Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


People are taking awhile to learn that just like dps, healing also takes place primarily via telegraphs and therefore if you want to be healed you need to be near the tank / healer and ideally stand on the tank or at least along a line connecting the healer to the tank.
I was in a Stormtalon group yesterday that failed to kill the first boss. I was the only healer and it was my first time to heal in a dungeon. It was also the tanks first time to tank. I lost count of the number of times we wiped on the first sentinel-shaman trash pull. We learned the hard way if you don't have your interrupt armor and stun rotation coordinated the shaman will get its heals off and increase your chance of wiping. Come to find out that is pretty much standard for every boss and lots of trash mobs as well. Without being able to communicate on the fly with voice chat, I honestly don't see how pugs are going to be able to complete these dungeons without dying over and over. I ran the dungeon a second time later in the day with a different tank with a lot of beta experience and who knew the various mechanics required to run a dungeon and it was a lot smoother.

FYI one of the DPSers kept dying a lot and said he never saw any of my heal telegraphs. Come to find out his Colorblind setting somehow got turned on and all of my green healing telegraphs were displaying red to him so he was avoiding them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
VOIP helps but I wouldn't call it a requirement. I'd say its more experience, knowing what to interrupt and just have a rotation ready to go, both can be done via text. How I did it in the dungeons I pugged. I did kel voreth and stormtalon when leveling up with the dungeon finder.


On the other hand the ball jumps in shrine of the sword maiden are nearly impossible to coordinate via text. You need split second timing, all jumping together at the same time from the same spot or someone will fall to their death. You double jump when the rest don't, you die. Spent a good 2 hours in that run. Golding that dungeon will not happen without voice chat.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Me and my friend group all the time while leveling. We actually each have alts we play when the other one isn't on...and we level together 100% of the time on our main.

This is probably one of the most annoying game to level up as a duo. We have no issue with phasing since we are always at the same step in quests progression.

The problem is how quest works...it's just fucking random. Some share, some don't with no logic at all it seems.

Half of them share the progression, the other requires both of us to advance it by ourselves.

The same goes for challenges, half share, the other half we compete against each other for spawn.

It's utterly annoying, we have to constantly ask each other if the quest is sharing progress or not.

In that aspect, it's one of the worse designed game I've played as a duo.


Adventures and dungeons are fun at least, but queues are either bugged or eternal: 37 minutes for Ruins of Kel Voreth as healer? I gave up.
It's been said before but I'll say it again..there are a cornucopia of healers and people wanting to heal in this game. I don't think I've ever seen an mmo with this many healers this early... ever. Plus adventures are far easier than dungeons so people seem to be mostly sticking to those since the 'I Quit' factor is a lot less.

If you want some play in dungeons/adventures, you want to bea tank. Period.

Fuck healers, this game is going to be won/lost on the ability of the DPS to avoid shit so if you're someone who's halfway competent at interrupts and knowing how to move as a DPS, you're going to be more valuable than any healer at endgame.


It's been said before but I'll say it again..there are a cornucopia of healers and people wanting to heal in this game. I don't think I've ever seen an mmo with this many healers this early... ever. Plus adventures are far easier than dungeons so people seem to be mostly sticking to those since the 'I Quit' factor is a lot less.
On top of that, by default when you queue up using group finder you automatically have both Healer and DPS roles checked. I imagine a lot of players will just leave both of them checked assuming it will speedup their queue time.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
It's not just the DPS, healers have to adapt too.

I had one run as a tank where the healer stood at max range stationary like you could in WoW.

Even knowing this and trying to play accordingly, me and the DPS kept dying because we were out of range.

We told him he should be a bit more active with his positioning and targeting...he would say he's been playing a healer for 10 years and knew how to do his job.

We eventually kicked him out, and cleared the place easily with a different healer.

My biggest issue in the 20 dungeons is that most people don't seem to understand interrupt armor at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yup every dungeon I have tried has been instant queue when I go as tank. Still a bit nervous tanking dungeons though as the leveling up gear is a bit of a mishmash. Hehe other danger I have seen is your healer who queued healer for shorter queue times but actually just wants to DPS.


