World of Tanks


Log Wizard
Through a meme dankly it treads.

Second shot I took it erased 1500 hp from an IS-7. Instant teleport back to the garage.



Log Wizard
Event done. Finally tally: T57, IS-7, Progetto 65, FV 4005, Jagdpanzer E 100, Charioteer. AMD 178B. Those 150k credit games will be missed.


Log Wizard
I had a game the other day in my FV4005; I was spotted and wiped out by a TVP 50/51 in the first 3 minutes. Such is the life of the Dankmobile driver. It's HUGE, has NO camo and NO armor.

The very next match, I went down the medium line in search of dankness. I found it. - 1 TVP 50/51


I was always reluctant to get the IS-7 but got it last month. It's waaaay better than the stats let on, and it can be fucking hard as hell to dig out if driven by a smart player. It is faster than a lot of TX mediums, has fast reload, and somewhat reliable armor. And...the gun. It's shit on paper, but in practice is amazing. The last game of tonight, I took ten shots. All but two were snap shots, and they hit. 80% hit rate on snap shots. This is common.

It is fast, so I roll up first to most engagement points. Fast travel, fast reload, good damage = solid early game damage. I had almost 2k damage before our mediums even started jerking off.

I hit the cupola of a hull down T30 and sent him back to the garage. This is a hard ask in a lot of my TD's but the IS-7 hits shots like this without trying hard.

It's fun to meet STRV 103B drivers who don't know about overmatch mechanics. The IS-7 has 130MM gun, so it will pen and hit for full damage all the time.


It easily stacks up damage. It is a WN8 padder for sure. This is an average match in it:


Fight #25,000. Me in my Super Hellcat. Mostly even fight on MM and player skill. At one point we were 6-11 and a loss was certain. I had a great arty and I would spot and whistle away. Not an amazing fight on my part, but we came back from a loss and I completed my 25,000th fight with a win.


It's still a fun game. Here's a screenshot of a Ukranian airliner flying into our zone:

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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
WOT doing 'Black Market' auctions again. 20K gold starting bid for a Type 59 'G' (gold) atm, 5:30 hrs left to 'bid'



Log Wizard
This letting idiots borrow tier 10 tanks has utterly fucked up playing at that level. There are people that aren't cut out playing at tier 4 running around in t10 tanks. I have to question why every decision WG makes is a bad decision. I have to work on fixing t10 win rates after this event ends.

Hover med


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Well I played Black Market auction and won a Black 58 Mutz when I woke up this morning, but the first match I hoped into apparently everyone else did as well. Dunno if I over paid.