Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


How is your ping to the servers and how does it effect the combat?
At the moment it's fine. Obviously I need to be quicker then most people but I'm used to that. Usually around 200ms I doubt any telegraphs will be less then 3-4 seconds giving me time to move if I focus.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm kinda surprised at my ping. I'm in Korea, and my ping is in the 160s. I tried the Oceanic server and it was in the 180s. Combat seems pretty good, at least as far as responsiveness. Still trying to figure out which class I like. I really wanna tank but I'm concerned about melee in this game, and I think the Engineer feels really weird because their base ability has a cast time.

BTW servers down? Got booted out and now shit's not working.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I followed the advice here and installed the Potato UI.

Does anyone know how to open the window that lets me change my sciencebot-profiles/vanity there?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Just hit 25 and still having a blast as a stalker. I'm out for the next two weeks due to being out of the country. So far, I love most of the questing. Especially the solo instances. Haven't touched any of the dungeons yet... was kind of fearful of it. Some of the fights get quite hard for melee though. Especially blinds and tethers that get you stuck in telegraphs. Even False Retreat and shit can't save you from them sometimes. So in that regard, def rolling a Spellslinger when I get back.

The combat overall is god damn awesome, I have never had so much fun in MMO combat. I'll be playing at least two characters to max level. Quest lines are interesting, at least the first time through. Auroria was pretty well done. I have yet to decipher crafting,runecrafting and all that shit just yet. But that can wait.


Anyone playing the medic? They look heaps of fun. Anyone got some feedback on em?
I healed the Riot in the Void Adventure and the Ruins of Kel'Voreth dungeon on my Medic. Aiming heals is really super fun, but the hardest part is conditioning people to clump together / line up so they can get heals and cleanses and so on. I think it'll take time for the new conditioning to set in for people, like in Vanilla WoW when people would attack from the front cause they didn't know about parries (unless you came from EQ1), over time people in this game will near-ish each other to get healed. I was level 27 mentored down to 20 though so I did have access to the focus regen skill which came in real handy.

I've been leveling as DPS and it's really crisp. Having an execute skill with 2 charges and a 10 second recharge is pretty awesome, mobs from 30% down just blow right up after those 2 casts of Collider. I'm having a ton of fun doing both roles


Molten Core Raider
I just bought this. I hope I'm not terribly disappointed.

Haven't you been crusading for a decade maintaining that EQ Classic was the best MMO ever and every game since is worse? Then you go and buy a wow clone?


Avatar of War Slayer
I did the first little solo instance on the meteor, and I enjoyed it alot. Really opened my eyes to how fun dungeons/raids could be with this combat system.

I was like level 10 when I went in there (with recommended level being 12-16), so there really was no room for error when it came to dodging the telegraphs. Died once or twice, but had a blast killing alien babies.
yeah. why the hell that alien/meteor mission was NOT the tutorial, or level 5 or so, I will never know.
I thought they said they were making it earlier, but it was still at level 12 or so, grimwald in Celestion.


Buzzfeed Editor
Pretty disappointing, I did not get to play at all on Pergo with my old guildies. I thought about rolling on Stormtalon with you ladies but the queue was just as bad. I got a warrior through the starting area on Thuderfoot and it is actually really fun. It has been a while since I played an MMO and the combat is pretty unique, I think. The quest system and zone events are pretty cool. I like the imbuement concept, also.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I did the first little solo instance on the meteor, and I enjoyed it alot. Really opened my eyes to how fun dungeons/raids could be with this combat system.

I was like level 10 when I went in there (with recommended level being 12-16), so there really was no room for error when it came to dodging the telegraphs. Died once or twice, but had a blast killing alien babies.
I just finished it last night as well. I like how you can pick the option to scale down as well.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm rolling a Warrior tank. I just hit level 10? 11? last night. Didn't have a ton of time to play this weekend. I'm in the SW portion of the first real area and I kind of randomly went down here. I think I have like 10 quests right now all over the place.

Anyway, I'll stand by what I've said this whole time. Outside the combat and the class system, the game is top notch. My main reason for not being excited about the game is the quest-driven-treadmill part. It's dull overall, but I'm softening on it.

The combat is better than I remember, animations and floatyness are much better. Warrior isn't as boring as I remember it being. So big A+ there. I think they must of tightened up the telegraph sizes where my swipes with my sword itself feel correct.

I'll have to re-try the freeform mod Toxx is talking about. It didn't feel good when I tried it a year ago.

I still have to say I dislike the class system. There isn't anything special about it. It's not bad, but I dislike it because it's so standard. I was hoping for something more interesting. The ability to put points into your skills saves it a bit though. It's well done for what it's attempting to do (minus normal balancing stuff), but I would of loved to see something different.

If the devs hold on to their stance of difficult challenging content the game will probably do well long term. If they cave and make dungeons and raids ez-mode OR if they make content with 4 levels of difficulty it'll just chase people back to WOW. This game can't be just NewWow, it needs to be different and the only difference they can really compete with is difficulty and exclusivity of content.

My 2 cents.


2 Minutes Hate
2nd post:

Anyone getting into crafting yet? I'm debating whether or not to do all gathering for monies or just go mining/armor off the bat and get myself tank gear.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm kinda surprised at my ping. I'm in Korea, and my ping is in the 160s. I tried the Oceanic server and it was in the 180s. Combat seems pretty good, at least as far as responsiveness. Still trying to figure out which class I like. I really wanna tank but I'm concerned about melee in this game, and I think the Engineer feels really weird because their base ability has a cast time.

BTW servers down? Got booted out and now shit's not working.
The engineer gets another base ability around level 10 for support. It does less damage than the assault base ability but it generates aggro. Doesn't have a cast time.