World of Warcraft: Current Year


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I never got that quest. Just the invasion one... And you go to Stormwind as a Horde player?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Okay you are on the right path then just finish up the invasion quest stuff then you should have to hand a letter in to anduin for alliance and then talk to the illidari and suddenly demons appear in stormwind castle. Once you finish that part you will talk to the king and then the illidari again who send you out towards the harbor on an overlook where some other illidari are. It is where the nether shard vendor is and that quest giver who tells you to do invasions is also going to be the one you will talk to once the expansion goes live. I am sure you will get a new auto quest notification when that happens so don't worry to much about it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So you're saying Alliance can go to Dalaran before Horde players?

That's racist.


The invasions are supposed to grow larger/be in more zones aren't they? It might be coming very soon.

Also as far as Vol'Jin goes: I'm sort of sad to see it happen already, I think he would have made a super interesting Warchief but he didn't do anything at all.. just jerked it in Tanaan Jungle for 2 years and then got rekt.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I never got that quest. Just the invasion one... And you go to Stormwind as a Horde player?

Doh no for horde the quest is a bit different. After shattered isles you go to ogrimar and then talk to vol'jin and watch the cutsceen for that. After that is done you will go out to talk to sylvanas and pledge your loyalty to your new war chief. After that the illidari appear and you talk to them and they point out all the demons you are hob knobbing with. You go slay a bunch and then finish that quest up. He sends you to a guy up by the flight paths on that mesa behind the main entrance area. That is the guy who will give horde players the quest to go to dalaran eventually.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No both should be able to go there at around the same time. If it really is in game now it should be something you can just fly down to darkwind pass and see. I did not get a chance to check that out last night but quest wise horde and alliance players have two different paths but they all lead to dalaran at the same time because dalaran is both factions capital in the expansion and where all the artifact quests start.


Tranny Chaser
I tried out the Demon Hunter for giggles and I also feel that something is missing. When I tried out Death Knights I really felt the experience captured the "class fantasy" to use the recently invoked terminology, but I dont get that from the Demon Hunter at all.

I feel that the Windwalker Monk or even the Rogue variants serve the agile melee class archetype better than the Demon Hunter does. Maybe it has to do with the nature of the Demon Hunters themselves as it seems that every other class can hunt demons just as well as they can, if not better, without needing to blind themselves and consort with demonic powers. Illidan works well as a singular tragic figure in a narrative but perhaps not as an Emo-Kryptonian player character.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I also find it a bit odd they chose yet another leather wearing light melee right after monks and three melee classes in a row since release but if they were ever going to do demon hunters now is pretty much the time. And of all the random classes that have been bandied about demon hunters are pretty much the most commonly asked for one.


A Mod Real Quick
If you're just playing the DK experience now, that shit has been fleshed out for a long time.

If you rolled a DK at release you laughed at how incredibly stupid OP they were for levelling and for dungeons. I remember queueing for TBC dungeons and doing like 300% the DPS of the rest of the group combined


Mr. Poopybutthole
Still not sure what class I'm going to main. I like classes with flexibility, so leaning towards Monk, Paladin, or Druid.

I mained a Brewmaster in MOP, but didn't play much WoD. I don't really like the new feel of Brewmasters. The playstyle feels gutted to me (although they might be in the same position they were before, comparative to the other tank changes). One thing I loved was their self-sustain, and decent DPS. But both of those were reduced quite a bit. The Vengeance Demon Hunter feels more like old Brewmasters than the current one does.

That said, I actually REALLY like the Mistweaver changes. Most enjoyable healing class I think I've ever played in WoW.


WW monk is a skull crusher, really like mistweaver too. Very very strong stuff. Plus you get to sweep da leg (also really strong ability).


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Bought one of those 150 shard weapon upgrade things without researching them first. Lolooolz 5ilvl boost. Yeah, no. I'll just buy jewelry and the pet and call it an invasion day.
Full xmog set, cape, pet, and that's done. No need for anything else.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Full xmog set, cape, pet, and that's done. No need for anything else.
Ideally you want to get all the weapons you can get your hands on too just for the looks as all the weapon drops are unique so nice down the road for transmog goodness. And we have a few weeks to kill so may as well catchem all.


Confirmed Male
Just saving up for xmogs, toy, and gearing up ilvl 700 pieces for my undergeared alts. Invasions are kinda meh, not complaining, just underwhelmed. Honestly I like the visions? better than the invasions. Having a big raid size boss spawn in the middle of a main city causing havoc is something I appreciate more than killing random spawning shit out in the middle of nowhere (or outside a main hub).


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
The invasions are supposed to grow larger/be in more zones aren't they? It might be coming very soon.
At the moment, you only have two zones active at any time. I assume that they're going to move to 3 this weekend, 4 next Wednesday, 5 next weekend, and the last week is going every zone round the clock.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Ideally you want to get all the weapons you can get your hands on too just for the looks as all the weapon drops are unique so nice down the road for transmog goodness. And we have a few weeks to kill so may as well catchem all.
Are the invasion weapons different looks from the scenario ones? Because I'm going to probably get those looks using the scenarios rather than rely on random drops...