World of Warcraft: Classic

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Yea me either. I solo fine but in groups I chase things around and try to get it away from the squishies with very little success. Defense stance taunt seems like is the only thing that works and it has a cooldown. The electric shock thing they just seem to ignore. 2 or 3 sunder armors can work in between taunts.

I think I trained a new aggro shout thing I've yet to try.

Abilities which have extra threat or should be used for threat:

Heroic Strike - Not really good to use, since it kills your rage generation for the white hit you could have made
Sunder armor - instant so it doesn't kill rage gen, use this primarily. 3+ stacks of sunder and the mob should be glued to you
Revenge - the main reason to use a shield, active after a block which you should almost always have up if you're using Shield Block
Demo Shout - not a lot of threat, but good for when you charge into a group and are trying to get initial aggro
Cleave - This has almost as much threat as HS, but hits 2 mobs. But again kills your rage gen so not that good
Thunder Clap - decent threat, but more about mitigation. Use once and switch to def stance. Tactical Mastery talent is a must here
Shield Bash - your spell interrupt, also does threat so if you're fighting a melee mob this is fine to throw in for threat.

Here's a scenario: You're in a dungeon, and faced with 4 mobs. You charge in, hit demo shout, then thunder clap, then switch to def stance. From there, shield block and try to get sunder up on each mob via tab targeting. Go back to primary target mob (assuming that the group is not aoe'ing) and stack sunder to 5 and hit them with revenge when you can. Optionally you can periodically add a sunder to each mob if you're way ahead on threat on the primary. Once the primary mob is dead, lather rinse and repeat for each mob with sunder, shield block and revenge being priority, and using Heroic Strike if you have excess rage.

If a mob manages to get loose here, disregard the mobs that are on you, and taunt the mob off the dude who pulled aggro and then sunder that mob several times. SAVE TAUNT for this situation. If you're already ahead on threat, taunt does nothing except waste a cooldown.

The other common one is you want to pull 1 mob because the pack is too big. In this case, go def stance, hit blood rage to generate some rage, and pull the one mob with your ranged wep. Once you get the mob where you want Immediately start sundering and then shield block + revenge spam and you're good.

Understanding threat, mob positioning, and pulling is the key to amazing your friends and colleagues with your amazing 1337 tanking skillz in a 15 year old game :)
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Molten Core Raider
I imagine there will be a few who feel the same way. For me personally I am enjoying the hell out of the game for the most part. Something about this version of the game is so much more appealing than the current one. Everything from dungeons to the slower leveling the single difficulty all are vastly more fun than the scaling aids that is retail.

One thing I am reminded of for sure so far is just how balls deep players will go these days. No matter how hard you shit sock someone out there is going to shit sock harder. I will be hitting 60 today or tomorrow and I feel like I have put in an obscene amount of hours over the last couple of weeks, between the queue, playing the game, helping people out, and just playing the game.

I didn’t go ape dick retard mongo cleave dungeon spam like the retard zoomers, or follow some guide that auto piloted the game for me, no I inefficienly flew hours back and forth to complete one quest only to drop that shit from my log to pick it back up an hour later. I am sure I could of cut a few days off the leveling but in the end I feel the guys just enjoying the ride are having the best time. It has also been amazing to see the level of participation overall from the community here. While a good number have split off onto different servers or factions we still have about 150ish people playing with about 70 on even during prime time 4 hour queue windows and we seem to be adding more daily truely an awesome experience.

The downsides to playing like a manic the last couple of weeks though is I know I have wasted my time and some by taking a break more I oddly probably would have leveled faster, I have also had a couple of times after longer than normal play sessions finding myself to get irritated at shit that normally wouldn’t bother me, so I’ll probably cut back to more reasonable hours soon enough, the positive side with having Sebudai leading this with me is the board has picked up a fair number of new registered users as well even though I am sure many will simply lurk.
Another thing is there are other games i like to put time into right now. I love Rocket League and i play it quite frequently. Same with Fortnite, i got a few youngsters who are sweats and carry me to victories lol its fun! So, i do enjoy other games, when i was into mmo's in my 20's the only other game i enjoyed at the time was the NFL2K series. I wasnt into shooters as a youngstser, now i fucking love them. So it opened up a whole new gaming world for me.


Watcher of Overs
I had people telling me to do the 4 mob scenario above. But I was always lost and had no idea where we were going. Sometimes they would skip stuff. I have no idea what to skip or in what order or when to shoot gun vs charge. And I'd charge and I could hit one ability and then I was out of rage. If I switched to defensive I'd have nothing left and spend awhile just swinging.

