Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well I broke down and bought it despite my reservations about the cartoonish graphics. I will be on Stormtalon, exiles side.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I just can't do it, looks and plays even worse than SWTOR and FFXIV and I'm not funding these failures again.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Most complaints about espers are because of two reasons:

1) Telekinetic strike: need to stand still for 1,25s to cast, which makes esper the only class that has to stand still to deal a good bulk of their damage. THe issue is that there is no higher dps here, you'll do on par with other classes, so yes to penalty, no to bonus. This is the main reason everyone that played a spellslinger doesn't like the esper, but if you're familiar with casters and mobility issues, you'll do quite well anyway.
2) Spectral form is generally considered a weak skill for what it does. In reality it's quite good, except that it roots the caster, because it gives 5 psi, 1 interrupt armor and an absorb shield. Root has to go, hopefully it will.

Other valid complains are:
Blade Dance is useless and I mean 100% completely and utterly useless, in fact it'll kill you if you try to use it and something bad is happening while you're still channeling that PoS skill.
Concentrated Blade: theorically is awesome, being off the gcd it's free damage and free psi, but it has 2 charges and each charge takes 10s to regenerate, if they change that to have both charges recover in 10s, it'll be a very good skill to use on the move.
Bolster is a hot, with 2 charges, no gcd and gives a psi for each cast, so it's another psi builder you use to speed up your bird casting rate (mind burst, bird is the graphical effect and its nickname pretty much). The fact a hot is used to build up dps can be seen as a good thing or a bad thing:when soloing is good, in a raid it makes no sense.

Small hint: When you get to 5 psi, cast 1 more TkStrike and mash the Mind Burst button, due to the flight time of projectiles, you'll get your finisher and the supposed 6th psi will become your next 1st psi: this until changed, is a little perk that helps not wasting TkStrike casts and maximizes dps.

Psychic Frenzy is an alternative to TkStrike, a replacement if you choose so, you get it at level 11 and it's a psi builder that allows mobility, is melee range, but for now it does less dps, even if there is no real reason for this limitation, so expect it to be buffed up in terms of damage. In PvP is often used as the main builder for small team fights (duels, arenas). One raid boss forces espers to use this skill because that fight is 100% movement based. I like PF as a skill, I just wish it could do the same dps as TkStrike.

This class is certainly a WIP, but once you learn a few things, you'll love it, period.
The only thing that made me think, was healing using ui frames to target, but in large raids it maybe a very good thing in the end, especially to not miss the tank(s).

A few hours from launch, I finally took a decision and I'll play an Esper.


Vyemm Raider
Really only interested in the pvp - curious if anyones spent a good chunk of time in it enough to comment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really only interested in the pvp - curious if anyones spent a good chunk of time in it enough to comment.
I'm also curious about this, I imagine PvP will be a big part of my end game. I did not get a good chance to do any extensive testing on that in beta, anyone with thoughts on better classes?


I personally loved Medic in PVP. Healing in the thick of things was great fun. Since everyone is pretty mobile in BGs, melee end up being kited a lot and its hard to get good damage output. No real exp in Warplots or 2v2.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah but in general is the pvp itself fun? Not so much concerned about the classes, just the pvp itself.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The fact that you think I'm talking about graphics and fps speaks volumes about this game.
The fact that you think that says ANYTHING about the game says a hell of a lot about you. Not to mention the part where you think SWTOR or FF14 has better combat in any way. Mind boggling shit there son.


A Man Chooses....
It's an MMO. If you want to play, play. If you don't, don't. Aside from like two weeks during SWTOR I didn't play an MMO between Rift and now. I currently have the time and inclination to do so so I am. Anyone expecting something to fulfill all their wants and desires who is posting on this forum is a crazy person. We've been at this too long and we'll be lucky if another game happens in our lifetime to bring that level of enjoyment/devotion back. No game will(or probably even can) take all the best features for YOU specifically from every MMO ever and wrap them in a perfect package specific to your tastes. People bashing new MMOs when they aren't obvious garbage is so 2009. I just hope we're still getting moderately ambitious MMO projects in five years.


Molten Core Raider
SWTOR combat was pretty boring outside of jetpacks/knockbacks.
TOR wasn't boring in PVP....if you mean pve i'd agree but pvp at least in high end ranked games was actually the best pvp combat i've ever played in an MMO. And believe me I hate Star Wars shit more then anyone on the planet but I loved how pvp combat was in that game.


As to when this "forum" guild will wither away. It is my understanding that SFA isn't based on members from this forum, they are just taking in those of us interested in joining them.
It's somewhat of both. SFA has been around over a decade. We're not going anywhere. This guild will not "wither away." There may or may not be 20 remaining rerolled members in 6 months, however with 40 man content to be the long term focus there are a lot of rerolled people joining us at launch. Although many will find different homes do to raid schedules and the like, SFA will remain.