Why do men keep putting me in the Girlfriend-zone?


That's because they have no "need" to sell you out. You're giving them all they need emotionally. Physically they aren't attracted to you because you're a "feminist". If you have as many female friends as you claim to have, yet weren't so enthralled by feminism, pretty much all of the single women you are friends with would become home wreckers(even some of the not-single ones), given the first opportunity. The fact that you're married is just a bigger challenge to them. They love that shit. They live for it.
OK, let's sort this out: The parts of my life where I was making the most female friends were before I got married, so it wasn't some kind of "chum up the married guy" thing. Some of these friendships became relationships, others remained friendships, so mutual attraction existed at least some of the time. I suppose not being an asshole kind of made me a feminist, but I never really had to identify myself as one until I saw it as a position in need of defense here so I know that didn't have an effect on whether or not those girls were attracted to me, although even if it did I don't understand why you equate being a feminist with being less attractive to women. I was certainly never "enthralled" by feminism any more than I am about environmentalism, which is to say I only see it as the most logical and reasonable way to look at society. You're throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall here, but none of it's sticking, and I'm not sure what your point would be if any of it was.

So we can all agree that Tanoomba has never had a girlfriend, right?
Yeah, he is either a she or white knighting to get laid right now. Or what Chuk proposed.
I got the impression he's a older virgin whose cool girlfriends are all probably 300pounders.
You guys suck at guessing. 100% miss. Sorry to spoil your close-minded stereotypically-guided assumptions. Wanna try again?

And it is easier to have female friends you are not married to once you are married and settled down. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. If you are a single male (especially one of those forever alone guys), then yeah, having platonic female friends who are not using you is unlikely.
I interacted the most with fmelae friends when I was a single guy, and I can say with confidence that none of my platonic female friends were using me.

Although, to be fair, since I seem to be in the minority maybe I should point out that my experiences were primarily with Canadian and Japanese girls. Maybe it's just American girls who are "vapid cunts"?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
And it is easier to have female friends you are not married to once you are married and settled down. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. If you are a single male (especially one of those forever alone guys), then yeah, having platonic female friends who are not using you is unlikely.
Eh, I wouldn't really call those women "friends", however. Then again, my definition of friend is a person who you can call at 2am to help you move a couch. A person you can call because your SO just left you and you need a place to stay for a few weeks. You got shitfaced the night before and need somebody to cover your shift at work. Those types of things. People you occasionally hang out with or who otherwise tag along during social functions? Not exactlymydefinition of genuine, life-long friend. Those are really more like acquaintances, in my opinion.

I interacted the most with fmelae friends when I was a single guy, and I can say with confidence that none of my platonic female friends were using me.
So you went to dinners, lunches, movies, etc. where she paid, around 50% of the time? You didn't have to stay up late at night, talking about her former boyfriend that just dumped her? Or how she really hates Billy because he's such an asshole, Brad is the perfect guy, but he loves Cindy? You've never had to go over to their house to cuddle, rub their back, paint their toenails, or any of that shit? You never did any of those things? At all? Because if you didn't, I'm calling bullshit.


Feminists are the breast cancer of society. Nothing more than delusional, self absorbed thunder cunts, and they're too blind to see it.


So you went to dinners, lunches, movies, etc. where she paid, around 50% of the time? You didn't have to stay up late at night, talking about her former boyfriend that just dumped her? Or how she really hates Billy because he's such an asshole, Brad is the perfect guy, but he loves Cindy? You've never had to go over to their house to cuddle, rub their back, paint their toenails, or any of that shit? You never did any of those things? At all? Because if you didn't, I'm calling bullshit.
Swing and a miss. Call bullshit all you want, those were not the girls I was friends with.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Actually, I have had one or two female friends bail my ass out of serious shit at odd hours of the night and put me up when shit went south with life in various ways. I admit it is more the exception than the rule, as I tend to hang around tomboys (married one too) and none of the women I consider actual friends would self identify as feminists. And your average fake tit facebook updating harpy would never make a good friend to anyone, with or without a penis.

