World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
Not sure how true this is but how retarded ActiBlizz been I wouldn't be surprised if its true.

View attachment 212764
Activision turning the screws and the workplace turning generally toxic doesn't surprise me. Not sure if the substance of the posts are LARP or not but the environment is probably legit toxic. EA poisoned the well of companies they gobbled up, Activision probably does the same. These people should strike iron while it's hot - this economy is booming. No need to stay in a shithole and be miserable if you don't want to be.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So FFXIV is the #1 MMO now?

Everything in that rumor post is believable sadly. If it's true why hasn't Tigoles or Furor left yet before Blizzard totally goes down the tubes.

Squishing all the way down to 60? That just sounds terrible. Going backwards in levels just makes me to not even consider the next expansion.
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<Silver Donator>
Oh fuck Diablo 4 is Hellgate 2? Fuck this dumb ass shit if it's true. Also that story pitch looks like the worst shit every written. Whole point of Diablo is you kill a bunch of demons. What you gonna kill if you fight Angels, just well, Angels? Do they have any other monsters? Or do the Angels get the Demons to protect them.

Damn that souds like shit. Overwatch 2 at least looks like it'd be a decent way to make money. The writing sounds like some tumblr post but the gameplay elements I could see working.

So FFXIV is the #1 MMO now?

Everything in that rumor post is believable sadly. If it's true why hasn't Tigoles or Furor left yet before Blizzard totally goes down the tubes.

Squishing all the way down to 60? That just sounds terrible.
I still have a hard time believing that, as someone who plays XIV. I can't believe wow dropped under 1m, it was still several millions a few years ago and while it's been bleeding subs profusely I can't wrap my head around BFA somehow making them lose like almost everyone. XIV is doing alright mind you, steady growth, highest sub amount since Stormblood's expansion(and that's BEFORE ShB launch), so that's cool but 1million isn't like, crazy subs either. I just can't believe wow would be under 1m. Don't you need a sub for the Classic beta and shit? Just that should be a fair amount.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Oh fuck Diablo 4 is Hellgate 2? Fuck this dumb ass shit if it's true. Also that story pitch looks like the worst shit every written. Whole point of Diablo is you kill a bunch of demons. What you gonna kill if you fight Angels, just well, Angels? Do they have any other monsters? Or do the Angels get the Demons to protect them.

Damn that souds like shit. Overwatch 2 at least looks like it'd be a decent way to make money. The writing sounds like some tumblr post but the gameplay elements I could see working.

I still have a hard time believing that, as someone who plays XIV. I can't believe wow dropped under 1m, it was still several millions a few years ago and while it's been bleeding subs profusely I can't wrap my head around BFA somehow making them lose like almost everyone. XIV is doing alright mind you, steady growth, highest sub amount since Stormblood's expansion(and that's BEFORE ShB launch), so that's cool but 1million isn't like, crazy subs either. I just can't believe wow would be under 1m. Don't you need a sub for the Classic beta and shit? Just that should be a fair amount.

BFA is really fucking bad, I am sure this has been coming for a long time but really when you put the classic version of the game next to the current you can’t deny something very important was lost along the way.
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Scaling (the world is always the same level as you, barring the brief period after your just leveling), the lack of any actual meaningful benefit to gaining levels (it is actually a 'penalty' going from Legion to BfA. You lose SO MUCH), and pushing fucking everything in the game as an eSport (M+, PVP, World First Raiding, etc) has severely neutered the game and removed the feeling of an actual RPG.
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Tranny Chaser
Not sure how true this is but how retarded ActiBlizz been I wouldn't be surprised if its true.

View attachment 212764


Truly they live in a golden age that will last forever.


I find the Diablo thing hard to believe for the fact that why would they be working on two lootershooters at the same time in the company? Granted, Starcraft was cancelled but still. No way would they ever give the go-ahead to develop both of those alongside each other.

Then again they were once developing two MMOs at the same time, so whatever I guess.

I really only play out of habit and cause it's essentially free at this point though.
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<Bronze Donator>
why would they be working on two lootershooters at the same time in the company?
I honestly believe that Blizzard management thought the Diablo franchise was dead. It took to long between 2 and 3, initial reception to D3 was between lukewarm and outright hostility. Remember the RMAH? Yeah, that went really well with the community. So they canceled the 2nd expansion for D3.

Management thought that Diablo (as a isometric dungeon crawler) isn't that complex and could work as a first entry on mobile to test the waters, so they outsorced that shit as a test balloon. They never expected the Blizzcon reaction (Wyatt Chengs face makes these funny "wtf is going on?" and "i hope they don't riot and lynch me" reactions), so they started to scramble D4 production post Blizzcon 2018 so they have something to show for 2019.

