World of Tanks

Also, fuck the Bulldog. It's such a fragile pile of shit that it's maddening. I have never tracked myself in my Chaffee or T37 or Cromwell B, or any other fast tank. Doing simple shit like driving fast over a nickel in the road in the Bulldog results in broken tracks, and any kind of a hit results in a sea of orange on the lower left hand side of the screen. Sure, it's fighting a different class of opponents than the others, but energetic maneuvering shouldn't fuck it.
If this kind of play style intrigues you then you might want to give the ELC AMX a try. Hit a small bump on the road and you'll be send off to the moon.


It's all kind of moot at this point.

The cheats are way out of hand, and WG are doing nothing about it. My KV-85 got lit by arty at the start of the match...not being spotted and all. Didn't matter where I moved, there was arty. My KV-1S got hit in next to impossible spots...but whatever.

I bought everything through Amazon Payments, so I will have to present a decent case for reversing all charges....easy to do..mebbe.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
WG going full retard on chat banning. Why not just tell people to use the swear filter and ignore people. JFC.

On top of that let's add a reward system for reporting people?????

- there will be a special chat ban category - bans for specific chat channels only ("when it's done it's done")
- currently chat ban is tied to a player and applies to all channels at once
- the chat ban punishments will become more strict and there will be an automatic system that will punish recidivists with longer and longer bans
- anti-record: one player on RU server in 16 battles in a row (all in one day) said over 2000 swear words
- the idea that players will be notified that someone was banned based on your report is good but difficult to implement technically
- the chat system is limited technically to 1000 names in your friendlist and ignore list
- if you swear a lot (like REALLY a lot), WG can chatban you permanently
- complaint review department works 24/7
-players are encouraged to actively use the complaint system, WG will work on it and improve many of its functions including adding some "system of rewards"
- WG recently started a new initiative to reduce swearing in chat with tougher punishments for trolls and vulgar players. In last two weeks, based on this event, the amount of swearing was reduced to one half


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Is War Pack still a thing, the mod that removes vegetation and auto aims and predicts where the tank will be based on its speed, auto aims at weak spots etc...?
WG going full retard on chat banning. Why not just tell people to use the swear filter and ignore people. JFC.

On top of that let's add a reward system for reporting people?????
and you just know that even if WG goes through with those changes they will only be enforced on the RU servers, I don't know whats it like on the NA servers but on EU nobody is giving a shit (see mods, everything is allowed)


Bronze Baron of the Realm
and you just know that even if WG goes through with those changes they will only be enforced on the RU servers, I don't know whats it like on the NA servers but on EU nobody is giving a shit (see mods, everything is allowed)
I got that from another board that has a WG employee in Austin and he commented that it's being tested on RU for future roll out.

Saw a video of the domination game mode that's now on test, will be rolled out for a short duration on regular servers at some point. Looked dumb, but whatever. Carry the flag from your base to the opposite one to get points Just wish they would put as much effort into actually fixing stuff, but I'm guessing they have to roll out new shit now that they might actually have competition.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
So I'm heavily invested in the German line all the way to tier 10 in the E100, E50M etc...

So I decided to invest some more in the medium line that leads to the Leopard 1.

OMG any tips for the Vk far can't see any positive to it. Tempted to just free exp thru it but I'm saving some up. Already had all the guns unlocked, but still need the top engine and of course to get thru the Indien Panzer. Haven't played tier 7 in a LONG time...ugh. Got a 4 skill crew in it tho it probably doesn't need controlled impact.

And oh yeah the tier 9 Patton is gettin a buff. Aim time and DPM, a few other things but I forgot.


what Suineg set it to
So I'm heavily invested in the German line all the way to tier 10 in the E100, E50M etc...

So I decided to invest some more in the medium line that leads to the Leopard 1.

OMG any tips for the Vk far can't see any positive to it. Tempted to just free exp thru it but I'm saving some up. Already had all the guns unlocked, but still need the top engine and of course to get thru the Indien Panzer. Haven't played tier 7 in a LONG time...ugh. Got a 4 skill crew in it tho it probably doesn't need controlled impact.

And oh yeah the tier 9 Patton is gettin a buff. Aim time and DPM, a few other things but I forgot.
30.02D is a great brawler. Not sure why you are having problems except you have to brawl at top tier and hide/flank at bottom tier in it to make it work]. It's very much the E-50M of tier 7 mediums.

Indien is a shitbox, though. It's the original Type 61 - decent gun surrounded by pure shit. It's too slow, has no acceleration, the mantlet is marginal and the turret sticks out like a sore thumb. GFL.

Proto is OK though.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Feels like it's stuck in the mud at all times, hard to manauver even around a heavy.


what Suineg set it to
OMG any tips for the Vk far can't see any positive to it. Tempted to just free exp thru it but I'm saving some up. Already had all the guns unlocked,but still need the top engineand of course to get thru the Indien Panzer. Haven't played tier 7 in a LONG time...ugh. Got a 4 skill crew in it tho it probably doesn't need controlled impact.
Well... it helps a tiny bit.

The problem is tier 8 is a huge jump in quality across the board. T7 just sucks for pretty much everything comparably. Top tier the 30.02D wrecks, bottom it's basically useless.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Anyone have opinions on the t54 proto. I could use a premium soviet medium and it's either that or the Matilda. I have fun into very few t54 protos so far to judge it.


what Suineg set it to
It is exceptional at top tier, can still compete against 9s and (no surprise really) is just complete trash against tier 10s - you'll have to go after scouts/meds/arty. A bit slower than most mediums but not horrible, it still has a bit of hovercraft in it so you don't feel it quite as much in combat. Averaging it out, I'd say it's definitely worth it if you can use a soviet medium trainer. Both it and Rudy are great for that if no other reason.


And for the counterpart: The Matilda IV is essentially a normal Matilda which replaces the rapid-firerailgunsqueezebore with a generic Soviet 76mm i.e. it's worse than the stock tank. I mean, it's better than the Matilda BP premium but then again so's syphilis.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Didn't realise the soviet medium line sucks for training with some tanks being short and others having a certain posistion. I guess I'll just wait for the patton buff to go live lol.

Also it sucks when you watch a replay on youtube and try to rotate the camera around while wathing


what Suineg set it to
Well, it does do the on/off again position thing but that's why Rudy and T54 mod 1 are great. In fact, I think even the Matilda IV has the tier 10 crew layout?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I guess I'm going to scale back in WoT after todays patch. Maybe look for something else. I don't think they have any plans to fix anything. They added a bunch of stuff that just broke more stuff today and didn't fix anything, like the numerous major issues.

The highlight today was now there's a pop up enabled as default that says critial hit and other stuff each time you get one but it randomly moves around the screen and at times covers up the tank you are shooting. It's called performance badges if you want to turn it off, which is real intuitive in the middle of a game to find.