Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
There are plenty of official gameplay videos (most recently from E3 linked a page or two back) that look as spammy as any WoW class' rotation. Apart from auto-attack-and-afk EQ1 style, I'm not sure what the people crying "spammy" want?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There are plenty of official gameplay videos (most recently from E3 linked a page or two back) that look as spammy as any WoW class' rotation. Apart from auto-attack-and-afk EQ1 style, I'm not sure what the people crying "spammy" want?
The E3 videos show level 6 warrior PvE gameplay with 5 skills available, the Gamebreaker "journalist" playstyle is terrible, doesn't show anything interesting and those demos are time limited, which means you're on the clock and you don't have time figuring what the hell is going on. I have concerns about the game but I don't really understand the complaints about "spammy gameplay" "autoattack derp" or "1 spam" when all we've seen is very low level gameplay videos where people have limited skills (well, more limited than max level anyway) and most of the time their playstyle is terrible (goddamn casual mouseclickers). Unless you can show a lvl50 video backing up your spam concerns, I'd suggest to wait for some featured endgame content.


As for the WoW++, how about --WoW? This is looking more like a half ass WoW clone of 1.0 (more like .07) except WoW's engine ran well for its trade offs and was, I don't know, fun FOR ITS TIME.
I can't even take you seriously on the topic when you say things like this. Really dude? You truly believe this is .07 of WoW? Comparing the two games on features alone shows that this game is WoW+.


Blackwing Lair Raider
To be honest, I'm not sure if most hardcore MMO players who are burnt out know what they want in a game anymore, although it's probably not reaching to say they don't currently want what exists in the market now. I also don't think these games are looked at as long term investments anymore, at least not like it was back in the days of EQ or even WoW circa 2004. I've seen more than enough posts on this forum where people are more than satisfied just getting their 1-1.5 month investment out of a game and that goes from Rift to DCUO to GW2. Maybe that's the reality these days, even for a game like WildStar.

Hope WildStar brings something new, something different to the table because gamers are tired of the same old shit, even if that shit is just an prettied up version of what already exists.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm going to wait till I actually play it before I make statements condemning or praising the combat.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm going to wait till I actually play it before I make statements condemning or praising the combat.

The game "LOOKS" fun at this point , to me. The tone, vibe and style look fun. Anything on actual combat, classes, quest, mobs etc will have to wait till I actually play it.

Could be worse, could be like some of the people in the EQ:N thread who seem to be having a orgasm from just tweets :p


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Those videos honestly made me a bit sick and were a tad comforting as well. Weird I know but I played way too much WoW and the addiction turned sour. Having said that, if it offers the best MMO experience, I'll still give it a whirl(which I expect to do). Can't really expect ex-WoW guys to deviate from certain things too much. It's not like any other company has.


One thing I have picked up on in a lot of interviews is how often they bring up the end game content. I'm going to put myself out there and predict that WIldstar will launch the most robust end game we have ever seen in an MMO.


<Gold Donor>
One thing I have picked up on in a lot of interviews is how often they bring up the end game content. I'm going to put myself out there and predict that WIldstar will launch the most robust end game we have ever seen in an MMO.
Quantify that, is that 3-4 full working raids?

To date what is the most robust we have seen at launch?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm honestly not seeing 1 spam that people have been complaining about. Seems like you attack a lot less then most mmo's. Way more movement too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So watching that video, it looked like he had 3 main attacks, the knives , the bird and the spinning blade(though the blade looked like it had a "power up" so you try to use it when that bar on the hotkey is over half). Then he had the root(which had a 30 second CD) and the the little robot/bug pet that attacks the target(looked like it had a 10 sec cd). Curious where the spamming comments is coming from, that video he used them all and never really just sat and did one over and over(only watched up to 24:00 in). There were a few times where he seemed to just stop attacking, it would show he pressed a button, but got nothing. Not sure what that was about.

Edit: Ok now I see what it was. The bird took a minimum 1 pt of w/e resource/combo system that class had, curious if it was more powerful if you had more pts(since casting that bird removed all pts). It looked like the wheel, knife and pet attack gave 1 pt. The pet and root just took the purple bar(w/e resource that is) to cast.

As to movement, yeah there is a lot. It reminds me of tera when soloing a BAM, where you are constantly on the move, especially as a melee circle strafing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Curious where the spamming comments is coming from
They come from uninformed, bored to death people labelling any new MMO as shit because they're still living in the swell fantasy of playing their first MMO high school crush all over again, and any other bachelor MMO is a deceptive, traitorous, backstabbing fuck who'll rape their feelings as soon as they hit the Enter Server button.


Trakanon Raider
They come from uninformed, bored to death people labelling any new MMO as shit because they're still living in the swell fantasy of playing their first MMO high school crush all over again, and any other bachelor MMO is a deceptive, traitorous, backstabbing fuck who'll rape their feelings as soon as they hit the Enter Server button.
Elegant Poetry. A+. Would read again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I will say I wish the guy didn't pause or say "uh" or "um" so much :p But I am sure he wasn't hired for his public speaking skills.

I am curious about the settler. He mentioned you might have to protect buildings/structures from NPC and enemy player faction. Wonder if they can actually be destroyed(ie lose access to that flightpath, that vendor, that quest giver etc) and you don't get it back until its built up again by settlers.


I am curious where the insane rage from ked is coming from. It's like he's threatened by this game. I didn't see any spamming or 1 ability doing 60% of this damage. I mean maybe ked watched a level 5 video where the guy only had 2 moves and felt the sky was falling right there. This guy in the video is only 21 and had 5 moves at least, which isn't all that bad(probably had 7-8 counting utilities/cooldowns). If at 50 its about 15-20 moves total, I am happy with that, no reason to have a huge number just for the sake of it.

I'd say the combat is right about equal to tera. I will have to see how a few things work before I can really make a call. Things like is that bird move always hit or it can miss, same with the blade. I know the knife move can miss. Even then though, tera had a few "Always hit" moves, so there is leeway. I will say GW2 doesn't come close to tera in regards to action combat(gw2 was like 30% action, 70% regular). How this game stacks up, I will have to see.

All the FPS comments and such , I will wait till I can play. I never take performance comments from beta testers as serious. I judge by first hand experience.


Silver Squire
One thing I have picked up on in a lot of interviews is how often they bring up the end game content. I'm going to put myself out there and predict that WIldstar will launch the most robust end game we have ever seen in an MMO.
I find it hard to take you seriously as well DMK. Lofty claim from listening to people reading off design docs when in actuality the game is scheduled to ship in 2013 and they barely have 25 levels of content in for one side and half the classes. Who knows how much extra money there is and how far it can get pushed back.