It's not just the DPS, healers have to adapt too.

I had one run as a tank where the healer stood at max range stationary like you could in WoW.

Even knowing this and trying to play accordingly, me and the DPS kept dying because we were out of range.

We told him he should be a bit more active with his positioning and targeting...he would say he's been playing a healer for 10 years and knew how to do his job.

We eventually kicked him out, and cleared the place easily with a different healer.

My biggest issue in the 20 dungeons is that most people don't seem to understand interrupt armor at all.
Can't speak for medics or spellslingers but an Esper can easily heal at max range. Our main heal Soothe functions exactly like our main DPS builder TS. Only difference is instead of targeting a mob you target a player, usually the tank. Everyone between you and your target gets healed. I would argue that for that specific heal, you want to be at max range to make it easier for everyone else to get into the telegraph. The Esper main AOE group heal Reverie has a very large radius so if the Esper is in range of the tank for Soothe, very good chance Reverie will cover the entire group.


Lord Nagafen Raider
We told him he should be a bit more active with his positioning and targeting...he would say he's been playing a healer for 10 years and knew how to do his job.
I had a healer use this argument too, and that logic only goes so far when it comes to Wildstar. Yes, you may be better than average at keeping an eye on people's hp and managing resources, but healing in this game is obviously a little more complex than other MMOs. It isn't just sitting back, staring at a bunch of health bars and hitting an ability when the time calls for it.Everyclass really needs to be aware of their surroundings, and this is especially true for healers in that they don't just need to be watching for enemies and their attacks, but have to keep track of where their party members are. Saying you healed in other MMOs and therefore are an expert is about as meaningful as saying you got your Warrior to level 10 and therefore know everything about the class.


Log Wizard
Game's got a lot of potential, but in all seriousness it's going to take probably another month until it's bug-free enough that newbs can 1-50 and not notice any major issues until some dingus boss in a Vet Dungeon. They seem to fix and break stuff at the same rate, but they haven't dropped a 'major' patch since launch yet so I still have some faith. Overall there's a bunch of bugs that are annoying, but my gear hasn't been erased (save a few crafting combines) or anything. Just procs not working or bosses resetting or skills not functioning 100%.

After the monthly patch we'll see how they're doing.


Tranny Chaser
I'm a medic and so I spend 100% of the fight running around like mad trying to keep within 15m of the tank while also trying to catch as many of the dps as I can inside square-shaped telegraphs for probe buffs. It makes for a very exciting fight, but also very very frustrating when I see a DPS running low on health and not only not running towards me or the tank, but actively backing up (not strafing...we're talking straight up 's' use here) away from me.

A lot of DPS are good at avoiding telegraphs and good about knowing when injured to hunt down the healer and/or stand near the tank but there's always that one person who both can't avoid ground fire AND who runs away from healing.


It's not just the DPS, healers have to adapt too.
Not really.

It's weird but I'm finding my Esper is extremely resilient when getting hit and I don't have any gear on other than three blues, and none of them have runes. The DPS seem to get hit a lot harder than me on the same kind of stuff, mainly because I think a lot are making glass cannon builds.

Healers in normal gear only have to pay attention to the big move but consideringeverytimeI throw a heal I'm healing myself, I don't have to be all that careful. Healers in this game can be completely sloppy and make up for it easily with their own healing.

Every fight its always "#1 Heals, #1 Staying Alive, #5 Damage"


Molten Core Raider
Not playing this but curious how these compare to Rift's original expert level dungeons? Before they nerfed them there was only 2-3 groups of us on the server who could run all/90% of them, shit was pretty challenging but it was definitely doable without VOIP even though on some you needed some extremely quick response times on various mechanics/stuns etc. Making me wish I would have had time to try this out but I had to say no for the hardcore push and daddy doesn't do casual!


Molten Core Raider
So the big content update's site is up, and while I'm cool with that, I do wonder how many people are set aside to fix bugs and balance issues? Hopefully it's not like GW2 where they take forever to address things.