Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The problem with that first vid is he gets off his ship and MY GOD...there's a Yellow-Orange Exclamation point!!!!! Then he clicks on the space blood elf and she says "Strength and Blood!"

Might as well have said "STRENGTH and HONOR!" and went full monty. I know this game wasn't supposed to be super groundbreaking but its like they can't even write their dialogue without drawing on WoW. Oh and the next space creepy dude says "Death to those who betray the Blood Covenants!" ...or you know..."Death to the Living!"

Edit: haha..those are some loud fucking crickets now that you mention it. Where are the murlocs??


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I am so starved for any new MMO, just maybe I would be fine with it as well for bit.
But once the New MMO smell wears off basically being a clone of WoW art style and effects dunno.
WoW didn't invent that art style. Why the fuck do people credit WoW with inventing everything when all they really are is the Apple of video games.


2 Minutes Hate
I keep telling you guys this is WOW++ circa 1.0 with updated graphics and a more action oriented combat system.

Expect nothing else.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
From reddit.

Topic 5- Cross Faction Communication
Joe Piepiora,Social Feature Team Lead

Presently we do not allow Exile and Dominion players to communicate with one another. We feel it's important to maintain the tense atmosphere between the Exiles and the Dominion, who are firmly planted in opposition of one another.

We will be eventually adding an account level friends feature that will allow players to communicate to anyone on that friends list at any time.

We're not allowing players of opposite factions to group together, nor can you join circles containing members of the opposite faction.

This needs to be brought up again just in case a developer is reading this thread. Stop this kind of stupid fucking thinking. Stop artificially dividing your playerbase with hard factions. We constantly hear about MMO's being social, so what do game makers do? They put stupid shit in like this that limits the amount of people you can be social with. Maintaining a tense atmosphere? Stop being fucking stupid.


Silver Squire
I keep telling you guys this is WOW++ circa 1.0 with updated graphics and a more action oriented combat system.

Expect nothing else.
Last part of that is so over hyped (much like this entire game) its not even funny. Combat isn't exactly looking to be the games strong point atm. Unless you enjoy hitting your 1 key a LOT. As for the WoW++, how about --WoW? This is looking more like a half ass WoW clone of 1.0 (more like .07) except WoW's engine ran well for its trade offs and was, I don't know, fun FOR ITS TIME.

Gamers need an even more half ass version of what has already been re-hashed to death about as much as a spike to the testicles.


2 Minutes Hate
From reddit.

Topic 5- Cross Faction Communication
Joe Piepiora,Social Feature Team Lead

Presently we do not allow Exile and Dominion players to communicate with one another. We feel it's important to maintain the tense atmosphere between the Exiles and the Dominion, who are firmly planted in opposition of one another.

We will be eventually adding an account level friends feature that will allow players to communicate to anyone on that friends list at any time.

We're not allowing players of opposite factions to group together, nor can you join circles containing members of the opposite faction.

This needs to be brought up again just in case a developer is reading this thread. Stop this kind of stupid fucking thinking. Stop artificially dividing your playerbase with hard factions. We constantly hear about MMO's being social, so what do game makers do? They put stupid shit in like this that limits the amount of people you can be social with. Maintaining a tense atmosphere? Stop being fucking stupid.
It's the dumbest fucking explanation I've ever heard. "HEY GUYS! I can't talk to you THIS IS TENSE! ... What? You can kill me? Meh, not tense, do you even lift?"


2 Minutes Hate
Last part of that is so over hyped (much like this entire game) its not even funny. Combat isn't exactly looking to be the games strong point atm. Unless you enjoy hitting your 1 key a LOT. As for the WoW++, how about --WoW? This is looking more like a half ass WoW clone of 1.0 (more like .07) except WoW's engine ran well for its trade offs and was, I don't know, fun FOR ITS TIME.

Gamers need an even more half ass version of what has already been re-hashed to death about as much as a spike to the testicles.
You're post is half retarded and half right.

Combat system is interesting, but it appears to be spammy as fuck. Needs more GW2 autoattack thing. You're right there.

This is WOW with better graphics, good engine, but with added benefits of housing, raiding, LFG, paths, addons and other shit. So it's WOW++ because it's a better version of WOW 1.0. The 1.0 comes from their design philsophy behind raiding and a long leveling curve.

It's not a half ass WOW clone, at all. There are still millions of people out there willing to play DIKUs, just look at the sales of Rift, WOW and TOR. People still play these games and like them. So it's still "it's time". Maybe not your time. That's where you're retarded.

Of course the game could be shallow, hollow and empty like a lot of other MMORPGs and you would be right with half assed, but from what I see, it's a pretty good attempt. If you want a modern WOW but with a 1.0 ruleset, this game will be for you.


I don't know why MMO developers think it's even acceptable to make your game with hard locked factions who can't even communicate. No other multiplayer game does that in the history of games. It's just lazy design.

If there's a wildstar dev reading this, that's one of the worst things WoW has done to the genre, don't copy that.


2 Minutes Hate
At least WOW had the lame excuse that Orcs couldn't understand Humans. Here, there are humans on both sides, and they aren't even different humans.

You know how to create a tense environment? Sit in a zone and have 5 other people taunting you as they try to hunt you down. Or when you are leveling solo, and you think the zone is empty and someone drops into the zone, puts out a zone wide shout saying, "i'm here! watch you!". That person leaves because they are just trolling you, but all of the sudden you're playing more "tensly".

Or, you know, you play on a PVE server and it really doesn't matter anyway.


Silver Squire
Combat system is interesting, but it appears to be spammy as fuck. Needs more GW2 autoattack thing. You're right there.
System that uses one ability key for 60%+ of your damage while fights last 3x longer than average is a design failure. Regardless if the key fires off automatically or not. That MIGHT of cut it with short and quick fights but the longer the fights last the more exasperated the problem becomes.

