World of Tanks


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
interest for this game comes and wanes over time, as it's really the same thing over and over and over. It's a solid game, but if all you do is standard battles you snap at some point and don't play for a month or three. The average player is just too bad at this game, yet you have 10 average players on your team every battle.

For me as EU player, Roaming hopefully fixes that. I get so fucking tired of most of my team not even speaking English.


I've been playing this for a few weeks. It's good for some yucks, and I'm just now starting to get just above average at it.

It always cracks me up when a scout pops up and everyone and their brother stops and has to take potshots at it. I mean, never fucking mind the TD that's beating your face into the ground, or the heavy that's getting ready to wipe its ass with your face...Oh! Look! A Chaffee! Shoot it! Before this weekend, I was 65% WR in my 60%
. Shit teams for days. Chaffee's should sit back for a bit and let the battle unfold...or so I'm told. I got tired of spotting for no one (a common occurrence), and decided to zerg the enemy base in a very roundabout way. The map was Airfield, and this is the route that I took (see img). Full throttle, didn't stop or slow down at all. I sailed past a LOT of bullets and tanks, right up through the enemy cap, and plugged 1, 2, 3...4 SPG's in Suprise Butt Sex fashion in just about as in the time in takes to read this sentence. And with that, the fight was over. IIRC, the score was 1:2 when I passed the halfway mark on the map, and the enemy team just shit itself silly when all their SPG's got taken out in seconds. I thought this was a decent score for an average Chaffee driver.



I've seen 9+tanks on my team advancing, only to stop and take shots at a scout. Hey, dumbshits! Forget about the scout! They are scouting in a choke point at the start of a match. Everyone knows more or less where everyone's going to be, so ignore the scout. Do people care? Most often, no, so they try to light up the scout while the opposing teams are settling into their defensive positions.

It's amazing how many people refuse to step out and take if their WN8 or PR scores are the most important thing in the world. I've seen tree lines filled with 6-7 TD's and heavies that have taken no shots while mediums and LT's try to stop the incoming tidal wave of failure.

I'd forgotten that I turned of saving replays, so I logged in to turn the feature on, and ran a match to test it. We were on our way to getting stomped pretty hard, but I went back to cap to defend, anyway. Outgunned 5 to 2; myself in an M4A3E8, the other guy in a Churchill premium. Some twat Hellcat driver on our team was several hundred yards away and refused to engage until things looked rosey. He did 0 damage the whole fight until he spooged a kill off of the Churchill driver.

Lesson here: never give up:

wot on Vimeo

Cool game, though. I think any group of three good people working together could roll 90% of every random game out there.



Vyemm Raider
While any platoon makes the game easier the biggest game-changing tanks in random battles is a toon of well played wolf-packing mediums. You can bring enough firepower\hp\mobility to one side to cause it collapse if you are smart about your plays and once that's done the match is generally won about 80% of the time. The sooner you collapse a side the less effective enemy arty becomes, and the remaining TD/Heavy positions can be flanked.

Your biggest challenge will be the opposing teams mediums, and if they are not wolf packed as well you can pick them off one by one.


Tranny Chaser
Silence, could you try going non-premium a few weeks and let us know how it is?


what Suineg set it to
Silence, could you try going non-premium a few weeks and let us know how it is?
Game is stupid slow to grind without Prem. But once you have the right tanks you can ditch it if need be.

Here's my current T8-T10 stable if you have questions with any of these lines:



what Suineg set it to
lol E75

Was doing mission to bounce at least your entire HP worth and deal 1K damage so I started playing like a tard and smashing into things:



Welcome to the game, Silence. Hope you enjoy it long term.
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have for any tanks Palum doesnt have since I have everything else.

Note for the relatively new players- there IS still an active "Change your password to get 300 gold" event, so if you havent changed it in the past several months do it now. Heck do it regardless, just to be sure. (one gold reward per account) You can always change it back again if you prefer and still keep the gold.