The only thing I've seen work is regular old Taunt. And it only works for a bit.


Log Wizard
1st you need tactical mastery for that.

Tank is the one role where you have to know the dungeon pretty fucking well. You have to know what mobs do what, how bosses work, etc. I used to have everything about BRD memorized because of that. All those cute little shortcuts (and ~14 bosses, etc).


Log Wizard
Demo shout used to cause next to no aggro back in the day. I used it more for mitigation than anything.

Now I play a hunter, I have no idea where anything is anymore because I'm old and I have no idea what I'm doing. It's great. It would also be great if my pet chased a mob instead of running next to it and trying to attack it sideways.

This new shit is buggy, everything works differently under the hood. Even dungeons seem much easier. Fleeing mobs don't seem to aggro other mobs unless you chase them which hands down makes it easier. I'm kinda disappointed that it's not more brutal.


The fleeing mobs thing is completely broken in several areas. I've had fleeing mobs go through 2 packs and then park it in a corner for 2-3 minutes at 5% just waiting.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I had people telling me to do the 4 mob scenario above. But I was always lost and had no idea where we were going. Sometimes they would skip stuff. I have no idea what to skip or in what order or when to shoot gun vs charge. And I'd charge and I could hit one ability and then I was out of rage. If I switched to defensive I'd have nothing left and spend awhile just swinging.

The only thing I've seen work is regular old Taunt. And it only works for a bit.

What level are you? Multimob tanking below level 20 or so is kinda tough because you don't have much in the way of skills, talents or gear that makes it easier.

But trust me, if you prioritize those abilities I listed you'll hold aggro just fine. You might want to pick up a threat-meter of some kind as well.
If you don't believe me, go find an elite mob somewhere and a dps and a healer, and have them try to take aggro from you. First do whatever you were doing, and then try doing it my way. Just make sure they give you a second or 2 to get a threat lead on them.

Warrioring in Vanilla definitely isn't easy, if you want to be good you have to know your class inside and out, and also know every dungeon layout you'll be tanking.


Cleave doesn't have any additional aggro component like Heroic does. It's only really used when rage capped aoe tanking, which is rare at lower levels, or when dps'ing and threat capped so you're not adding additional threat from Heroic.

With the hotfix, there will probably be a bunch more tab->sunder->tab tanking now. AoE tanking is actually a difficult rotation if trying to use thunderclap repeatedly or hold off a mage aoe'ing.


Watcher of Overs
I am 30 now, but I think I was 22 or so when I was having trouble in that super windy dungeon with fruity elves and a sleeping person and a cow.

I had no idea what to spend talents on so I think I just randomly picked some. I've probably got a bunch saved up now.

I did stocks a day or two ago and that's where I really started experimenting. I had stances on my side mouse button and z and x and such mapped to stuff, but a hunter was pulling so I couldn't charge. Eventually I just stayed in defensive because none of the battle area things did a damn thing. Sounds like reading above there are bugs with that stuff.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
When it comes to tanking in classic things like Tactical Mastery and Anger Management are must haves just for the additional rage and being able to stance dance to use abilities. As for keeping shit on you with so many dipshits going hog wild on AOE there is no way to hold agro on everything. Best you can do is hold as many as you can to simply focus the high priority targets. Sometimes it's best just to let one mob free roam and ass bang the retard mage so he stops casting arcane explosion for 5 seconds and runs around so you can pick up the others.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
lol at all the level 120s there first defending the current mechanics, then getting very butthurt over the blue post
  • 1Worf
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
It is more about the journey for me since I didn't do it the first time. In original I had a 40something rogue, and I think later I got a priest to 50ish, but I totally don't remember the priest.

I have chars that are high lvl and i couldn't tell you a thing about playing them, 15 years
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not too worried about the aoe meta dying but more worried about people actually having to learn to HIT THE FUCKING TARGET I MARKED


  • 2Worf
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not too worried about the aoe meta dying but more worried about people actually having to learn to HIT THE FUCKING TARGET I MARKED


F you, hold threat on whatever I want to dps, shitty tank, /kick.

I will however go and pretend I'm a useful rogue and dps caster mobs that deciding to just stand at range and dps because who gives a shit who they hit with their spells since armor doesn't matter at that point. And maybe I can stun them or something *trying to live my class fantasy*


Registered Hodor
not too worried about the aoe meta dying but more worried about people actually having to learn to HIT THE FUCKING TARGET I MARKED




I had a hunter, and even worse - a mage, who kept doing this last night

It rustles my jimmies to even type this
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