.99. At times it is on sale for $2.99. For 24 bottles of water. That's pretty damn cheap.
Her: Does it have fluoride in it?
Me: How the fuck would I know if it has fluoride in it? Ok, yes, let's assume it does.
Her: Well there you go.
Me: Yeah, yeah, I know how horrible you think fluoride is and how it is a mind-control agent for the government. Listen, I'm getting a fucking sandwich for lunch, if you want one let me know.


<Bronze Donator>
Just curious, does fluoridated water help adults much? I can see fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash, that stuff gets on your teeth and sits there for a while. But drinking water doesn't actually contact many of your teeth and it's brief.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Only really tap water is fluoridated, for starters. I believe it's focused mainly on children, to prevent tooth decay, but as an adult fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash helps a lot. According to my dentist.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
When i need a parking spot, i gave to search for an hour or such.
When i don't need one, the number of parking spots is too damn high.
no, you're just an idiot if you don't vote. if you're over 18 and you don't vote, you're the worst type of person