For the intermittant players- this weekend is a x3 exp for the first win weekend, and there is a mission set where if you do 125k worth of exp before 3am monday and get 2 wins after that you get a small premium tank of your choice from a list of 5 possibles. Exp multipliers from first victories and premium accounts do count towards that 125k so doing your dailies on 12-15 tanks each day will about do it.

New players- make sure you know about the personal missions and have them active. Even if you arent really working on them you'll complete the occasional one and the extra creds will be handy. The reward tank for completing the first set is just a stug more or less like any other, nothing special, apart from being free and having a 100% crew, but the T28 HTC reward tank from the second set is a hoot. Good armor, good gun, great firing arc. Turns like a walrus though, so make sure you have someone covering your ass. Just got mine a couple days ago and its a lot of fun when you dont have a retarded team, and an absolute beast if you get a tier 7 match.


Molten Core Raider
Still enjoy this game quite a bit for all its flaws. Karnrak if you ever want to platoon.


what Suineg set it to
I'll be on tonight name is FlakKnight, I play on US East drop me a line if anyone wants to platoon pretty much anything tier V plus is ok.


Silence, could you try going non-premium a few weeks and let us know how it is?
Half my battles are non-premium. I don't load premium ammo in most (98%) of my fights, so there's that. I do 700+dmg per fight in my M4A3E8 with standard rounds (I only keep 5 rounds premium ammo in my E8). The only thing holding me back at this point is not being in a platoon. Premium acct adds 50% xp and credits...that's it, no PTW stuff.

If you'll note, I only had two rounds premium ammo in the video I posted. 5 premium rounds is 14k credits, so I don't piss them downrange or anywhere if I don't have to. Also, premium rounds resulted in 0 kills that match, and both were spent on one tank that wasn't killed to a premium round.


While any platoon makes the game easier the biggest game-changing tanks in random battles is a toon of well played wolf-packing mediums. You can bring enough firepower\hp\mobility to one side to cause it collapse if you are smart about your plays and once that's done the match is generally won about 80% of the time. The sooner you collapse a side the less effective enemy arty becomes, and the remaining TD/Heavy positions can be flanked.

Your biggest challenge will be the opposing teams mediums, and if they are not wolf packed as well you can pick them off one by one.
Yeah, the wolf packing thing is huge if you get others that are sympatico. I've stomped other teams with other MT's in less than 1:30, and have lead curb-stomping charges with my Chaffee. I guess it's time to roll a platoon that uses headsets and voice coms.

I'm still a newbish though. Just over 1k fights.


what Suineg set it to
The new physics and handbrakes look amazing. Light tanks will be much muuuuccchhh better with the extra maneuverability afforded by the overpowered hp/ton and proper braking.


Vyemm Raider
I play higher tier Cancer Primarily but I enjoy some mid tier med/heavy action as well if someone sees me online ill play. (Kirss)

God I love the GC (From today as per SS):



Bronze Baron of the Realm
They're nefing view range on arty...not sure why. But it was announced a few days ago.


what Suineg set it to
Arty are bad enough, they needn't be able to spot for themselves on some maps as well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Added a bunch of you guys for platoons. Less pubbies the better. Finally got my Ace Tanker in my Pershing. Can't believe I didn't take a shot at that IS-6. Came back to bite me in the ass.




Bronze Baron of the Realm
Trying to finish my master tanker. Annoying as hell. I haven't played really low tiers in probably 2 years or so. I need 5 more tanks all tier 1 or 2 and having no luck. Rare to get it in a match and then even harder to be the one to kill it.

Also late at night tier 2 matches have 2-3 minute waits to get into a game and then guaranteed to get at least 1-2 gold sellers per match. Annoying. I believe all the tanks I was missing were ones added after I stopped playing that low of tanks. Pretty sure I just free exp past all that now.

Was going to work thru the missions but when I found out you had to platoon for some of them I cancelled that plan. 15k matches over 2-3 years and haven't platoooned yet. No need to start now I guess.

3 ace tankers at tier 10 yesterday, all 3 in a loss. Blah!