World of Warcraft: Current Year


I am about the same but crafting in legion is not the hands off sillyness of WOD. You will have to be actively playing your crafters to get their quests done because most of the recipes appear to come from completion of various quests and you get only the most generic of your new patterns by default. Plus side the crafting quest system seems pretty nifty and a lot more interesting than WOD but its going to take a while to get all our patterns on all our various characters this go round unlike wod where you had 90% of your patterns the moment your garrison is founded.
Yeah I am looking forward to it.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I am about the same but crafting in legion is not the hands off sillyness of WOD.
Yup, that sounds right. Except for the "you need a gathering profession to support your crafting profession... hmmm, except for tailoring, but... ok and enchanting maybe, but they're not real profession, right? After all, they don't make full sets of gear to... oh, tailoring does? Fuck, how do we do that now?"

(at this point, I fully expect tailoring to require plants as "dye" for the clothing, and enchanting to require ores as "mineral crystals foci" or something. Except they don't have much time to completely redo the profession's fantasy)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think they will probably wind up giving you enough other ways to get blood of sargaras to at least get by without going crafting profession/gatherer which is fine. Really somebody who has that gathering skill to feed into their crafting profession probably SHOULD have an easier time making their stuff.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It will be a bit annoying for the traditional enchanter/tailors which was always the common combination but honestly herbalism probably is a more sensible way to make cloth than having to rely on random cloth dropping from NPC's. Still shits going to be weird for a bit given how big of a revamp this is I expect more than a few tweaks both before launch and after.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>

Legion Developer Q&A - Ion Hazzikostas
The Q&A is over and we are in the process of cleaning up the notes below. The Q&A next week covers professions.

Pre-Expansion Patch
The pre-patch date isn't finalized yet, but the timing will be similar to other expansions, some number of weeks before Legion release.
The demon invasion event is live on both beta and PTR.

Personal Loot

Players liked the social feeling from group loot and being able to pass along items they don't need to other players.
In Legion, if you get an item from a dungeon or raid with personal loot that isn't an upgrade for you (lower or equal item level for that slot), you can trade it to another eligible player.

Healer Leveling and Talents

The team put effort into improving healer damage and healer soloing in Legion, so players are now able to level more as a healer more efficiently than they were able to in previous expansions.
A Holy Priest and Shadow Priest won't kill things at the same speed, but the overall difference in time to complete a zone is not meaningfully different now.
DPS still has a small advantage in leveling speed, but healers no longer take 2-3x as long to kill enemies.
There are talents and Artifact traits that will help you level faster as a healer.
You can change your talents around freely when you queue and arrive in a new dungeon, so there is no need to go back to town.

Content Droughts and Expansion Development Timelines
Not having content droughts is a priority for the team. They know that they still haven't managed to eliminate them and that actions speak louder than words here.
When the team set out to make Legion, the goal was to solve the content drought problem by making expansions faster than they have before.
The team made sacrifices along the way to try and make Legion faster.
They discovered along the way that there is a certain amount of time that goes into making an expansion that is up to par with what players expect and deserve.
If an expansion was just some new zones and dungeons, like a bigger patch, they probably could make them faster.
When the team starts adding new systems or classes, it takes time to iterate on the new things and get them right.
The team was too ambitious with their targets when planning for Legion.
The team has learned their lesson and accepted that they can't produce an expansion faster, so the plan moving forward as they start working on the next expansion is to make sure Legion has a lot more patch content.
They want to build on the stories that they are in the middle of telling in an expansion, giving players something to do while they work on the next expansion.
Yearly expansions wouldn't be the best thing for players. Longer expansions give us time to explore the world that was created and time for the team to get the next expansion done right.

Thal'dranath will not be part of Legion.
It won't be a reduction in content delivered to players, just that the team had a better and way cooler idea.
Thal'dranath was yet another ancient elven ruined island that has a heavy Legion presence. There is already a lot of that in Broken Isles.
There are cool new places to explore in the patch content and once players see it they will agree that it is cooler than what Thal'dranath would have been.