But with Activision breathing down Blizzards neck no one wants to touch the corpse of a dead franchise inside Blizzard, and Looter Shooters were a hit with Destiny/Division. Especially as a live service with expansion passes and nickel-and-diming the audience. Anthem wasn't a smoking crater at the time yet, so it is entirely plausible they tried something that would trigger the Diablo fans.

Because when did Blizzard in recent years understand what the fans want? You think you do, but you really don't.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I am not sure how they thought Diablo franchise was dead though. I mean yeah pretty much nobody plays Diablo 3 because it's such a terrible game but when you look at box sales goddamn that game made them so much fucking money it's embarrassing.

Starcraft 2 is the same thing, these franchises they have made that put them on the map have been abandoned. Why have they never released a Warcraft 4 and use it to build on lore which can later be expanded in WoW.

Overall everything I have heard about Blizzard comes down to World of Warcraft and the success and money off that one game piled so high to the fucking sky that it was hookers and blow for all. They pulled people off other projects and everything going forward was designed around WoW. I mean here is a simple example Diablo series was never about main stat and normalized damage. I mean the fucking weapon type and damage has never meant shit in Diablo 3 that's how stupid their design philosophies got. Also lets not forget how Blizzard just gave the middle finger to Blizzard North.

I want to point out again Dota and how it came from a Bliz game and Blizzard had every chance to embrace that shit but since they are arrogant cocksuckers sniffing their own shit they let what turned into a multi-billion dollar industry slip through their fucking hands because they weren't willing to pay the guy who made it. Now shit like League of Legends and Dota just shit out piles of money and get those microtransaction dollars while Blizzard once again thinking they know better made HOTS which is terrible.

When you look even at the old developers and how they talk about the game they seem to have vastly different views with Blizzard and vehemently disagree with the direction of World of Warcraft. Watch Kevin Jordan, Mark Kern, or John Staats they hold their tongues the best they can but even with refraining from openly shitting on the company it's pretty clear how they feel about the new management.


Keep in mind, concerning Diablo 3, that there was a very popular deal to 'promise to pay' for WoW for a year and you got a copy of the game for free. Almost everyone I knew who played at the time did that.
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<Bronze Donator>
I am not sure how they thought Diablo franchise was dead though.
Because it was below expectations, especially in a post-WoW Blizzard. Blizzard: "Look at the millions of sold copies!" - Activision: "Yeah, but does it print money monthly like WoW?"

They already tried to develop Diablo 3 after the success of Diablo 2, but the developers at Blizzard North wanted to do something different, while management wanted to milk the cow as long as possible. So the people at Blizzard North left and no one wanted to touch Diablo inside Blizzard. In part because no one felt attached to the project, and in part because they didn't have enough talent. Talent that was bound in the development of WoW, which got nearly canceled because some of the WoW developers also left (amongst them the one responsible for the network protocol) who later founded ArenaNet.

You have to realize they bankrolled Diablo 3 development not because of their love for the franchise, but because of revenue promises. And in those projections most likely were projections for a steady revenue stream from the RMAH. Which in turn was an unmitigated disaster and was canceled. Hence it was no longer "profitable enough", so no 2nd expansion which, from the rumors, was in preproduction already.

Also the arrogance level is not just at Blizzard. Look at every fucking AAA studio, scrambling to get a live service business model going. They are all doing that because of Blizzard and WoW. Well, now because of PUBG and Fortnite. Even BioWare thought they could do nothing wrong.
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Molten Core Raider
The only reason I still play this game is because I enjoy raiding. I am not even remotely interested in any of the 8.2 shit. I use to min/max my toons now I just log in to raid and do the minimum possible to still be able to raid.

Classic will save these guys though. It'll give them a free pass until the next retail expansion, so they just have to not fuck that one up too hard.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The only reason I still play this game is because I enjoy raiding. I am not even remotely interested in any of the 8.2 shit. I use to min/max my toons now I just log in to raid and do the minimum possible to still be able to raid.

Classic will save these guys though. It'll give them a free pass until the next retail expansion, so they just have to not fuck that one up too hard.

They can probably milk a lot of free money just by releasing Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath which if they do them 2 years a part could get them through to 2025 pretty damn easy. That is if the clowns who work at Blizzard can keep their hands off it and not start trying to put their own unique imprint on them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The only reason I still play this game is because I enjoy raiding. I am not even remotely interested in any of the 8.2 shit. I use to min/max my toons now I just log in to raid and do the minimum possible to still be able to raid.

It's funny because I'm in the opposite camp. I am really looking forward to this patch because I just want a bunch of shit to grind. My biggest gripe with BFA has been that I log in and don't have a whole lot to do. Most of the problems I had at launch have been patched away.

I tried FF14 and found it to be unbearably bland and even more streamlined in it's game-flow.

I imagine the next expansion will be a huge desperation move for Blizz in the way that Legion was and we will all end up sucking from the teat once more.
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