Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


<Prior Amod>
One of the key things people should take from that video was when asked "Are you targeting a 2013 release?"

And the response was "Yes, we are targeting a 2013 release but also sticking to "When it's ready."

I don't remember the last time I heard those words from a dev honestly.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Man, I try and not get excited about mmos, but this looks really well done. Yes, it has a lot of WoW system in it (what doesn't?), but action combat looks like a nice change, and if they actually come through with 40 man raids and other real end game content? Might actually play an mmo again.


The graphics look like a fucking Ratchet & Clank game. The combat looks boring as fuck also. Why is there so much hype for this game besides houses?


I'm pretty excited for this game. Feels like they are embracing what an MMO player is instead of trying to force other genres into an MMO. Can't wait.


<Prior Amod>
The graphics look like a fucking Ratchet & Clank game. The combat looks boring as fuck also. Why is there so much hype for this game besides houses?
Well, Ratchet and Clank was awesome and combat isn't boring. That many have something to do with it. -shrug-


Silver Baronet of the Realm
All mmo combat looks boring. Seriously.

Sometimes this art style turns me off, but it seems the humor has an edge.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
The art seems WoW-inspired, thats a good start because most MMO players are familiar with it. I think I said it before but I want this to be Borderlands the MMO bolted onto a chassis of "WoW mechanics but improved". Thats a good start for a theme park MMO.

I do hope they put ALOT more effort into lasting systems and are finally a company that is aware that players will consume their 6-month content in 6 weeks and cry for more, and that they plan accordingly. Imo you have to launch with 1-2 years worth of casual content to not hit a brickwall with all the hardcore players that put in 80 hours per week. If you dont, that minority will unleash hell on the forums and the casuals join in despite having plenty of content left.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah... I'm not sure I get what is causing the hype.
I mean...maybe, but what else are we supposed to look forward to? I was pretty excited for Archage until finding out it would be mostly PVP based. The near future landscape of MMOs is pretty bleak. I can totally understand someone getting excited for a WoW-ish game that just releases well. Similar to what happened with Rift.


Combat looks good imop. I did notice what they meant about their tells being more advanced over time as well in the TB videos. They had one enemy using a cone that had lines coming out from it. Think that's rather new in mmo usually cones are simply cones and not cones with safe spots in it.


2 Minutes Hate
You have two big budget games in Wildstar and TESO. You have an oldie coming back in FFXIV that is pretty well revitalized. Whether you are excited for those games or not (there are pros and cons for all of them) but that is what you have to look forward to.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I mean...maybe, but what else are we supposed to look forward to?
Let's see: ArcheAge is pure PvP. TESO is a wow clone with 3 factions and a Frontiers-type zone, without any significant elder game (funny that for a game with Elder in it). Defiance is just out and seems to confirm the lack of general interest it had before launch. EQ Next is a full unknown which is probably going to be disappointing anyway. Age of Wushu is probably too asian to cater to our tastes.

That leaves Neverwinter which might be saved by the player-driven creation tools. And Wildstar. If you can go beyond the saturday-morning cartoon stamp on it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Of the upcoming MMO titles coming out, these guys seem to get it more than the others. That and sci-fi draw me to it. The graphics style probably isn't my first choice, but it probably means that Wildstar will run on a ton of systems that some of the other games won't.