Suramar and Storytelling
New content will be added to Suramar during Legion.
There is a good portion of the story of the Nightfallen and Nightborne in the initial release, but there is more of that story to tell.
There were lost opportunities in Warlords, such as the story of Shattrath, the Shadow Council's assault on Shattrath, and the Arakkoa.

In the next beta build there will more more Blood of Sargeras sources.
There are players that are double crafting professions wishing they had a gathering profession now and to some extent that is how it should be.
With Garrisons everyone was self sufficient and there wasn't much of a reason to trade or interact with other players.
The value of BoP crafting materials is that it gives some market power to the crafter.
When you can trade all of the materials used to craft something, all you do is push a button and hope for a tip.

RNG, PvP Gear, and Legendary Items
One option is completely deterministic loot acquisition. Loot is on vendors, so you grind out a currency and then go and purchase the item you wanted. This often feels like a grind.
With randomness, there is a chance for surprise, excitement, unexpected outcomes, and variety.
Randomness with PvP gear in past expansions didn't work well, as you needed a full set to be competitive.
In Legion, you have normalized stats in PvP, so gear is far less important.
Being unlucky when gear doesn't matter as much might make a one item level difference, meaning a fraction of a percent power difference.
The gear you get from PvP is now the same gear you can get from elsewhere in the world, so it is useful for a variety of content.
The team wants to encourage more people to try out PvP, especially if they have written it off in the past because of the time investment or bad experience from being undergeared.
Legendary items are attempting to recapture the spirit of world drops from early World of Warcraft. You could randomly get a really awesome item.
There is some bad luck protection for legendary items, so that you have better odds to get one the longer you go without getting one.
The team doesn't want people to be able to target specific legendary items at launch, but later in the expansion it might make sense to add targeting a specific legendary item.
Allowing legendary items during early Mythic progression was done so that you could use the gear you have. The limit of one legendary equipped should help to reduce the impact they have. A single item isn't out of line with other power disparities in other raid progression races. Heroic Warforged trinkets and other things during the first few weeks were a larger power gap than one legendary item will be. The race won't be won or lost because of a legendary item.

