Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


I don't think anything innovative will ever come out of the MMO genre again, only simple additions to what is already there. There is far too much time and money invested in it and whether or not you like the game/company/genre, it just isn't going to happen in a large scale MMO.

I'm still pretty excited for it though.
I'm hoping EQ Next proves you wrong, but history is definitely on your side.

Just out of curiousity, why are you excited? I'll buy and play the game and I get the feeling it'll be polished and fun, but is there anything particular that has you hyped? It has some neat features, but nothing that really blows me away at all.


I have in most cases multiple max level characters in EQ, EQ2, EQOA, Guild Wars, GW2,WoW,Lineage 2, Rift, and Vanguard.
Clearly though, judging by your ridiculous Chua avatar, you are a frothing fanboi already.Clearly their marketing to WoW morons is working.
hyp?o?crite [hip-uh-krit] Show IPA
a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.


Trump's Staff
So, let me get this straight, because sometimes it's hard to decipher the jammy sludge that leaks onto this forum every time you try to rub what few brain cells together that you possess. Because I followed my friends/long time top tier raiding guild from EQ to a new game, and then quit before TBC...that makes me a hypocrite? Because I played WoW during it's widely accepted golden age, and quit when I saw it going downhill for greener pastures, I need to include myself in the unwashed masses that grind dailies in the current crapheap that is World of Wacraft?

Keep trying you mental midget.


Oh I forgot you have the defining time in which you are allowed to have played WoW to exclude yourself from the "WoW morons" category. Can you tell me who came up with it? I may fall into the same category as you.


Trump's Staff
Oh I forgot you have the defining time in which you are allowed to have played WoW to exclude yourself from the "WoW morons" category. Can you tell me who came up with it? I may fall into the same category as you.
Uhhhh it's pretty commonly accepted that vanilla WoW was one of the best times for MMOs. Don't pretend you aren't aware of this to try and win an argument. Even you aren't that dense.

We bailed on EQ because gates of discord sucked, and the entire guild got beta invites... And our GM let us keep our EQ DKP lol. Simple as that.


Commonlyaccepted you say? WoW peaked after TBC and in WOTLK at 12 million subs. I'd say that's a clear indication TBC through to WOTLK is "commonly" accepted as WoW's golden era.

It's quiet interesting you say WoW vanilla was it's golden era. For a hardcore EQ player like yourself I think it's safe to assume you raided in Wow Vanilla. The biggest change from WoW to TBC was the downsizing of 40 man raids which Wildstar actually has at launch.


Trump's Staff
Commonlyaccepted you say? WoW peaked after TBC and in WOTLK at 12 million subs. I'd say that's a clear indication TBC through to WOTLK is "commonly" accepted as WoW's golden era.

It's quiet interesting you say WoW vanilla was it's golden era. For a hardcore EQ player like yourself I think it's safe to assume you raided in Wow Vanilla. The biggest change from WoW to TBC was the downsizing of 40 man raids which Wildstar actually has at launch.
Jesus you need to stop posting. You literally make yourself sound more and more ridiculous with each word.

1. Number of subs does NOT indicate quality of experience at all. WOTLK was a fucking abortion compared to vanilla. Just because more people played it means absolutely nothing.

2. Ya, I did raid vanilla. Broken ass C'thun is what made me quit even though I lingered on into Naxx casually when the guild desperately needed heals. I'm really not sure what your point is here... I liked 40 man raids... Did I ever criticize them? What is your point here? Are you trying to agree with me, telling me it makes sense that I quit WoW before TBC? I don't get it.


Unfortunately you were the one who said 'commonly' accepted. So obviously the highest peak of sub numbers would qualify as the most commonly accepted 'golden era' between MMO players. What is also unfortunate is you seem to think that your social group of players are considered the majority instead of the minority. You show me 10,000 people that didn't enjoy WoW after vanilla and I'll show you millions who loved TBC. You should probably look the word 'common' up.

I really thought it was quiet clear what I was trying to say. You say WoW's "Golden Era' was vanilla wow. The most important facet to you as a raider would have been the 40 man raids. That facet exists in Wildstar at launch and yet you seem to think Wildstar is a bad game(without playing it). That is what I find interesting. Unless there was something else you did at end game Vanilla WoW that I didn't do?

The fact of the matter is this. You have no right to call someone a WoW moron as you played the game extensively yourself. No one made a rule that if you played WoW after Vanilla you became a WoW moron or if you didn't it excludes you from the fact that you also played WoW. Stop being a hypocrite.


