World of Warcraft: Current Year


Got something right about marriage
Yea I know nothing about Legion so if you care about playing in the expac I'm no help.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It didn't take but a couple of weeks to see most of the expansion at least from the casual side. Just reached the tomb part of the ring, unlocked flying, did most of the garrison garbage, which was fun enough. I recently reformatted my computer and decided I was going to fully prep for Legion and make a decent UI from top to bottom...tried ElvUI goddamn that shit is overwhelming and makes me wanna quit altogether.


<Gold Donor>
One nice thing is in legion the boost to 100 has a free trial basically you can play till the end of their level 100 boost intro stuff that shows you how to play that class a bit. You don't use up the boost until you exit that area so I would HIGHLY recommend trying both and then see which you like better. Frost mage seems to be in a good spot and I have been hearing good things about arcane and fire as well. The fire artifact is pretty hilarious it has a random hidden passive of randomly when you kill things their bodies burst into flame and smolder while on the ground. Outlaw rogues seem pretty fun I have not tried the other two sorts yet.

Characters you play is pretty much personal preference although if you want to try raids ranged dps tends to have an easier time getting in as melee is getting kinda stacked as the last three new classes added were all melee.

Note do not use the boost to 100 prior to the initial prepatch goes live for legion. If you do it prior to then I believe it just dumps you outside your garrison at level 100 and uses up your boost. If you want to try a few specs/classes out before commiting wait for the legion pre patch to start in a month or so.
I can confirm this is the case. I blew mine just this weekend on an enhancement shaman (new character) and it dropped me outside the garrison or something with the quest to jump into the Tanaan Jungle bit. I was bored by the time I freed the ship builder dude. Wasted 100 boost *poof*! I'd been sitting on it since pre-orders went live so whatever.


Got something right about marriage
Enhancement is probably the worst spec to try to boost and jump back into. They are one of the few specs that still has a ton of tools so it can be a bit overwhelming but they also have an extremely boring rotation which can get filled with a lot of empty time not pressing anything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can confirm this is the case. I blew mine just this weekend on an enhancement shaman (new character) and it dropped me outside the garrison or something with the quest to jump into the Tanaan Jungle bit. I was bored by the time I freed the ship builder dude. Wasted 100 boost *poof*! I'd been sitting on it since pre-orders went live so whatever.
Plus side at least enhance shaman are doing pretty good in legion. I played with one a good bit and other than maybe some tweaks for self healing and defense cool downs they are pretty damn fun. Lots of good abilities and are doing really good damage from what I was seeing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Enhancement is probably the worst spec to try to boost and jump back into. They are one of the few specs that still has a ton of tools so it can be a bit overwhelming but they also have an extremely boring rotation which can get filled with a lot of empty time not pressing anything.
That is pretty much not the case on legion any more. Weird thing is in legion I have even more things to push than I do on live its like the opposite of ability pruning. The main change is no more totems other than ones granted by talents. The aoe is a bit more straight forward this expansion. It is a spender called crash lightning which looks really amazing and hits really hard in the area around you and then empowers your lava lash/storm strike to hit multi targets for a few seconds. One small bit of oddness in legion is that enhance shaman have a number of short duration buffs that if you are good at keeping them all rolling really amps up your DPS a lot.

The wolves seem a bit weaker by default but the doomhammer traits seem to stack a lot of enhancments onto the wolves so I think that may be intentional.


<Gold Donor>
Enhancement is probably the worst spec to try to boost and jump back into. They are one of the few specs that still has a ton of tools so it can be a bit overwhelming but they also have an extremely boring rotation which can get filled with a lot of empty time not pressing anything.
I believe it. It just wasn't fun, totems felt clunky/gutted etc. Ultimately I'm leveling my 90 affliction lock and having a lot of fun after not playing since right after WoD launched and I saw what garrisons were going to be like. I'm only going to do what I have to in order to progress the story with my warlocks garrison gold be damned! I'm probably the odd one out but I'mreallylooking forward to the demonology changes. I never liked the metamorphosis when I'm supposed to be a pet master. Played a lock @ vanilla release and while they sucked at least it was a spiritual successor to EQ necromancer.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yup I like my current live enhance shaman but they have a lot of weird old legacy stuff that tied mobile melee to the totems that just felt weird and bad. In legion the only totems are from specific talents mostly crowd/control/movement type things or some ones from pvp. Also lightning bolt which for much of WOD needed to be prioritized and even hard cast non instant cast is pretty much a pulling spell now. You can talent it to make it hit decently hard but overall you don't use it much. They are very much a melee mage type class now and I actually have more active rotational abilities in beta than exists on live which is different than a lot of classes who had some ability pruning. Most of the enhance shaman pruning was side ways of cutting totems and adding actual melee powers in their place. The biggest loss is the elementals as a long duration damage CD. Still fully filled in artifact trait the ghost wolves do pretty much the same job on shorter cooldowns.

Overall and this is coming from somebody who mained enhance shaman through pandaria and cata enhance seems to be overall in a really good spot currently on legion beta. The main issues currently are some complaints about mobility but overall I seem about as mobile as I have ever been and we lost our main defense and got it swapped with a different one that seems to be on a bit longer CD. Also for a while our heals were a bit weak but that seems to have gotten fixed and I did not have any major complaints about it myself. That also mostly falls into balance pass type stuff mechanically they are pretty well set for a fun expansion.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I believe it. It just wasn't fun, totems felt clunky/gutted etc. Ultimately I'm leveling my 90 affliction lock and having a lot of fun after not playing since right after WoD launched and I saw what garrisons were going to be like. I'm only going to do what I have to in order to progress the story with my warlocks garrison gold be damned! I'm probably the odd one out but I'mreallylooking forward to the demonology changes. I never liked the metamorphosis when I'm supposed to be a pet master. Played a lock @ vanilla release and while they sucked at least it was a spiritual successor to EQ necromancer.
on live also take echo of elements talent it really makes their rotation feel SOOOOO much better. It may not be the optimal DPS in some fights but overall it makes enhance shaman in WOD play really well.