Rough Notes

The pristine server idea was not aimed at the audience that wants Vanilla servers. The other aspects such as community and leveling speed are something that the team is targeting in the live game. Pristine servers aren't coming soon, but the discussion around them is helpful.
Legion is going to be the most alt-friendly expansion in terms of the diversity and replayability of the content. Different Artifacts, Order Halls, zone order, and other parts of the game will be different on each character.
Artifact Knowledge is not account wide. It applies to all Artifact weapons on a single character.
Each week after the expansion launches, it will become faster to earn Artifact Knowledge. It applies to all characters, so alts and people that come back will be able to catch up.
There are a couple dozen levels of Artifact Knowledge to progress through. If you focus on your primary weapon and are 20 traits in, you might have to choose if you want one trait in your main weapon or five in your off-spec weapon. It should be pretty easy to keep off-spec weapons up to around 80% of your main spec weapon.
There are no plans to allow further loosening of the transmog restrictions across weapon types.
Some animations only exist for certain weapon types, so if you transmogged a dagger into a mace, your character would be trying to stab people with a mace.
Some of the artifact unlocks are different weapon types to help players that don't like their Artifact weapon type.
Valor and Valor Upgrades are something that could come back towards the end of Legion, but no plans for it right now.
Time-walking is awesome and the team will continue to expand it going forward.
There will be a World Quest bonus week, with 50% more reputation from world quests.
Weekly events will be taking a month or so break when Legion launches to allow players to focus on leveling and getting ready for dungeons and raids.
DPS numbers are getting up to where they were in Mists of Pandaria, so next expansion will probably have a squish again. This will also be a chance to look at the combat system and see if they can come up with a better solution.
Legendary items can come from world quests, dungeon bosses, raid bosses, PvP strongboxes.
In Warlords, if you were going to daily quests you knew at the start of that session that nothing exciting could happen. The same thing applies if a friend wanted help with a dungeon. Warforged, Titanforged, and legendary items should help to add some excitement.
World quests should occasionally reward Relics, there was a bug in previous builds that prevented this.
The team added new animations and visual effects to melee. New animations and visuals for casters are coming up next, changes will come in patches and expansions rather than all at once.
Specs should be mostly competitive with each other, but some specs will have a niche where they are a little bit better.
Titanforged gear can come from world quests, dungeons, PvP rewards.
In previous expansions, there wasn't much of a reason to do content once you have passed the item level rewarded by the content. In Legion you can get a range of item levels from content, so older content still has a chance to give you something relevant. You could kill a normal dungeon boss and get a Mythic raid item level item! (That has a very very tiny chance of happening)
Flying will be allowed roughly in the middle of Legion. Not in the last content patch, as there will be patches after flying is unlocked.
The team is mostly focusing on tuning now, not lots of bigger changes to mechanics.
A new single target nuke that replaces what Frostfire bolt used to be is coming.
A lot of the interface options have been removed and are staying removed. They were removed for clarity, allowing users to find options they are looking for that are important. There are a lot of options that most players never touched. Most of these things can still be set through console commands. Addons still have access, so someone can make an addon to control the options.
In Legion, Holy Priest is the traditional healer spec while Discipline is more of a healer and damage hybrid. There will be a much bigger difference between the specs than ever before.
Tanks are great at leveling and soloing, even if they kill things slower when killing one at a time they can pull more and survive.
The team occasionally talks about adding a Ulduar style harder mode to a boss. They did it in Terrace of Endless Spring with a harder different kill order for a boss, but not many guilds did it.
There are no plans to add another spec to Demon Hunter at this time. A healing spec didn't make sense and splitting the cool and iconic things from Demon Hunter into two specs doesn't feel great.
There aren't any dungeon sets in Legion, but it is something they are keeping in mind for the future. The Order Hall set is obtained by doing different types of content.
The power of the legendary ring proc and passive will decline as you level. You may use it for a little while at Level 110, but it isn't designed to be powerful in raids. The pre-expansion patch will stop players from starting the legendary ring quest and the expansion release will remove the questline.
I swear these guys are so fucking arrogant at times it's like they are insulated so badly in their Bliz bubble they don't understand how stupid some of the shit they say is.

Not having content droughts is a priority for the team. They know that they still haven't managed to eliminate them and that actions speak louder than words here.
When the team set out to make Legion, the goal was to solve the content drought problem by making expansions faster than they have before.
I don't know how many times they have said this and how many times it turns out to be meaningless. At this point people pretty much know there is going to be about a 2 year cycle between expansions it's about as clockwork as it can get. They should just plan for blocks every 6 months or so, either that or not gate content and just release the full expansions day one and balance it in way that 90% of the content doesn't become meaningless when the next tier is released.

There are players that are double crafting professions wishing they had a gathering profession now and to some extent that is how it should be.
About 12 years to late to be pulling this shit. I guess some people can drop their professions sure, but why fuck over the people who might have patterns and shit that are no longer obtainable. Not sure how punishing double gather or double profession players is a benefit for the game.

With Garrisons everyone was self sufficient and there wasn't much of a reason to trade or interact with other players.
Who's fault was that? So to make up for it they want to pull a 180 not sure why they don't just find a middle ground on this shit.

One option is completely deterministic loot acquisition. Loot is on vendors, so you grind out a currency and then go and purchase the item you wanted. This often feels like a grind.
With randomness, there is a chance for surprise, excitement, unexpected outcomes, and variety.
I never really minded rep grinds unless they were gated behind dailies and other artificial cockblocks, but I don't see how randomly hoping to get pieces you want is any less of a grind? Maybe someone can enlightenment me. Diablo 3 style loot hunting is a grind that's why so many fuckers just botted the ever living fuck out of that game every season.

The team wants to encourage more people to try out PvP, especially if they have written it off in the past because of the time investment or bad experience from being undergeared.
I think it's more due to the clinical nature of PvP in general at least for me. After 100,000 games of Warsong Gulch and the games more decided by which classes or who has healers in their group than gear. I enjoyed the random clashes that happened in the world in Vanilla but that shit is so long gone and MMORPG's don't really work as E-sports no matter how hard they want it to.