Trump's Staff
I really thought it was quiet clear what I was trying to say. You say WoW's "Golden Era' was vanilla wow. The most important facet to you as a raider would have been the 40 man raids. That facet exists in Wildstar at launch and yet you seem to think Wildstar is a bad game(without playing it). That is what I find interesting. Unless there was something else you did at end game Vanilla WoW that I didn't .
Show me ONE QUOTE where I said Wildstar was a bad game. ONE. Where the fuck are you getting this crap? You are either totally delusional or have the reading comprehension of an 8 year old.


<Gold Donor>
I see that the white knights and the dark knights are at it in full force once again. Its like history repeating itself for the 100th time whenever a new mmo is close to hitting. Good times!


Trump's Staff
I see that the white knights and the dark knights are at it in full force once again. Its like history repeating itself for the 100th time whenever a new mmo is close to hitting. Good times!
Honestly man... I'm not dark knighting here... I made a single post about Carbine having a confusing marketing/business model and a couple troglodytes have jumped down my throat for 3 pages. This fanboy shit doesn't belong on these forums that have a pretty long history of objectivity...


Using 'gay' in a derogatory fashion

I just don't understand their business model here...

They are CLEARLY duplicating the WoW experience with sci-fi flavour... But then they are claiming difficulty will be 'hardcore' for raiders (40 man). Do they not understand hardcore raiders won't touch this with a ten foot pole if its anything even close to WoW? Why wold they? They could just play WoW... And if the difficulty is high, you risk alienating Timmy who you worked so hard to cater to with your art/ atmosphere/Leveling experience...

Then they put in sandbox style housing (obv so hawt rite now #yolo), twitchy combat, and esportsy pvp reminiscent of MOBAs...

When you try to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing at all.
This whole post is an implication you don't like what wildstar has to offer. Also the last line implies that Wildstar is trying to be everything to everyone and therefore will be nothing. Which is synonymous with being bad. So you can sit there and pretend you didn't call the game bad to defend yourself when it's obvious you have implied as much. I don't really care if the game is good or bad I just don't like people being hypocrites while having a go at someone.

Not to mention you claim the title of speaking for every hardcore raider out there. You also have no actual evidence in knowing what Wildstar has to offer. It could have everything for everyone as much as WoW does caters to a wide demographic. Anyway I'm done with the discussion it's pretty clear what has happened here.


Trump's Staff
Uhhhhhhh the gay seal was a joke.... The guy referenced FarmVille FFS.

I never once said anything negative about the game, just the apparent 'everything but the kitchen sink' mentality they seem to be implementing with their feature set. But, you have clearly revealed your inability to comprehend basic discourse, which is totally unsurprising given your history.

No worries. I won't criticize your new favourite game DMK. Clearly you get your feelings way too hurt.


So, this is still the Wildstar thread right?
For those of you who've seen the Medic (they're in a few vids) what the hell are those things on their back? I looks like a jetpack on roids.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I guess I have to keep saying this every once in a while that this game is going to be a modern vanilla WOW. If you are expecting anything different or exciting you're going to be fool. The only difference really is housing and their combat system.

Even the combat system isn't completely different. It's just like GW2's but with telegraphs. You're still dealing with random number generators, the holy trinity and quest grinds to max levl for raids and heroic dungeons.
I think this is one of the things that's keeping my expectations in line. They don't really appear to be trying to hide the fact that the game is WoW+, which means I'm not building it up to be the next MMO that keeps my attention for years. If I can get a few months enjoyment out of it, great. I guess I've gotten to the point where I really don't expect too much from MMOs. Oddly, a WoW clone would've turned me off quickly in a couple years, so either I've gotten to the point where I'll settle for whatever so I can still play a game in the genre or the sci-fi world is more appealing than usual to me.

I don't think anything innovative will ever come out of the MMO genre again, only simple additions to what is already there. There is far too much time and money invested in it and whether or not you like the game/company/genre, it just isn't going to happen in a large scale MMO.

I'm still pretty excited for it though.
I'm sort of hoping with WoW's popularity waning and games like ToR flopping, it'll encourage developers to try something new. Mostly, I think you're right though. Unless Blizzard has something revolutionary in their pocket, I really can't see any of the major developers or publishers taking too big of risks. Changes will mostly be small and incremental so as not to rock the boat and release yet another dud.

The genre really needs a new approach, but the only way I see that happening anytime soon is if development costs on MMOs come down enough to the point where indie devs can start experimenting, which is unlikely.