Woman who was getting her box munched on in public now claiming rape


Buzzfeed Editor
I think what people are trying to say is that the definition of rape does not include "woman who was drunk and decided to have sex with someone."


Musty Nester
Tanoomba puts the pussy in such an ornately gilded cage that it probably does include that for him.

The gender equality compromise isn't 3 lines long. It is 1 line long. You could even fit it in a tweet: "People are to behave responsibly sexually, and when they behave irresponsibly they are to admit their personal complicity."


Irenicus did nothing wrong
What's the problem? They should both "take responsibility" for their actions, right? They both got drunk and made stupid decisions that led to their lives potentially being ruined. It would be a double standard to say a girl should take partial responsibility for being raped, but a guy shouldn't for being accused of rape. Rape and false accusations of rape are both heinous acts that have a victim. Is anybody trying to say that a guy falsely accused of rape did nothing wrong, but a girl who was raped did do something wrong? Please clarify.
Don't put words into my mouth.

It would be a double standard to say a girl should take partial responsibility for being raped
At no point was I referring to genuine rape victims. The ones who need to take responsibility are the ones who get drunk, hook up with someone of their own free will, feel embarrassed the next morning and try to save face by claiming they were raped. And that's not even touching on false accusations lodged for revenge, attention, etc. I know feminists like to throw everyone who's ever claimed to have been raped, ever, into some nebulous 'rape victim' category, but in the real world we distinguish between people to whom something actually happened, and those who just claim it happened to them for their own personal benefit. If you're going to try and engage people in debate, don't try and twist everything they say.

The irony is that women who lodge false rape accusations do more to harm real rape victims than anyone except for actual rapists. By lodging false accusations for their own personal gain, they not only diminish the very real suffering that genuine victims have undergone, but also ensure that real victims have to go to a much greater effort to be believed. If you really care about rape victims, you should be coming down on false accusers as hard as possible.

The Ancient_sl

I think what people are trying to say is that the definition of rape does not include "woman who was drunk and decided to have sex with someone."
Let's take it a step further for accuracy. The definition of rape does not include "Woman who was drunk and allowed a drunk guy to have sex with her."


privileged excrementlord


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Don't put words into my mouth.

At no point was I referring to genuine rape victims. The ones who need to take responsibility are the ones who get drunk, hook up with someone of their own free will, feel embarrassed the next morning and try to save face by claiming they were raped. And that's not even touching on false accusations lodged for revenge, attention, etc. I know feminists like to throw everyone who's ever claimed to have been raped, ever, into some nebulous 'rape victim' category, but in the real world we distinguish between people to whom something actually happened, and those who just claim it happened to them for their own personal benefit. If you're going to try and engage people in debate, don't try and twist everything they say.

The irony is that women who lodge false rape accusations do more to harm real rape victims than anyone except for actual rapists. By lodging false accusations for their own personal gain, they not only diminish the very real suffering that genuine victims have undergone, but also ensure that real victims have to go to a much greater effort to be believed. If you really care about rape victims, you should be coming down on false accusers as hard as possible.
Nicely put.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
She was just jealous because all her skinny friends were getting raped but she wasn't.


I'm With HER ♀

I don't think you appreciate the feminist 'rape' culture that's propped up amongst womenfolk recently. You show these pictures to the general female populace I deal with on a day-to-day basis. Have them read the article. They will probably all say this woman was raped. And that is ridiculous.

I don't care how drunk you are. If they weren't picking this semi-conscious bitch off the sidewalk and holding her up for her after-fuck photo-ops, she was still cognizant and coherent enough to have said NO a million times. No to the guy. No to the place. No when people started pulling out their camera phones. No when she was DONE and started posing and smiling for onlookers. If she didn't say no, if she didn't try to stop it, then that's it. He walks, and she's a whore trying to use rape accusations to shame another for an embarassing situation she allowed herself to be put in. A set blood-alcohol level doesn't magically turn a woman into a shitheap without will, reason or self-respect unless she is truly incapacitated.

This new chalkboard/fuck the patriarch uprising has put the golden concept of 'empowerment' on a pedestal. Now I'm not saying it's fair for the dudes in the thread to extrapolate onherreasoning without actually seeing it, but these accusations don't exist in a vacuum. Hyperfeminists would laud this chick for 'standing up against sexual abuse' and have the guy's life destroyed. It's part of a perpetuating cycle I see all the fucking time, because that's what pop feminism IS these days: A new victimization complex.

Edit: For example, this is a quote of some shit a person that follows me on tumblr posted not 5 minutes ago.

"The stereotype of the ugly, unfuckable feminist exists for a reason - because it's still the last, best line of defence against any woman who is a little too loud, a little too political. Just tell her that if she goes on as she is, nobody will love her. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always believed that part of the point of feminist politics - part of the point of any sort of radical politics - is that some principles are more important than being universally adored, particularly by the sort of men who would prefer women to smile quietly and grow our hair out."
Give me a fucking break.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Dude needs to say he was drunk and it was her idea for him to go down on her, then file rape charges himself. He can bring in old girlfriends to testify that he never went down on them willingly. Also, he's clearly getting the short end of the reputation stick here. Now he's got a reputation as a chubby chaser and no respectable sorority girl will want to be seen with him.