Not making you spam the key while you dance around doing nothing isn't going to fix anything. Circle strafing as "the way" to do it doesn't really add anything to the combat either. Want to see real action combat? Go play Tera. Fuck, even GW2 would be better to copy. Even Neverwinter, although I feel dirty even saying that.

Unless you're a retard that can't move out of the way when another npc or player is stuck in animation lock doing their big ability you'll find much better combat in other games.

This is WOW with better graphics, good engine
FPS range has been "leaked" to be in the 20's on average (with a beefy system) most of the time with no one on screen. Good engine my fucking ass. Better graphics? While the WoW influence and style is there I'd say I certainly prefer WoW graphics over Wildstar any day. Even the ones from actual 1.0 much less almost a decade later which is where this game is trying to compete. At least WoW didn't run like dog shit either.

There are still millions of people out there willing to play DIKUs, just look at the sales of Rift, WOW and TOR. People still play these games and like them. So it's still "it's time". Maybe not your time. That's where you're retarded.
I'm expressing my opinion not yours, the markets or anyone else. If that makes me retarded so be it. Coming from you that is a compliment, thank you.

If you are happy with a clone that tries to copy WoW 1.0 then good for you. There have been enough games that have tried that and while successful financially really haven't been viewed by gamers as anything special. In fact, most have been said to be throw away clones of shit already done to death. If that gets your semi up to a full stiffie then great! I'd say most of the people here are tired of the same old shit.

Regardless I'd gladly put Rift as a better overall game (at launch and a game I've ripped to shit for being crap) than what Wildstar is trying to be. Maybe even Neverwinter. Shit I watched people I knew were in Wildstar beta playing Neverwiter over it all the time.

Its not just what they are copying that makes the game shit. The game is shit.

The MMO market is in a drought right now. There are a handful of games coming Archage, TESO, EQnext and Wildstar.

Wildstar will be at the very bottom of the list for just about everyone here when the dust settles.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's the dumbest fucking explanation I've ever heard. "HEY GUYS! I can't talk to you THIS IS TENSE! ... What? You can kill me? Meh, not tense, do you even lift?"
The true explanation's more likely "hey since people can't behave and we can't afford thousand of Game Masters online, moderating every channel on every server, we're gonna block interactions between factions so you won't be able to trashtalk "lol owned fagget" just after you ganked that beautiful female Aurin, or Hardkevin02 won't be able to IRL threat you because you were dumb enough to use your facebook account name for your character." I'm not saying it's all about that, but I think it's an important factor. I personally resent that, but that's how studios roll nowadays when there is factions, therefore potential for griefing.


2 Minutes Hate
System that uses one ability key for 60%+ of your damage while fights last 3x longer than average is a design failure. Regardless if the key fires off automatically or not. That MIGHT of cut it with short and quick fights but the longer the fights last the more exasperated the problem becomes.

Not making you spam the key while you dance around doing nothing isn't going to fix anything. Circle strafing as "the way" to do it doesn't really add anything to the combat either. Want to see real action combat? Go play Tera. Fuck, even GW2 would be better to copy. Even Neverwinter, although I feel dirty even saying that.

Unless you're a retard that can't move out of the way when another npc or player is stuck in animation lock doing their big ability you'll find much better combat in other games.

FPS range has been "leaked" to be in the 20's on average (with a beefy system) most of the time with no one on screen. Good engine my fucking ass. Better graphics? While the WoW influence and style is there I'd say I certainly prefer WoW graphics over Wildstar any day. Even the ones from actual 1.0 much less almost a decade later which is where this game is trying to compete. At least WoW didn't run like dog shit either.

I'm expressing my opinion not yours, the markets or anyone else. If that makes me retarded so be it. Coming from you that is a compliment, thank you.

If you are happy with a clone that tries to copy WoW 1.0 then good for you. There have been enough games that have tried that and while successful financially really haven't been viewed by gamers as anything special. In fact, most have been said to be throw away clones of shit already done to death. If that gets your semi up to a full stiffie then great! I'd say most of the people here are tired of the same old shit.

Regardless I'd gladly put Rift as a better overall game (at launch and a game I've ripped to shit for being crap) than what Wildstar is trying to be. Maybe even Neverwinter. Shit I watched people I knew were in Wildstar beta playing Neverwiter over it all the time.

Its not just what they are copying that makes the game shit. The game is shit.

The MMO market is in a drought right now. There are a handful of games coming Archage, TESO, EQnext and Wildstar.

Wildstar will be at the very bottom of the list for just about everyone here when the dust settles.
Combat System: I agree with you, but they can easily change this I think to make it better. I think you can shift this to a Neverwinter style control system. We'll see.

Engine: I don't trust leaks at all, especially from a closed beta. I've seen the game in action live at shows and it looks good and works well.

Graphics: I won't argue style and stuff. But for what they are trying to do, it's pretty good as far as shading/texturing/whatever. Animations and spell effects look good. It's a good sign when their promo videos look similar to their show videos and some of the leaked videos.

From a technical point of view, they are upgraded. I won't go into the subjective realm of whether they are pretty or not. I personally think they look good for a cartoony type of look.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's up with elaborated critics about Wildstar gameplay anyway, "1 spam" and other opinions about the subject ? Best we have about combat gameplay videos is a crappy resolution lvl1-9 2min BG video when everyone is bolstered while having 3-5 skills. We've yet to see any gameplay or combat videos past level 10. Also about "lol 20fps in beta", if you're gonna talk about CBT2 overall performance you might as well talk about what the developers answered or stated in beta forums about performance. Or maybe you don't have this knowledge and you're just reading "beta feedback" from some guy in 4chan who swears he is in the beta.