Got something right about marriage
I believe it. It just wasn't fun, totems felt clunky/gutted etc. Ultimately I'm leveling my 90 affliction lock and having a lot of fun after not playing since right after WoD launched and I saw what garrisons were going to be like. I'm only going to do what I have to in order to progress the story with my warlocks garrison gold be damned! I'm probably the odd one out but I'mreallylooking forward to the demonology changes. I never liked the metamorphosis when I'm supposed to be a pet master. Played a lock @ vanilla release and while they sucked at least it was a spiritual successor to EQ necromancer.
Metamorphosis made absolutely no sense. The pet master spec instead turns into a tank to get right in your face and instant cast a bunch of shit? What? In my opinion it's the most fun warlock spec in WoD but it completely alienated the pet fans


Blackwing Lair Raider
Demo makes SO much more sense now and plays pretty solid. The old meta was weird at some points it was hard to tell if they wanted you in melee or not. The new demo aoe radiates from the demons so you don't have to jump into the scrum to aoe.


Trakanon Raider
Yup I like my current live enhance shaman but they have a lot of weird old legacy stuff that tied mobile melee to the totems that just felt weird and bad. In legion the only totems are from specific talents mostly crowd/control/movement type things or some ones from pvp. Also lightning bolt which for much of WOD needed to be prioritized and even hard cast non instant cast is pretty much a pulling spell now. You can talent it to make it hit decently hard but overall you don't use it much. They are very much a melee mage type class now and I actually have more active rotational abilities in beta than exists on live which is different than a lot of classes who had some ability pruning. Most of the enhance shaman pruning was side ways of cutting totems and adding actual melee powers in their place. The biggest loss is the elementals as a long duration damage CD. Still fully filled in artifact trait the ghost wolves do pretty much the same job on shorter cooldowns.

Overall and this is coming from somebody who mained enhance shaman through pandaria and cata enhance seems to be overall in a really good spot currently on legion beta. The main issues currently are some complaints about mobility but overall I seem about as mobile as I have ever been and we lost our main defense and got it swapped with a different one that seems to be on a bit longer CD. Also for a while our heals were a bit weak but that seems to have gotten fixed and I did not have any major complaints about it myself. That also mostly falls into balance pass type stuff mechanically they are pretty well set for a fun expansion.
Really happy to hear this, as I have just come back after 5 years away (beginning of Cata I think?) to my one and only character, an enhance shaman. Have had some fun levelling from 85 through MoP content and this week have started going through the story in WoD. Looks like I'll remain with the shammy in Legion too. Just need to decide what class to burn my free lvl90 on!


Outlaw rogue sounds like it's doing good
It's been lambasted for being almost vanilla levels of primitive and for being wholly RNG-dependent. Apparently your rotation is the renamed equivalents of Sinister Strike, Slice & Dice and Eviscerate, and the finisher gives you a random buff where some of them are hugely powerful and others are completely worthless. Your DPS will fluctuate by like 30% based on which buff you get, and you have no control over it. You just spam your three buttons and hope to get the good buffs. It's basically the mindless button-mashing idiot spec for ultra-casuals who have no concept of their own performance and just like to see "fun" randomness and piratey sound effects.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's been lambasted for being almost vanilla levels of primitive and for being wholly RNG-dependent. Apparently your rotation is the renamed equivalents of Sinister Strike, Slice & Dice and Eviscerate, and the finisher gives you a random buff where some of them are hugely powerful and others are completely worthless. Your DPS will fluctuate by like 30% based on which buff you get, and you have no control over it. You just spam your three buttons and hope to get the good buffs. It's basically the mindless button-mashing idiot spec for ultra-casuals who have no concept of their own performance and just like to see "fun" randomness and piratey sound effects.
It is not overall a ton different than combat is on live. The main differences is on live you have revealing strike by default and outlaws have to talent for it if they want that and the guile buff stuff. Attack wise its not that much different than what they have had for a long time now. They are pretty RNG now although if you want to just have slice and dice that is an option. I think the roll the bones thing though could be fine with a bit more tweaking such as having the jolly rodger effect have some extra boost other than just self heal. I can see leet raiders being not super happy with them because with the right roll the bones rolls your damage can swing from good to holy wtf did I just do to them. I think it will average out fine but there are going to be cases where the RNG was displeased with you and it just would not feel awesome. But then you also have those times when you are riding the lightning and when you can maintain the max procs of RTB you can do some freaking sick damage.

I think that probably will be something that gets tweaked a few times during the expansion or they give a talent called something like loaded dice where you guarantee a certain level of buffs on the low end. They have the tools to be good in single target and group fights with decent self healing ability especially if you talent for your improved brew.


<WoW Guild Officer>
How are the other rogue specs? I've never liked combat, so hearing that outlaw sucks isn't ruining my day yet.


Toe Sucker
Kinda blows my mind that shit like flying mounts are still gated in WoD, this expansion is horse shit enough as is. Just give me a flying mount so it's a little less shitty to do anything in the game.


Got something right about marriage
WoD is essentially unplayable without flying. And the people who designed Tanaan Jungle can go fuck themselves considering you need to go there and do dailies for like 19 days just to get flying.