I maintain that you guys are just at a different point in your life. You may or may not be correct in your assessment of Tanoomba, though, given his whole championing feminism shtick. The current batch of feminists are as harmful to women as misogynists, at least on a societal level.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Swing and a miss. Call bullshit all you want, those were not the girls I was friends with.
So you guys had LAN parties with you and a few of the "gals" every other weekend? Stayed up until 4am drinking beer and playing poker/pool? Went fishing together? Answered all phone calls with "What's up, dipshit?" etc.? If you weren't, you were engaging them on almost an entirely feminine level. So, you're either entirely too feminine for your own good or emotionally needy as fuck. Got it.

I admit it is more the exception than the rule, as I tend to hang around tomboys (married one too) and none of the women I consider actual friends would self identify as feminists.
That's just it. I'm not saying it doesn't exist or that there aren't exceptions to the rule, especially as women age and shed much of the "PUT A BABY IN ME!!" craziness stage, but they are far fewer and farther between than a male "friendship". Also, even at that stage, they still engage in absolute ridiculous "women shit" quite often. All women are fucking nuts, you just have to hope you can find one that is less so than most.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Like, seriously, I'm down with faux misogyny most of the internet revels in. It's straight ITG talk. However, the level of blind misogyny in this thread is a little overwhelming. Saying you would never be a friend with a woman because all they talk about it shoes and fingernail polish is the EXACT equivalent of saying you would never be friends with a black dude because all blacks talk about is fried chicken and watermelon. It's blind bigotry. I've met a lot of women that have more masculine interests than quite a few of my male friends (you know, like shooting guns, football, and eating red meat).

I don't mind stereotyping, but it becomes painfully obvious just how many people have not had real interactions with women by the rather extreme generalizations made here. Look, I am totally fine if someone wants to state that most men cannot be friends with most women. Yes, there are some different interests and some basic differences with communication styles...but even then, most of those are socialized differences. The hormonal and physical differences between the sexes are just not enough to render a total impossibility of friendship.


Unelected Mod
What the fuck do you do with these women "friends"? The vast majority of women are vapid, shallow, scheming, gossipy backstabbers. Their only hobbies being talking on the phone, Facebook, reality TV, and status whoring at the "club".
I feel really sorry for you and anyone else that feels that way. Really not worthy of discussing this subject if you look down on 50% of the human race that way.


Millie's Staff Member
Black people dont talk about watermelon and chicken. I have lots of good talks with them about basketball, football and banging fat ass white girls as well. :)


I feel really sorry for you and anyone else that feels that way. Really not worthy of discussing this subject if you look down on 50% of the human race that way.
I have 0 desire to contribute to this thread other than to correct your misinterpretation of that sentence. Vast majority of 50% does not mean 50%. I would agree that the vast majority of women are psycho, based on my limited experience. Do you need the end of that sentence to come to the same conclusion, or can you put that there on your own?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i like female friends they baked stuff for me. one of many benefits from Christian association.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I don't mind stereotyping, but it becomes painfully obvious just how many people have not had real interactions with women by the rather extreme generalizations made here. Look, I am totally fine if someone wants to state that most men cannot be friends with most women. Yes, there are some different interests and some basic differences with communication styles...but even then, most of those are socialized differences. The hormonal and physical differences between the sexes are just not enough to render a total impossibility of friendship.
The thing is, anytime members of the opposite sex get along as well as "bros", share interests, like hanging out together, etc., they are going to want to end up banging. Obviously, that may not have been the intention of either party going in, but it almost always leads to that point. Unless one of the parties is attracted to the same sex. It's precisely the reason why men can be "bros" with chicks who are ugly and women can be "bros" with men who are the same. Women have the added advantage of being able to keep things platonic even if the guy is attractive, simply because he doesn't provide enough social status, doesn't have enough confidence, etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Women have a man and then they have girlfriends. If you aren't fucking her, you're one of her girlfriends.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well, there are people who fuck who have no intention of getting into a relationship. If you think all female friendships lead to one party trying to jump the other, then I think you are still at the point in your life where your dick is making most of your decisions. At that point, you are absolutely correct. With more maturity and experience, things change down the road, however.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel really sorry for you and anyone else that feels that way. Really not worthy of discussing this subject if you look down on 50% of the human race that way.
I don't look down on them. They're chicks. That's what they are. I won't deny any less than flattering accusations towards males if they are accurate. I accept what they are, they can be fun but I know better than to think they can offer friendship in the same way a male can. They aren't wired the same way, they have their ingrained female agendas they follow. Its no fault of their own but it precludes friendship in the sense that males conceive it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I don't look down on them. They're chicks. That's what they are. I won't deny any less than flattering accusations towards males if they are accurate. I accept what they are, they can be fun but I know better than to think they can offer friendship in the same way a male can. They aren't wired the same way, they have their ingrained female agendas they follow. Its no fault of their own but it precludes friendship in the sense that males conceive it.
Exactly this.