Legendary items are attempting to recapture the spirit of world drops from early World of Warcraft. You could randomly get a really awesome item.
Again I am not sure how this was ever the spirit of world drops from back then? I guess there were some cool world drops in Vanilla but in most cases they were still subpar to anything you would get raiding. It was mostly like sweet I can sell this Krol Blade on the AH for cash.

DPS numbers are getting up to where they were in Mists of Pandaria, so next expansion will probably have a squish again. This will also be a chance to look at the combat system and see if they can come up with a better solution.
This could be solved by not going apeshit with the powercreep as well. I still don't get why they need to jump up so high with ilvl each new raid tier if they could tone that shit down a bit not only would previous tiers stay viable they wouldn't need to do this just so numbers stay somewhat reasonable.

I mean it's bad enough that they have 4 difficulty versions these days but wouldn't it make sense to just increase each raid version slightly instead of just leapfrogging the previous tier entirely?

In Warlords, if you were going to daily quests you knew at the start of that session that nothing exciting could happen. The same thing applies if a friend wanted help with a dungeon. Warforged, Titanforged, and legendary items should help to add some excitement.
Titanforged gear can come from world quests, dungeons, PvP rewards.
In previous expansions, there wasn't much of a reason to do content once you have passed the item level rewarded by the content. In Legion you can get a range of item levels from content, so older content still has a chance to give you something relevant. You could kill a normal dungeon boss and get a Mythic raid item level item! (That has a very very tiny chance of happening)
I know they threw our risk vs reward ages ago but it seems so fucking odd to have a chance to get the very best gear in the game from the shittiest low level content. I could be in the minority here but I never liked the idea of Titanforged shit, just as I hate ancient items in D3. It's just a grind on top of a grind.

The power of the legendary ring proc and passive will decline as you level. You may use it for a little while at Level 110, but it isn't designed to be powerful in raids. The pre-expansion patch will stop players from starting the legendary ring quest and the expansion release will remove the questline.
I also don't get this either. It's the same as the cloak as I didn't play MoP but if you are going to make the new welfare legendary that any trash faggot bag of shit get from LFR content and revolve so much of the story around it and then you are going to just nerf it down to oblivion anyways why remove the fucking thing? It would be nice to have the option to go back and see shit I might of missed if I felt the desire. They didn't remove the Fiery Defender in EQ just because it was outdated. I guess I don't get the whole removing content mentality for the game.


Sorry for all of the bitching but I haven't understood the WoW team for a long time now. For every decent idea and forward progression they make it seems they add a few just dumb fuck ideas to counter balance it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This is one of the more dumb changes that I've seen simply because of the nuisance it adds to mythic raiding. You think players are talent swapping too much in dungeons or whatever. Fine. Limit that in dungeons. But in mythic raids we're all going to have to swap to ideal talents when doing progression and putting this dumb road block isn't going to stop it. It'll just add to prep time for people to hearth and then summon.
You think players are swapping too often... what? Why the fuckity fuck would they even care about such a shitty thing? You want to limit respec? You just fucking remove it! Best idea of 2016, you want to change spec? You roll a new character!!!
This is not team B at work, this must be drunk interns or it's actually a joke.

Bah, I'm getting bitter. Legion is going to be a dumb xpack.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You think players are swapping too often... what? Why the fuckity fuck would they even care about such a shitty thing? You want to limit respec? You just fucking remove it! Best idea of 2016, you want to change spec? You roll a new character!!!
This is not team B at work, this must be drunk interns or it's actually a joke.

Bah, I'm getting bitter. Legion is going to be a dumb xpack.
The main problem with rapidly switching on the fly is basically why have talents at all if it happens. Simply give people all three of the talents at once. If you can always have the right talent for each location then you effectively have all of them so why have an interface or switching at all.


<Bronze Donator>
The only point I was making was that for Mythic progression you'll have to switch. Wow encounters aren't forgiving enough prior to being on farm to allow your raid to have people with sub optimal specs. There isn't a choice there. So all Blizzard did was create a time sink for raiders. What I heard is they thought people were switching too much in beta. My assumption is this would be for dungeons. So allow people to talent switch for the first minute of a dungeon then lock them or whatever. It's just dumb for raiding.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The talent swap is dumb and the way they are handling offspecs is also dumb, ie you have to decide where to put artifact power. I really wish that all artifact power gained could just have an 80 percent or so go to offspecs.


Got something right about marriage
Offspecs are dumb, period. Talent trees belong in games like Diablo 2 with short leveling curves and multiple builds that add to replayability.

That kind of gameplay has no place in an MMO with a much longer leveling curve because you get the mess you have in WoW.


PTR gold farming nerfs are out.

MoP Era Potions of Luck are being turned into a vendor item/can no longer be crafted. Smuggled Sack of Gold removed (was 50GR for 12.5ish gold). Gold Garrison missions give GR now. Cataclysm raid drop items sell for almost half of what they currently sell for (25 Heroic gold is still around 225, though). Follower upgrade item/tokens vendor for 1 copper.


The only point I was making was that for Mythic progression you'll have to switch. Wow encounters aren't forgiving enough prior to being on farm to allow your raid to have people with sub optimal specs. There isn't a choice there. So all Blizzard did was create a time sink for raiders. What I heard is they thought people were switching too much in beta. My assumption is this would be for dungeons. So allow people to talent switch for the first minute of a dungeon then lock them or whatever. It's just dumb for raiding.
What timesink are you fucking talking about? Plop down arespec tome, respec. They even addedfun-sized personal tomesbecause of people like you bitching about it. If you start complaining about the cost next, maybe you should stay out of Mythic. Personally I'm gonna be eating these things like oreos. Fuck it, I'll use em in my class hall just for the hell of it; I've got plenty of gold.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Smuggled Sack of Gold removed (was 50GR for 12.5ish gold).
Was kinda expecting that one. It would be slightly more time consuming, but your former treasure hunters being 3x GR instead, you'd rack in quite a few gold.
Follower upgrade item/tokens vendor for 1 copper.
Didn't see that one coming. There's not enough of them coming out to really provide more than maybe 100g per day even with a bunker and crates. But they really want zero reason to remain in Garrison.


Registered Hodor
The only things that will be worth anything from garrisons will be the 30 slot bags. And any pets or mounts I guess.

With all of the gold missions being converted to GR, and treasure hunters being converted to scavengers, I look forward to having full 30 slot bags on all of my alts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Offspecs are dumb, period. Talent trees belong in games like Diablo 2 with short leveling curves and multiple builds that add to replayability.

That kind of gameplay has no place in an MMO with a much longer leveling curve because you get the mess you have in WoW.
It would have been more useful when levelling took long, making gold was important and tanks/healers sucked ass at doing it, like in Vanilla or TBC. I remember my tank friend always complaining because I could far faster and better with my elemental shaman compared to her protadin. 50g a shot for respec was not a trivial amount, so yeah... I can see where the dual spec idea came from.


<Bronze Donator>
What timesink are you fucking talking about? Plop down arespec tome, respec. They even addedfun-sized personal tomesbecause of people like you bitching about it. If you start complaining about the cost next, maybe you should stay out of Mythic. Personally I'm gonna be eating these things like oreos. Fuck it, I'll use em in my class hall just for the hell of it; I've got plenty of gold.
Harsh. I'm not in beta. I know there's the inscription item. It's dumb either way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
PTR gold farming nerfs are out.

MoP Era Potions of Luck are being turned into a vendor item/can no longer be crafted. Smuggled Sack of Gold removed (was 50GR for 12.5ish gold). Gold Garrison missions give GR now. Cataclysm raid drop items sell for almost half of what they currently sell for (25 Heroic gold is still around 225, though). Follower upgrade item/tokens vendor for 1 copper.
Time to sell the saved weapon/armor enhancements. I was hoping someday they might make them account bound or that I might build a race based follower garrison.