With more maturity and experience, things change down the road, however.
Not entirely. Things change because you enter into a monogamous relationship. You make a commitment to a person that you're going to bang them, exclusively. Yeah, I guess you can say that your dick no longer is making the decisions, but it's really about what your word means and your ability to be loyal/truthful. It doesn't mean you don't still look at their friends, sisters, etc. and suddenly no longer want to bang them. If they're hot, you're lying that you don't want to. The same way you want to bang a hot actress, porn star, etc. Hell, you may even have a "friendship" with these ladies. The only thing that really changes is whether or not your word means more to you than a few minutes of average sex(very, very few people are incredible lays the first and only time), a few grams of fluid in your testicles. You'd still bang those women if you were single, your ability to suddenly be "friends" with them hasn't really changed. What has changed is that you've entered into a committed relationship and decided your word/love/etc. means more. The dynamic of whether or not women can be "friends" with men hasn't really changed.


I maintain that you guys are just at a different point in your life. You may or may not be correct in your assessment of Tanoomba, though, given his whole championing feminism shtick. The current batch of feminists are as harmful to women as misogynists, at least on a societal level.
You're talking about the wrong feminists, or you're working with the wrong definition of feminism.

So you guys had LAN parties with you and a few of the "gals" every other weekend? Stayed up until 4am drinking beer and playing poker/pool? Went fishing together? Answered all phone calls with "What's up, dipshit?" etc.? If you weren't, you were engaging them on almost an entirely feminine level. So, you're either entirely too feminine for your own good or emotionally needy as fuck. Got it.
Ah, I think I get what's wrong here. If you aren't swinging your dick around chugging beer while the football game is on, then you're a girly girl. See, I don't have a problem watching movies, drinking beer, listening to music, making art, playing video games, shooting the shit or just doing whatever with female friends. I guess you'd consider me "too feminine", but this 20th century "boys do boy shit, girls do girl shit" insecurity/closet homosexuality never held much weight for me.

I don't look down on them. They're chicks. That's what they are. I won't deny any less than flattering accusations towards males if they are accurate. I accept what they are, they can be fun but I know better than to think they can offer friendship in the same way a male can. They aren't wired the same way, they have their ingrained female agendas they follow. Its no fault of their own but it precludes friendship in the sense that males conceive it.
And the self-perpetuating cycle continues. I know I'm preaching to a deaf audience here, but there's no "ingrained female agenda". However, your belief in this silliness, coupled with an eagerness to highlight any example of female behavior that fits the stereotypes you're comfortable with, pretty much guarantees that you can't have female friends while simultaneously explaining why. It's like if you're driving down the road and you see a double-parked car with the driver inside. "I'll bet it's a woman driver," you say to yourself as you go by. If it is, you pat yourself on the back with a "See? I knew it... women drivers." If it isn't, the whole experience doesn't count and is wiped from your memory so as not to tarnish your pre-conceived stereotypes.

You can't say "women are X" any more than you can say "men are X" or "Asians are X" or "children are X" or "homeowners are X". Maybe some women are X, maybe a lot of the women you grew up with were X. More likely, it feels good to generalize about groups of people, particularly people who have some kind of power over you, so every example you see (and popular media is doing a fantastic job of showcasing and encouraging these stereotypes) of a woman who's X becomes proof of the rule to you, even if you don't know a damn thing about her except for the minimal and superficial impression you got. Anyway, I don't have anything to prove. I'm glad for the female friends I have had and the time I was able to spend with them, even if the very concept has some of you up in arms like someone's threatening to shoot your dog.